Articles #853

How to record music on the disk via nero

How to record music on the disk via nero
Who can imagine life without music? This applies to people who lead an active lifestyle - most often they listen to dynamic and fast music. People who...

How to delete Outlook account

How to delete Outlook account
Mail Client from Microsoft provides an intuitive and simple mechanism for working with accounts. In addition to creating new and configure already existing...

How to insert a picture in the Word

How to insert a picture in the Word
Quite often, work with documents in MS Word is not limited to the text only. So, if you print an essay, a methods, a brochure, some report, exchange...

How to remove the frames in the Word

How to remove the frames in the Word
We have already written about how to add a beautiful frame to the MS Word document and how to change it if necessary. In this article we will tell about...

How to make a book in the word

How to make a book in the word
Paper books are gradually moving into the background and, if a modern person reads something, then it does it, the cup of everything, from a smartphone...

How to draw a line in the Word

How to draw a line in the Word
If you at least sometimes use the MS Word text editor, you probably know that in this program you can not only recruit text, but also perform a number...

How to change the pages in the Word

How to change the pages in the Word
Often while working with documents in the MS WORD program there is a need to transfer those or data within a single document. Especially often such...

How to insert a document into Word Document

How to insert a document into Word Document
If you work with a large MS Word text document, to speed up the workflow, you can decide to split it into individual chapters and sections. Each of...

How to copy the table in the Word

How to copy the table in the Word
One of the numerous text editor of the MS Word text editor is a large set of tools and functions to create and change tables. On our site you can find...

How to record a video on the disk via nero

How to record a video on the disk via nero
Often you have to record movies and various videos on physical media for viewing on the road or on other devices. In this regard, the flash drives are...

How to make a continuation of the table in the Word

How to make a continuation of the table in the Word
On our site you can find several articles on how to create tables in the MS Word program and how to work with them. We gradually and exhaustively respond...

How to calculate the number of signs in WORD

How to calculate the number of signs in WORD
If you are working in the MS Word program, performing this or that task in line with the requirements put forward by the teacher, the boss or customer,...