Opera Extensions for VKontakte


Extensions for the Opera browser and VKontakte website

Vkontakte's social network is not only one of the most popular web resources in Russia, but also in the world. Her services enjoy millions of people. It is not surprising that the developers, with the help of various additions, want to integrate browsers with this social network. Let's consider the most popular extensions for working on VKontakte website in the Opera browser.

Installation expansion

Most of the supplements for work on the social network VKontakte are installed in the same way as other extensions for the opera - through the official website. After calling the main menu of the program, we sequentially go through the list items - "Extensions" and "Load Extensions".

Go to the Opera extension download site

Going to the extension site to search for an addition, if you know its name, you can use a special search form, or by moving to the "Social Networks" section, select the expansion by its description.

Search extensions for VK for Opera browser

To install the selected extension, click on the large green button "Add to Opera".

Adding extension Download music in VKontakte for Opera

After the installation is complete, the inscription on the button will change on "installed".

Extension Download Music VKontakte for Opera installed

Now consider the most popular extensions of the Opera browser to work in the social network VKontakte, and study their main opportunities.


Vkopt extensions for Opera browser

The most popular extension for integration with the social network VKontakte in the browser opera is Vkopt. This is a comprehensive tool that integrates the service as much as possible and the web browser. With this extension, you can change the design of VKontakte pages, according to the user preferences, setting various background images, the location of the menu, etc.

Extension helps conveniently download photos, as well as download music and videos on the computer with VKontakte, it is impossible to make standard browser tools. In addition, through the VKOPT settings, you can enable additional information, for example, data on the music album.

Install Vkopt for Opera

Download music VKontakte

Launch download music in extension download music vkontakte for Opera

By the name of the expansion "Download Music VKontakte" immediately becomes clear its function. This is a narrow-controlled supplement for the opera, which is intended solely for downloading music tracks to the computer. Popularity Expansion has acquired because of the ease of working with it. In order to download the music file with a popular VKontakte network, it is enough to click on the icon inverted down the arrows, which the extension generates near every musical track in this social service.

Old design VK

Expansion Old VC design for Opera browser

Considerable amount of the user's new design of the VKontakte social network did not like. For them, the "Old Design VC" extension was created, which, with just one click on the button on the toolbar, can return the previous interface of the popular portal in the opera browser.

Informer VKontakte

Expansion Informer VKontakte for Browser Opera

Expansion "Informer VKontakte" is intended to notify the user about various events in this social network, even when it is on other sites. All events are flashed through the icon on the Opera browser toolbar.

The expansion is noting about new applications as a friend, personal messages, invitations in groups and games, marks in photos and video recordings, I like "I like", and about a lot. What kind of events will signal the addition, the user can set itself in its settings.

Kenzo vk.

Extension Kenzo VK for Opera browser

The Kenzo VK extension has a number of useful features. The most important of them is the indication of the bitrate for music tracks in the social network VKontakte. In addition, this supplement removes advertising blocks, obsessive offers of friends, has a chobbler, and other minor possibilities.

The above lists the most popular extensions for working with the social network VKontakte in the Opera browser in the main directions. At the same time, any Opera additions of Opera additions in the "social networks" section will be able to find many other extensions to interact with this popular Internet portal.

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