How to draw lines in photoshop


How to draw lines in photoshop

Lines, as well, and other geometric elements, are an integral part of the work of the Photoshop wizard. Using lines, mesh, contours, segments of various shapes are created, the skeletons of complex objects are built.

Today's article will be fully dedicated to how you can create lines in Photoshop.

Creating lines

As we know from the course of school geometry, lines are straight, broken and curves.


To create direct in Photoshop, there are several options using various tools. All major construction methods are given in one of the already existing lessons.

Lesson: Draw a straight line in Photoshop

Therefore, we will not linger in this section, and we will immediately move on to the next one.


The broken line consists of several straight segments, and can be closed, constituting a polygon. Based on this, there are a couple of ways to build it.

  1. Unlocked broken
  • The easiest solution to create such a line is the pen tool. With it, we can portray anything, starting with a simple angle and ending with a complex polygon. Read the instrument in the article on our website.

    Lesson: Pen tool in Photoshop - Theory and Practice

    In order to achieve the result we need, it is enough to put several reference points on the canvas,

    Support points for the broken line tool line in Photoshop

    And then bring the resulting contour by one of the tools (read the lesson about the feather).

    Pouring the contour created by the pen tool in Photoshop

  • Another option is to make a broken line of several straight lines. You can, for example, draw the initial element,

    Creating a first element for building a broken line in Photoshop

    After that, by copying the layers (Ctrl + J) and the "Free Transformation" options, turned on by pressing the Ctrl + T keys, create the necessary figure.

    Creating a broken line of several direct in Photoshop

  • Closed scrap
  • As we said earlier, such a line is a polygon. The methods of constructing polygons are two - using the appropriate tool from the "Figure" group, or by creating an arbitrary shape, followed by stroke.

    • Figure.

      Lesson: Tools for creating figures in Photoshop

      When applying this method, we obtain a geometric figure with equal angles and parties.

      Creating a polygon with equal corners and sides in Photoshop

      To get directly lines (contour), you must configure the stroke called "Stroke". In our case, it will be a solid barcode of the specified size and color.

      Setting up a closed lines of a closed broken line in Photoshop

      After turning off the fill

      Turning off the pouring of a polygon in Photoshop

      We will receive the required result.

      Broken line created by the figure figure in photoshop

      Such a figure can be deformed and rotated with the help of the same "free transformation".

    • Straight lasso.

      Tool Straight Lasso in Photoshop

      With this tool, you can build polygons of any configuration. After setting a few points, a dedicated area is created.

      Isolation of the rectilinear Lasso tool in Photoshop

      This selection should be circled, for which there is a corresponding function, which is caused by pressing the PCM on the canvas.

      Calling the function to perform the stroke of the selection in Photoshop

      In the settings, you can select the color, size and position of the stroke.

      Installing the stroke of the selected area in Photoshop

      To preserve the acute angles, the position is recommended to do "inside".

      Closed broken line created by a tool straight Lasso in Photoshop


    Curves have the same parameters as the broken, that is, can be closed and unclipped. You can draw a curve in several ways: tools "Feather" and "Lasso" using figures or selection.

    1. Unlocked
    2. Such a line can be depicted exclusively "pen" (with a circuit stroke), or "by hand". In the first case, a lesson will help us, the link to which is above, and in the second only a hard hand.

    3. Closed
    • Lasso.

      Lasso tool in Photoshop

      This tool allows you to draw closed curves of any form (segments). Lasso creates a selection that, to obtain a line, must be included in a known manner.

      Closed curve line created by a lasso instrument in Photoshop

    • Oval area.

      Tool oval area in photoshop

      In this case, the result of our actions will be the circumference of the correct or ellipsis form.

      Closed curve line created by an oval area in Photoshop

      For its deformation, it suffices to call "free transform" (Ctrl + T) and, after pressing the PCM, select the appropriate additional function.

      Function deformation in Photoshop

      On the mesh that appears, we will see markers, pulling for which, you can achieve the desired result.

      Deformation of the line created by the oval area in Photoshop

      It is worth noting that in this case the impact applies to the thickness of the line.

      The result of deformation of the line created by the oval area in Photoshop

      The following way will allow us to save all parameters.

    • Figure.

      We use the "Ellipse" tool and, applying the settings described above (as for a polygon), create a circle.

      Closed line created by an ellipse instrument in Photoshop

      After deformation, we obtain the following result:

      Deformation of the line created by the Ellipse instrument in Photoshop

      As you can see, the thickness of the line remained unchanged.

    On this lesson on creating lines in Photoshop is over. We have learned how to create straight, broken and curves lines in different ways using various program tools.

    You should not neglect the skills, since it is they who help build geometric shapes, contours, various grids and frames in the photoshop program.

    Read more