Appointment of a cross-shaped cursor in the AutoCAD graphic field



Cross-shaped cursor is one of the main elements of the interface of the car. With it, the selection, drawing and editing operations are performed.

Consider its role and properties in more detail.

Appointment of a cross-shaped cursor in the AutoCAD graphic field

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The crucular cursor performs many functions in the working space of the auto channel. He is, a kind, sight, in whose field all drawn objects fall.

Cursor as a selection tool

Move the cursor on the segment and click the LKM - the object will be highlighted. Using the cursor, you can select a frame object. Indicate the initial and end point of the frame so that all the necessary objects can be completely in its area.

Purpose of the Cross-shaped cursor in AutoCAD 1

By clicking in a free field and hold down the LCM, you can circle all the necessary objects, after which they will become dedicated.

Purpose of the Cross-shaped cursor in AutoCAD 2

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Cursor as a drawing tool

Place the cursor in those places where the nodal points or the beginning of the object will be.

Purpose of the Cross-shaped cursor in AutoCAD 3

Activate binding. Favoring the "sight" to other objects, you can draw drawing, tosing to them. Read more about bindings on our website.

Appointment of a cross-shaped cursor in AutoCAD 4

Useful information: bindings in AutoCAD

Cursor as editing tool

After the object is drawn and highlighted, using the cursor you can change its geometry. Highlight the hub points of the object using the cursor and move them in the desired direction. Similarly, you can stretch the ribs of the shape.

Appointment of a cross-shaped cursor in AutoCAD 5

Cursor Setup

Go to the program menu and select "Parameters". On the Selection tab, you can specify several cursor properties.

Appointment of a cross-shaped cursor in AutoCAD 6

Set the cursor magnitude, moving the slider in the section "Size of the Break". Set the color to highlight the window at the bottom.

Appointment of a cross-shaped cursor in AutoCAD 7

We advise you to read: how to use AutoCAD

You got acquainted with basic actions that cannot be performed without the help of a cross-shaped cursor. In the process of studying the auto channel, you can use the cursor for more complex operations.

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