iTunes: Error 27


iTunes: Error 27

Working with Apple's gadgets on a computer, users are forced to access the help of iTunes, without which the device management becomes impossible. Unfortunately, the use of the program does not always go smoothly, and users are often encountered with the most different errors. Today it will be about error iTunes with code 27.

Knowing the error code, the user will be able to determine the approximate cause of the problem, which means that the elimination procedure is somewhat simplified. If you encounter an error 27, then it must tell you that in the process of recovery or updating the Apple device there are problems with hardware.

Methods for solving error 27

Method 1: Update iTunes on the computer

First of all, you will need to make sure that your computer has the most recent version of iTunes. If updates are detected, they must be installed, and then restart the computer.

See also: How to update iTunes on your computer

Method 2: Disconnect the operation of the antivirus

Some antivirus and other protective programs can block some iTunes processes, because of which the user can see the error 27 on the screen.

To solve the problem in this situation, you will need to disable all anti-virus programs for a while, restart iTunes, and then repeat the attempt to restore or update the device.

If the recovery or update procedure has ended normally, without any errors, then you will need to go to the anti-virus settings and add iTunes program to the exception list.

Method 3: Replace USB Cable

If you use an unoriginal USB cable, even if it is certified by Apple, it must be replaced with the original one. Also, the replacement of the cable must be made if there are any damage (bending, twist, oxidation, and the like) on the original).

Method 4: Fully charge the device

As already mentioned, the error 27 is the cause of hardware problems. In particular, if the problem arose due to the battery of your device, then its full charging can eliminate the error for a while.

Disconnect the Apple device from the computer and charge the battery completely. After that, connect the device to the computer again and try to restore or update the device.

Method 5: Reset Network Settings

Open the application on the Apple device "Settings" and then go to the section "Basic".

iTunes: Error 27

In the bottom area of ​​the window, open the item "Reset".

iTunes: Error 27

Select "Reset network settings" And then confirm the execution of this procedure.

iTunes: Error 27

Method 6: Restore the device from the DFU mode

DFU is a special recovery mode of an Apple device that is used to troubleshoot. In this case, we recommend recovering your gadget through this mode.

To do this, turn off the device, and then connect it to the computer using a USB cable and run the iTunes program. In iTunes, your device will not be defined while it is disabled, so now we need to transfer the gadget to DFU mode.

To do this, clamp the power button on the device for 3 seconds. After that, without releasing the power button, clamp the "Home" button and keep both keys for 10 seconds. Release the power button by continuing to hold the "home", and keep the key until the device is defined iTunes.

iTunes: Error 27

In this mode, only the device is available to you, so let's start by clicking the button "Restore iPhone".

iTunes Error 27.

These are the main methods that allow you to solve an error 27. If you have not been able to cope with the situation, perhaps the problem is much more serious, and therefore, without a service center in which diagnostics will be carried out, it may not do.

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