How to disable windows firewall


How to disable windows firewall
For various reasons, the user may need to disable the firewall built into Windows, but do not everyone know how to do it. Although the task, frankly, refers to pretty simple. See also: How to disable Windows 10 firewall.

The actions described below will allow you to disable the firewall in Windows 7, Vista and Windows 8.1 (8) quickly and easily.

Disable firewall

So, that's what you need to do to shut down:

Firewall settings

  1. Open the firewall settings, for which in Windows 7 and Windows Vista, click "Control Panel" - "Security" - "Windows Firewall". In Windows 8, you can start typing "Firewall" on the initial screen or in the desktop mode, we take the mouse pointer to one of the right angles, press "Parameters", then - "Control Panel" and in the Control Panel Open "Windows Firewall".
  2. In the firewall settings on the left, select "Enable and disable Windows Firewall".
    Windows firewall state
  3. Select the options you want, in our case, "disable Windows Firewall".

Disable Windows Firewall

However, in some cases, these actions are not enough for complete shutdown of the firewall.

Disable the firewall service

Go to the "Control Panel" - "Administration" - "Services". You will see a list of running services, including the Windows Firewall service in the "running". Right-click on this service and select "Properties" (or just double-click on it). After that, click the Stop button, then in the Start Type field, select "Disabled". Everything, now Windows Firewall is completely disabled.

Disable the firewall service

It should be noted that if you need to turn on the firewall again - do not forget to turn on and the service corresponding to it. Otherwise, the firewall does not start and writes "Windows Firewall failed to change some parameters." By the way, the same message may appear if there are other firewalls in the system (for example, the composition of your antivirus).

Why disable Windows Firewall

There is no direct need to disable the built-in Windows Firewall. This can be justified if you install another program that performs the functions of the firewood or in several other cases: in particular, for the operation of the activator of various pirated programs, this shutdown is required. I do not recommend using unlicensed software. However, if you disconnect the built-in firewall for these purposes, do not forget to include it upon completion of your divisions.

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