How to restore the browser history


How to restore the browser history

The history of visits to sites is the built-in browser function. This useful list provides the ability to view the web pages that were inappropriately closed or not saved in bookmarks. However, it happens that the user accidentally deleted an important element in history and would like to return it, but does not know how. Let's wonder possible actions that will allow you to restore the log view.

Restoring the remote web browser history

There are several possibilities to solve the situation: use your account, activate a special program, run a system rollback or see the browser cache. Actions for example will be made in a web browser Google Chrome..

Method 1: Use Google Account

You will be much easier to restore the remote history if you have your account on Gmail (in other web browsers, there is also the ability to create accounts). This is a way out of the situation, since the developers have provided the ability to store history in the account. Everything works like this: your browser is connected to the cloud storage, thanks to this, its settings are saved in the cloud and, if necessary, all information can be restored.

Lesson: Create an account in Google

The following steps will help you activate synchronization.

  1. In order to synchronize, you need to press Google Chrome in the "Settings" menu.
  2. Opening a menu in Google Chrome

  3. Click "Login Chrome".
  4. Login to Google Chrome

  5. Next, all the necessary data of your account are introduced.
  6. Entering data in Google Chrome

  7. In "Settings", at the top is visible to link "Personal Account" by clicking on it, you will go to a new page with information about everything that is stored in the cloud.
  8. Personal Cabinet in Google Chrome

Method 2: Use the Handy Recovery program

First you need to find the folder in which history is stored, for example, Google Chrome.

  1. Run the Handy Recovery program and open the "disc C".
  2. Opening a disc in Handy Recovery

  3. We go to the "Users" - "AppData" and looking for the "Google" folder.
  4. Opening a folder in Handy Recovery

  5. Click the "Restore" button.
  6. Recovery with Handy Recovery

  7. A window will unfold on the screen where you need to select a recovery folder. Select the one in which the browser files are located. Below in the frame, mark all the elements and confirm by clicking "OK".
  8. Selecting a folder for recovery in Handy Recovery

Now restart Google Chrome and observe the result.

Lesson: How to use Handy Recovery

Method 3: Restoring the operating system

You may find a way to roll back the system until the time to delete history. To do this, it is necessary to make the actions below.

  1. Press the right-click on the "Start" then go to the control panel.
  2. Windows Control Panel

  3. Deploy the "View" element with a list and choose "small badges".
  4. Set the size of icons in the Windows pane

  5. Now we are looking for a "restoration" item.
  6. Select the Recovery Element in Windows

  7. We need a section "Running system recovery".
  8. Starting recovery in windows

A window will appear with available recovery points. You must select the one that preceded the time to delete history, and activate it.

Lesson: How to create a recovery point in windows

Method 4: through the cache of the browser

In case you deleted the history of Google Chrome, but did not cleanse the cache, you can try to find the sites you used. This method does not give a 100% guarantee that you will find the desired website and you will be visible only to the latest visits on the network through this web browser.

  1. We enter the following to the address bar of the browser:

    Chrome: // Cache /

  2. Input to the search string Google Chrome

  3. On the browser page, the cache of websites you have visited lately. Using the proposed list, you can try to find the site you need.

Cache in Google Chrome

These basic ways to restore the remote history of the browser should help you cope with the problem.

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