How to use Recuva Program


How to restore deleted files in the Recuva program

Recuva is a very useful application, with which you can restore files and folders that were permanently removed.

If you accidentally formatted a USB flash drive, or you needed deleted files after cleaning the basket, do not despair - Recuva will help return everything into place. The program has high functionality and convenience in finding missing data. We'll figure it out how to use this program.

How to use Recuva.

1. The first step - go to the developer's website and download the program. You can choose both free and commercial version. To restore data from the flash drive will be free enough.

How to download Recuva.

2. Install the program following the installer prompts.

Installation Recuva.

3. Open the program and proceed to use.

How to restore deleted files using Recuva

When starting Recuva gives the user the ability to configure the search parameters of the desired data.

1. In the first window, select the data type, it is the same format - image, video, music, archives, email, Word and Exel documents or files at once all types. Click on "Next"

Recovery in Recuva Step 1

2. In the next window, the file location selection is set - on a memory card or other removable media, in documents, a basket, or a specific disk place. If you do not know where to look for a file, choose "I'm not sure" ("I don't know").

Recovery in Recuva Step 2

3. Now Recuva is ready to search. Before it starts, you can activate the function of the in-depth search, however it will take longer. It is recommended to use this feature in cases where the search did not give results. Click "Start".

Recovery in Recuva Step 3

4. Before us is a list of data found. The green circle near the title means that the file is ready for recovery, yellow - that the file has damage, the red - the file is not subject to recovery. We put a tick opposite the desired file and click "Recover".

5. Select the folder on the hard disk to which the data needs to be saved.

Recovery in Recuva Step 5

READ ALSO: Step-by-step instructions for restoring lost files from a flash drive

Recuva properties, including search options, can be configured in manual mode. To do this, click "Switch to Advanced Mode" ("Go to Advanced Mode").

Now we can search on a specific disk or by file name, view information about files found or configure the program itself. Here are some important settings:

- Language. We go to "Options", on the "General" tab, choose "Russian".

Language in Recuva.

- On the same tab, you can disable the file search wizard to specify the search parameters manually immediately after the program is started.

- On the Actions tab, include files from hidden folders and closer files from damaged media.

Settings in Recuva.

In order for the changes to take effect, click "OK".

See also: Best File Recovery Programs

Now you know how to use Recuva and not lose the desired files!

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