How to disable Yandex plus subscription


How to disable Yandex plus subscription

Important! You can cancel the Yandex plus subscription only by the same method with which it was drawn up. That is, if this was done through the official website, you will need to contact it if on the mobile device - depending on the OS, to the application, branded store or system parameters.

Option 1: Browser

If you decorated the Yandex Plus subscription in the browser on a PC or a mobile device, then it is necessary to cancel it through it. This is done as follows:

Main page Yandex.

  1. Go to the link presented above and click on the name of your profile located in the upper right corner (about the photo).
  2. Calling the menu of your profile on the main page of Yandex in the browser

  3. Select Plus Active.
  4. Selecting an item for cancellation of a subscription on the main page of Yandex in the browser

  5. Once on the Yandex Plus service page, call it menu by pressing the three horizontal bands designated below.
  6. Calling the Yandex Plus Service menu in the browser

  7. Click on "Log in to Account."
  8. Log in to your account on the Yandex Plus Service page in the browser

  9. Enter the login from your Yandex account and click "Log in",

    Enter login to enter your account on the Yandex plus service page in the browser

    Then specify the password from it and again use the "Login" button.

  10. Enter a password to enter your account on the Yandex Plus Service page in the browser

  11. Authorized in the account, click on the "Subscription Active" link, and then "Popup Management".
  12. Jump to the management of the Popular Yandex plus in the browser on the PC

  13. On the next page you can disable the subscription to the plus. If it was issued not through the official service, the following notification will be indicated there: "To manage a subscription, go to the App Store / Google Play Market", depending on where it was issued.

    The need to go to the App Store to manage the subscription Yandex plus in the browser

    Click "Cancel Subscription",

    Cancel Action Subscription Yandex plus in a browser on PC

    Check out the warning about what services and when (starting with what date) you will lose access, after which you confirm your intentions.

  14. Confirm the cancellation of the subscription of Yandex Plus in the browser on PC

    The automatic extension of the subscription to the Yandex plus will be disabled, but it can still be used until the end of the paid period.

    Important! If the submission of a subscription to plus is carried out until the end of the trial period, the next payment will not be written off the card, but it will not be possible to re-use this free offer, at least in the near future. In addition, the three-month period after the failure of the trial will be reduced to the current month.

    Option 2: Android

    To be from the service of the Yandex plus service on Android, if it was drawn up on a mobile device, one of two ways can be in appendix and google play markete.

    Method 1: Appendix

    In order to cancel the subscription to the plus, you must refer to the settings of the application through which it was drawn up. Consider the two most popular examples - Yandex.Music and Kinopoisk HD.


    1. Run the application and go to the bottom navigation panel to the Collection tab or click on the above image of your profile and immediately go to the third step of the instruction.
    2. Transition to the profile parameters in the Yandex.Music application to cancel the subscription to the plus on Android

    3. Touch your profile icon located in the upper right corner.
    4. Transition to the management of the profile in the Yandex.Music application to cancel the subscription to the plus on Android

    5. Tap "Set up a PLUS subscription".
    6. Go to the subscription setting in the Yandex.Music application to cancel the subscription to the plus on Android

    7. Scroll down a little down the web service page that will be open,

      Transition to the cancellation of the Yandex Plus subscription on the service site on the phone with Android

      and click on the "Cancel Subscription" button.

    8. Start Cancellation of the Yandex Plus Subscription on the Service Website on the phone with Android

    9. Next, you will be invited to temporarily freeze the current subscription instead of completely abandoning it. If this option suits, select the desired interval - 2, 4 or 8 weeks. To confirm, use the "Freeze subscription to the No Week" button. For complete cancellation, tap the "Cancel Subscription Forever" button located slightly below and confirm your solution.
    10. Offer to freeze and the ability to cancel the subscription of Yandex plus on the site of the service on the phone with Android

    Kinopoisk HD.

    1. Open the application and go to its bottom panel to the last right tab, where the profile icon is depicted.
    2. Go to the parameters of the profile in the X-Moving HD application to cancel the subscription to the plus on Android

    3. Touch the inscription "Popup Management".
    4. Transition to the profile management in the X-Moving HD application to cancel a plus on Android

    5. Repeat the steps number 4-5 of the previous instruction.
    6. Freezing and confirmation of the cancellation of the subscription on the plus on the website Kinopoisk HD on Android

      If the plus was not issued through the official website of the service under consideration or within the web versions of other Yandex products, on the subscription control page opened through the application interface, the ability to fail to use it. In this case, the instruction will be executed from the first part of this article - despite the fact that in the example we used a PC browser, similar actions will be available for Android devices.

    Method 2: Google Play Market

    The above-mentioned Yandex applications allow you to connect and pay a subscription to a plus one of two ways - directly by a bank card or through the functionality of the playing market (the cost will be slightly higher). In the first case, in order to abandon the services provided, you will need to take advantage from the previous part of the article. In the second - refer to the corresponding section of the digital content store, which is as follows:

    1. Run Google Play Market and call it menu. For this, depending on the version of the application and the Android version installed on the device, press the three horizontal strips at the beginning of the search bar or perform the swipe on the screen from left to right, or if there are no three bands, tap your profile to the right.
    2. Go to Google Play Market Mobile on Android Mobile

    3. Go to the "Payments and Subscriptions" section.
    4. Go to Google Play Market to the Payment section and subscriptions on your mobile device with Android

    5. Then open the subscription subsection.
    6. Go to the Google Play Master Machine to Manage Subscriptions on Mobile Device with Android

    7. In the list of active, find the Yandex application, which previously connected plus, and tap it.
    8. Selection in the Google Play menu of the Yandex Application Market for Cancel Subscriptions on Plus On Mobile Device with Android

    9. Use the "Cancel Subscription" button at the bottom.
    10. Selection in the Google Play Point Master Menu for Cancellation of the Yandex Plus On Mobile Device with Android

    11. Select the reason you decide to abandon the services provided by the service and click "Continue".
    12. Specify the reasons for the cancellation of a subscription to Yandex Plus on Google Play Market on Android

    13. Familiarize yourself with the description when the subscription is canceled and access to what capabilities you will lose after, then tap the "Cancel Subscription" button.
    14. Final confirmation Cancellation of a subscription to Yandex Plus on Google Play Market on Android

      The Yandex Plus subscription will be canceled, but will continue to act within the paid period during which you can restore it for free. All applications and services features will be available until the specified date.

      Result Cancellation of a subscription to Yandex Plus on Google Play Market on Android

      Option 3: iPhone

      If the service subscription was drawn up in one of the Yandex applications (for example, Yandex.Music or film engines) for the iPhone, you can cancel it in the iOS App Store. This is the only available method, more precisely, its two variations - the application menu will redirect you to the site with further recommendations.

      Method 1: App Store

      1. Run the STOR APP and, being on one of the three first tabs, tap on the image of your profile located in the upper right corner of the screen.
      2. Go to the management of your profile in the App Store on the iPhone

      3. Use the Subscription item.
      4. Transition to subscription management in the profile parameters in the App Store on the iPhone

      5. In the "Existing" list, find "Yandex Plus" (one of Yandex applications) and tap this item.
      6. Select the current Yandex plus subscription in the profile parameters in the App Store on the iPhone

      7. Scroll through the opened page down,

        View subscription information Yandex plus in the profile parameters in the App Store on the iPhone

        Click "Cancel Subscription"

        Cancel Yandex Plus Subscription in the profile parameters in the App Store on the iPhone

        And confirm your intentions in the pop-up window.

      8. Confirmation of the cancellation of the Yandex Plus subscription in the profile parameters in the App Store on the iPhone

      Method 2: "Settings" iOS

      1. Open the "Settings" of the mobile operating system and select the first item - image of your profile and name.
      2. Go to managing your Apple ID in iOS settings on the iPhone

      3. Tap the section "Subscriptions".
      4. Go to view subscriptions in your Apple ID in iOS settings on the iPhone

      5. Frack page a bit down

        View subscription information to cancel Yandex plus in your Apple ID in iOS settings on the iPhone

        Find connected with Yandex Plus application in the "current" list, select it and follow the steps from the last step of the previous instruction.

      6. Canceling Yandex Plus Subscriptions in iOS settings on iPhone

        As in the cases considered above, the subscription to the plus will be disabled, but still available for use until paid or a trial period. If you fail to disable the service of service services this way, use the instruction from the first part of this article.

        Option 4: Subscription via Mobile Operator

        If the subscription to the Yandex plus service was issued through a mobile operator, it can be canceled by one of several methods, which depends on the service provider. This can be done in the Personal Account, through an SMS or USSD command either in a mobile application. Briefly consider common examples.


  • Personal Area;
  • Sending a USSD request * 107 #.

Subscription will continue to act until the end of the paid period.

Tele 2

  • Personal Area;
  • Sending a USSD request * 942 * 0 #.

The subscription will be disabled on the day of its cancellation, the remaining paid days burn.

Tinkoff Mobile

The ability to cancel a subscription is available only in the Bank's mobile application - for this you need to go to the tab, in the name of which appears "Yandex", click "Disable subscription", and then confirm the decision.

Subscription will continue to act until the end of the paid period.

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