How to turn off the location in Yandex browser


How to turn off the location in Yandex browser

Option 1: Computer

The location definition function implemented in Yandex.Browser for PCs can be disabled both for individual websites and for everyone at once.

Method 1: For individual sites

The easiest way is to solve the task when you first visit a particular site requested access to location. To do this, it is enough to click on the button "Block" in the window with the corresponding question.

Locking access to the location for the site in Yandex.Browser on PC

If the notification similar to the above does not appear, it means that earlier the web resource has already been granted access to geolocation or the ability to request such was disabled for a web browser as a whole. You can prohibit access to these data in the Yandex web browser settings.

  1. Using the main menu of the program, go to its "settings".
  2. Go to the Yandex.Braser Settings section on PC

  3. Next on the sidebar click on the Sites tab.
  4. Go to site settings in Yandex.Browser on PC

  5. Scroll through this block down and click on the "Advanced Site Settings" link.
  6. Open Advanced Site Settings in Yandex.Browser on PC

  7. Find the "Access location" block and go to the "Site Settings" link.
  8. Open site settings to access the location in Yandex.Browser on PC

  9. In the Allow tab, find the address of the site for which you want to prohibit access to the location. Mouse over to it the cursor pointer and click on the only available option - "Delete". If necessary, repeat a similar action with other sites.

    Delete allowed access to the location for the site in Yandex.Browser on PC

    Having finished with the settings, go to the web resource to which you do not want to provide access to geozzy. This time, the notification with the request will definitely appear, and it will be necessary to click "Block".

  10. Re-block access to the location for the site in Yandex.Browser on PC

    If you return to the Yandex.Bauser settings section, to which we came at the beginning of the current item (No. 5) of this part of the article, and go to the tab "Forbidden" there, you will see the addressed address in it. This will also send other websites that you forbid access to geolocation data.

    Method 2: For all sites

    From the previous part of the article, you can understand how the location is prohibited for all sites visited via Yandex.Bauzer. And yet, in this procedure there are several nuances worthy of attention.

    1. Repeat actions from paragraphs No. 1-3 of the previous method.
    2. Next, in the "Access to Location" block, select one of two options:
      • "Forbidden";
      • "Request permission."

      Access Settings for Location for Sites in Yandex.Browser on PC

      The first blocks not even accessing the site to geoction, and the request is such, that is, the notification simply does not appear, and the corresponding data will not be transmitted to the site. The second allows you to solve a question on the fact - when you first visit the site requests access, and you determine, "resolve" it or "block". This was the considered by us at the beginning of the first way.

    3. As in the previous case, the transition by the "Site Settings" link allows you to see what of which access to geolocation data is allowed, and for which it is prohibited.
    4. Work with location access settings for sites in Yandex.Browser on PC

      If necessary, you can delete the addresses from both the first list and from the second - it is enough to bring the cursor pointer to them and click on the relevant item.

      Option 2: Mobile devices

      In Yandex.Browser for iPhone and Android, the solution of our task is also carried out in two ways, here only a din of them is common to both mobile OS and allows you to prohibit access to geolocation data for individual sites, and the second is unique for each OS and limits the application as a whole .

      First of all, we consider how to block access to the location for sites when they are directly visited by an example of an Apple smartphone. In Android, this is done in the same way.

      1. Run Yandex.Browser and go to the same site for which you want to disable access to geo-section data.
      2. Transition to the site with a request to the location in Yandex.Browser on the iPhone

      3. Wait until the pop-up window appears with the query and tap it on the button "Do not resolve".
      4. Do not allow the site access to the location in Yandex.Browser on the iPhone

      5. If the appropriate notification does not appear, it means that you are either already banned for a particular site access to your geolocation, or, on the contrary, provided it earlier.
      6. Initiate the reappearance of this window to change the solution, by cleaning the browser data, which is made one of two ways:

  • Application menu: "Settings" - "Clear Data" - Select items to delete - "Clear".
  • Clear all Yandex.Bauser application data on the phone through the menu

  • OS settings (Android only): "Settings" - "applications and notifications" - "show all applications" - Yandex.Bruezer (called just a browser) - "Storage and cache" - "Clear cache" - "Clear data" - choose the necessary Data and confirm intention by pressing the "Clear" button.

    Clear cache and application data Yandex.Browser on Android

    In iOS, the task is solved only by a complete reinstalling application, that is, first need to be removed, and then reload from the App Store.

Read more: Delete and install applications on iPhone


Usually applications request the permission necessary for their operation during the first launch, the further management of them is carried out in the Android settings.

Note: In the following example, a smartphone with "clean" Android 10 is used. In other versions of the OS, as well as on devices with branded shells, the names of some menu items and their location may differ, but not critically. Therefore, just look for close in meaning and logic designation.

  1. Open the "Settings" of the operating system and go to the "Applications and Notifications" section.
  2. Go to Application and Notifications on the smartphone with Android

  3. Next, click "Show all applications".
  4. Show all applications on smartphone with Android

  5. In the list of the installed software, find Yandex.Bauzer (most likely, it will be called a browser, but have a recognizable logo) and tap on this item.
  6. Go to the application parameters browser on smartphone with Android

  7. Touch the "Permissions" item.
  8. Open permissions Browser application on smartphone with Android

  9. Go to the "Location" subsection.

    Open location permissions for a browser application on a smartphone with Android

    Next, select the preferred option from the list available:

    • "Allow in any mode";
    • "Allow only use";
    • "To prohibit."

    Choose a suitable location resolution for a browser on a smartphone with Android

    The first point, in view of the topic under consideration, we clearly not suitable. The second, as can be understood, allows Yandex.Brazer (not separate sites) to access location only when used. The third - completely prohibits the receipt by the application of this data.

  10. Separate sites will continue to request access to geozzy until you allow them to receive or, on the contrary, prohibit by pressing the corresponding button in the notification window, which was discussed in paragraph No. 2 of the previous part of the article.


As in the Android environment, in Iios applications, you request the necessary permissions when you first start, and further manage them is carried out in the operating system settings.

  1. Open the "Settings" of iOS, scroll down them, find among the installed Yandex.Browser applications (called Yandex) and tap it on it.
  2. Find the Yandex app in IOS settings on the iPhone

  3. Next, go to the first subsection - "GEOPOSITION".
  4. Go to the geoposition parameters Yandex.Bauser on the iPhone

  5. Choose a preferred option:
    • "Never";
    • "Ask next time";
    • "When using the application."
  6. Location options for Yandex.Baurizer application on iPhone

    The first will completely forbid Yandex.Brazer to access geolocation data. The second is to determine it in the next use. The third will allow you to receive information only when using the application.

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