How to make pop art portrait in photoshop


How to make pop art portrait in photoshop

Photoshop is a truly wonderful tool in the hands of a knowledgeable person. With it, it is possible to change the original image so much that it will turn into an independent product.

If you do not give rest of the glory Andy Warhol, then this lesson is for you. Today, we will make a portrait in the style of pop art from the usual photo using filters and corrective layers.

Pop Art Portrait

For processing, almost any pictures will be suitable for us. It is difficult to present in advance how the filters will work, so the selection of a suitable photo can take a fairly long time.

Source image for pop art in Photoshop

The first step (preparatory) will be the separation of the model from the white background. How to do this, read the article on the link below.

Lesson: How to cut an object in photoshop


  1. We remove the visibility from the background layer and discolor the cut-out model with the CTRL + SHIFT + U keys. Do not forget to go to the corresponding layer.

    Discoloration of the working layer in Photoshop

  2. In our case, the shadows and light are not very well expressed in the image, so we press the Ctrl + L key combination, causing "levels". We move the extreme sliders to the center, amplifying the contrast, and click OK.

    Contrast correction with photoshop

  3. Go to the "Filter - Imitation - defined edges" menu.

    Filter The defined edges in Photoshop

  4. "The thickness of the edges" and "intensity" is removed in zero, and "posting" give a value of 2.

    Setting the filter The defined edges in Photoshop

    The result should be approximately the same as in the example:

    The result of the filter is the defined edges in Photoshop

  5. The next step is the presolution. Create an appropriate correction layer.

    Corrective layer Postering in Photoshop

  6. The slider is dragging to the value 3. This setting can be individual for each image, but in most cases it is like a tripler. Look at the result.

    Setting the posting in photoshop

  7. Create a combined copy of the layers with a combination of hot keys Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E.

    Combined copy of the layers in Photoshop

  8. Next, take the "brush" tool.

    Selecting tool Brush in Photoshop

  9. We need to paint extra sections in the image. The algorithm is as follows: if we want to remove black or gray dots from white sections, then clamp Alt, taking a color sample (white) and paints; If we want to clean the gray color, do the same on the gray area; With black sites, all the same.

    Color Cleaning in Photoshp

  10. Create a new layer in the palette and drag it under a layer with a portrait.

    Creating a new layer in Photoshop

  11. Fill the layer as gray as in the portrait.

    Pouring layer gray in Photoshop

Postering is completed, go to toning.


To give the color, we will use the correction layer "Card Gradient". Do not forget that the correction layer should be at the very top of the palette.

Correcting a Cradient Code in Photoshop

To color portrait, we will need a three-color gradient.

Three-color gradient in photoshop

After selecting the gradient, click on the window with the sample.

Sample gradient in photoshop

The edit window opens. This is further important to understand what a checkpoint for what is responsible. In fact, everything is simple: the extreme left tones black sections, the average is gray, the extreme right is white.

Celebration points of the gradient in Photoshop

Color is configured as follows: Click twice on the point and choose color.

Setting the color of the control point of the gradient in Photoshop

Thus, configuring colors for checkpoints, we achieve the desired result.

The result of creating a portrait in the style of pop art in Photoshop

At this end, the lesson to create a portrait in the style of pop art in Photoshop. This method you can create a huge number of color options and place them on the poster.

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