How to choose a video card to the motherboard


How to choose a video card under the system board

An additional (discrete) video adapter is necessary in cases where there is no built-in graphic chip in the processor and / or the computer requires correct operation in heavy games, graphic editors and video editing programs.

It must be remembered that the video adapter should be as compatible with the current graphics adapter and the processor. Also, if you plan to use a computer for heavy graphics operations, then make sure that the motherboard has the ability to install an additional cooling system for the video card.

About manufacturers

With the release of graphics cards for wide consumption, only a few large manufacturers are engaged. It is important to note that the production of graphics adapters is on NVIDIA technologies, AMD or Intel. All three corporations are engaged in the release and development of video cards, consider their key differences.

  • NVIDIA is the most famous company that is engaged in the release of graphic adapters for widespread consumption. Its products are originally focused on gamers and those who work professionally with video and / or graphics. Despite the high cost of products, many users (not even very demanding) give preference to this particular company. Its adapters are distinguished by reliability, high performance and good compatibility;
  • AMD is the main competitor NVIDIA, developing video cards on its own technology. In conjunction with the AMD processor, where there is an integrated graphics adapter, the "red" products provide the highest performance. AMD adapters are very fast, perfectly accelerated, but have some problems with overheating and compatibility with the processors of the "blue" competitor, but at the same time they are not very expensive;
  • AMD.

  • Intel - First of all, manufactures processors with an integrated graphics adapter according to own technology, but also produced production and individual graphic adapters. Intel's video cards are not distinguished by high performance, but they take their quality and reliability, so ideally suited for an ordinary "office machine." At the same time, the price of them is quite high;
  • Intel

  • MSI - releases video cards by NVIDIA patent. First of all, it comes to orientation on the owners of gaming machines and professional equipment. Products of this company are expensive, but at the same time productive, high-quality and practically do not cause compatibility issues;
  • MSI Logo

  • Gigabyte is another manufacturer of computer components, which gradually takes a course on the segment of gaming machines. Basically, it produces video cards using NVIDIA technology, but there were attempts to produce the AMD sample cards. The work of graphic adapters from this manufacturer does not cause any serious complaints, plus they have a slightly more acceptable price than MSI and NVIDIA;
  • Gigabyte logo

  • ASUS is the most famous manufacturer of computer equipment on the computer and components to them. Recently, it began to produce video cards according to the NVIDIA and AMD standard. In most cases, the company produces graphic adapters for gaming and professional computers, but there are also inexpensive models for homemade multimedia centers.
  • ASUS.

It is also worth remembering that video cards are divided into several basic series:

  • NVIDIA GeForce. This line is used by all manufacturers that release NVIDIA cards;
  • AMD Radeon. Used AMDs themselves and manufacturers producing products according to AMD standards;
  • Intel HD Graphics. Used only by Intel.

Courses under the video card

On all modern motherboards there is a special PCI type connector, with which you can connect an additional graphic adapter and some other components. At the moment it is divided into two main versions: PCI and PCI-Express.

The first option is rapidly obsolete and has not the best bandwidth, therefore it does not make sense to buy a powerful graphics adapter under it, because The latter will work only half of its power. But it copes well with budget graphics cards for "office machines" and multimedia centers. Also, be sure to see if the video card supports this type of connectivity. Some modern samples (even the budget segment) may not support such a connector.


The second option is often found in modern motherboards and is supported by almost all video cards, with the exception of very old models. It is better to buy a powerful graphics adapter (or several adapters), because Its tire provides maximum bandwidth and excellent compatibility with a processor, RAM and work with several video cards together. However, motherboards under this connector can be very expensive.

The PCI connector can be divided into several versions - 2.0, 2.1 and 3.0. The higher the version, the better the bandwidth of the tire and the operation of the video card in the bundle with other components of the PC. Regardless of the connector version, it will be easily set to install any adapter if it approaches this connector.

Also at very old motherboards can be found instead of the standard PCI connections, the AGP type socket. It is an outdated connector and no components are almost not produced under it, so if you have a very old motherboard, then a new video card under such a connector will be very difficult to find.

About video chips

Video chip is a mini-processor that is integrated into the video card design. The power of the graphics adapter depends on it and partly its compatibility with other components of the computer (primarily with the central processor and the motherboard chipset). For example, AMD and Intel video cards have video chips, which provide excellent compatibility with the manufacturer's processor, otherwise you seriously lose in productivity and quality of work.

Video chip

The performance of video chips, in contrast to the central processor, is not measured in nuclei and frequency, but in shader (computing) blocks. In essence, this is something similar to the mini-core of the central processor, only in the video cards the number of such can reach several thousand. For example, budget class maps have about 400-600 blocks, an average of 600-1000, high 1000-2800.

Pay attention to the chip manufacturing process. It is indicated in nanometers (nm) and should vary from 14 to 65 nm in modern video cards. From how small the value of the card's power consumption and its thermal conductivity depends greatly. It is recommended to buy models with the smallest value of the technical process, because They are more compact, less consume energy and most importantly - weaker overheat.

Effect of video memory on performance

The video memory something has a similarity with the operational, but the main differences are that it works a little by other standards and has a higher operating frequency. Despite this, it is important that the video memory is as compatible with RAM, the processor and the motherboard, because The motherboard supports a specific video memory, frequency and type.

The market now presents video cards with a frequency of GDDR3, GDDR5, GDDR5X and HBM. The latter is an AMD standard, which is used only by this manufacturer, so the equipment made according to the AMD standard may arise serious problems in working with components from other manufacturers (video cards, processors). By performance, HBM is something mean between GDDR5 and GDDR5X.

Planck video memory

GDDR3 is used in budget video cards with a weak chip, because To process a larger memory data stream, high computing power is needed. This type of memory has a minimum frequency on the market - in the range of 1600 MHz to 2000 MHz. It is not recommended to acquire a graphics adapter, in which the memory frequency is below 1600 MHz, because In this case, even weak games will terribly work.

The most running type of memory is GDDR5, which is used in the middle price category and even in some budget models. The clock frequency of this type of memory is about 2000-3600 MHz. In expensive adapters, an improved memory type is used - GDDR5X, which provides the highest data transfer rate, as well as having a frequency to 5000 MHz.

In addition to the type of memory, pay attention to its quantity. There are about 1 GB of video memory in budget cards, in the middle price category it is quite realistic to find models with 2 GB of memory. In a more expensive segment, a video card with 6 GB of memory can occur. Fortunately, for the normal functioning of most modern games, graphic adapters with 2 GB of video memory are quite enough. But if you need a gaming computer that can pull productive games and after 2-3 years, then buy video cards with the highest memory. Also, do not forget about the fact that it is best to give preference to the type of memory GDDR5 and its modification, in which case should not be chased over large volumes. It is better to buy a card with 2 GB GDDR5 than with 4 GB GDDR3.

Even pay attention to the bus width for data transmission. In no case should it have less than 128 bits, otherwise, you will have low performance in almost all programs. The optimal width of the tire varies within 128-384 bits.

Energy efficiency graphic adapters

Some system boards and power supplies are not able to maintain the required power and / or do not have special connections to connect the power of the demanding video card, so have it in mind. If the graphics adapter is not suitable for the reason for high energy consumption, then you can install it (if the remaining conditions are suitable), but do not get high performance.

The power consumption of video cards of different class is as follows:

  • The initial class is not more than 70 W. A card of this class without problems will work with any modern motherboard and power supply;
  • The middle class is within 70-150 W. For this, not all components will be suitable;
  • High-performance maps - around 150 to 300 W. In this case, a specialized power supply and motherboard will be required, which are adapted to the requirements of gaming machines.

Cooling in video cards

If the graphic adapter starts overheating, then it, like the processor, can not only fail, but also damage the integrity of the motherboard, which will later lead to a serious breakage. Therefore, the video cards will be seen in the built-in cooling system, which is also divided into several types:

  • Passive - in this case, it is not attached to the map or nothing for cooling, or only the radiator is involved in the process, which is not much more effective. Such an adapter is usually no high performance, therefore, more serious cooling for it without need;
  • Passive cooling

  • Active - there is already a full-fledged cooling system - with a radiator, a fan and sometimes with copper heat sink tubes. Can be used in videos of any type. One of the most effective cooling options;
  • Active cooling

  • Turbine - in many ways it looks like an active version. A rather massive case is attached to the card, where there is a special turbine pulling air at high power and driving it through the radiator and special tubes. Due to its dimensions can be installed only on large and powerful cards.
  • Turban cooling

Pay attention to the fact that the blades of the fan and the walls of the radiator are made. If large loads are assigned to the card, it is better to abandon models with plastic radiators and consider the option with aluminum. The best radiators with copper or iron walls. Also, for too "hot" graphic adapters, fans with metal blades are best suited, and not plastic, because Those may melt.

Dimensions of video cards

If you have a small and / or cheap system board, try to choose small graphic adapters, because Too large can get a weak motherboard or simply do not wear it if it is too small.

Separations on dimensions, as such. Some cards may be small, but these are usually weak models without any cooling system, or with a small radiator. The exact dimensions are better to specify on the manufacturer's website or in the shop when buying.

The width of the video card may depend on the number of connections on it. On cheap instances, one row of connections are usually present (2 pieces in a row).

Connectors on video card

The list of external inputs includes:

  • DVI - With it, it is connected to modern monitors, therefore this connector is present almost on all video cards. It is divided into two subtypes - DVI-D and DVI-I. In the first case, there is only a digital connector, in the second one there is an analog signal;
  • HDMI - With it, it is possible to connect modern TVs to the computer. There is only such a connector on the cards of the middle and high price category;
  • VGA - need to connect many monitors and projectors;
  • DisplayPort - There is only a small number of video card models, used to connect a small list of special monitors.

Conductors video cards

Also, be sure to pay attention to the presence of a special connectivity of additional nutrition on powerful video cards (models for "office machines" and multimedia centers it is not so necessary). They are divided into 6 and 8 pin. For correct operation, it is necessary that your maternal card and power supply unit support data connectors and their number of contacts.

Support for several video cards

Maternal cards of medium and large dimensions have several slots to connect video cards. Usually their number does not exceed 4 pieces, but in specialized computers there may be a little more. In addition to the availability of free connectors, it is important to make sure that video cards can work in a bundle with each other. To do this, take into account several rules:

  • The motherboard should support the work of several video cards in the bundle. Sometimes it happens that the necessary connector is available, but the motherboard supports only one graphics adapter, while the "extra" connector performs extremely spare feature;
  • All video cards must be made by one standard - NVIDIA or AMD. Otherwise, they will not be able to interact with each other and will conflict, which can also lead to a failure in the system;
  • On graphics boards, there must also be special connectors for a bundle with them from other adapters, otherwise you will not achieve performance improvement. If there are only one such connector on the maps, then only one adapter can be connected if the inputs are two, then the maximum number of additional video cards increases to 3, plus the main one.

There is another important rule regarding the maternal card - there must be support for one of the technologies of the video cards - SLI or CrossFire. The first is the brass NVIDIA, the second is AMD. As a rule, on most systemics, especially the budget and second-budget segment, there is support for only one of them. Therefore, if you have the NVIDIA adapter, and you want to buy another card from the same manufacturer, but the motherboard only supports AMD communication technology, you will have to replace the main video card on analogue from AMD and buy an additional from the same manufacturer.

Bunch of video cards

It does not matter what kind of ligament technology supports the motherboard - one video card from any manufacturer will work normally (if it is further compatible with the central processor), but if you want to set two cards, then you may have problems.

Let's look at the advantages of several video cards working in a bundle:

  • Increase in productivity;
  • Sometimes it is more profitable to buy an additional video card (in terms of price-quality ratio) than to install a new, more powerful;
  • If one of the cards fail, the computer will remain well workable and will be able to pull heavy games, however, already at lower settings.

There are also its cons:

  • Compatibility issues. Sometimes, when installing two video cards, performance can only worsen;
  • For stable operation, a powerful power supply and good cooling is required, because Energy consumption and heat transfer of several video cards that are installed nearby increases much;
  • They can produce more noise for reasons from the previous point.

When buying a video card, be sure to compare all the characteristics of the system board, the power supply and the central processor with the recommendations for this model. Also be sure to purchase the model where the greatest warranty is given, because This component of the computer is exposed to large loads and may fail at any time. The average warranty period varies within 12-24 months, but maybe more.

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