How to draw a line in the Word


How to draw a line in the Word

If you at least sometimes use the MS Word text editor, you probably know that in this program you can not only recruit text, but also perform a number of other tasks. We have already written about many possibilities of this office product, if necessary, you can familiarize yourself with this material. In the same article, we will tell about how to draw a line or strip in the Word.


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Create a conventional line

1. Open the document in which you want to draw a line, or create a new file and open it.

Open File in Word

2. Go to the tab "Insert" where in the group "Illustrations" Press the button "Figures" And select the appropriate line from the list.

Menu Buttons Figures in Word

Note: Our example uses WORD 2016, in previous versions of the program in the tab "Insert" There is a separate group "Figures".

3. Draw a line by pressing the left mouse button at its start and released at the end.

4. The line you asked the length and direction will be drawn. After that, the MS WORD document will appear the mode of operation with the figures, which read the capabilities below.

Drawn Line in Word

Recommendations for creating and changing lines

After you draw a line, the Tab will appear in the Word "Format" in which you can change and edit the added figure.

Line change parameters in Word

To change the appearance of the line, expand the item menu "Styles of Figures" And select the one you like.

Sili Figures in Word

To make a dotted line in Word, expand the button menu "Styles of Figures" After clicking on the figure, and select the desired line type ( "Hatch" ) In chapter "Billets".

To draw not a straight, but curve line, select the appropriate line type in the section "Figures" . Click on the left mouse button and pull it to set one bend, click the second time for the next, repeat this action for each of the bends, and then click on the left mouse button twice to exit the line drawing mode.

Word Curve

To draw a free form line in the section "Figures" Choose "Polyline: hand drawn curve".

Arbitrary line in Word

To change the size of the drawn line field, highlight it and click on the button. "The size" . Set the necessary parameters of the width and height of the field.

Modified line size in Word

    Advice: Amend the size of the area that the line occupies can be used and use the mouse. Click one of the circles framing it, and pull it into the desired stron. If necessary, repeat the action and on the other side of the figure.

For shapes with nodes (for example, a curve line), the tool is available.

Changing the nodes of the shape in Word

To change the color of the shape, click on the button. "Contour of Figures" located in the group "Styles" And choose the appropriate color.

Color Figures in Word

To move the line, just click on it, to display the form of the figure, and move it to the desired place of the document.

Displaced Line in Word

On this, everything, from this article you learned how to draw (spend) in the Word. Now you know a little more about the possibilities of this program. We wish you success in its further development.

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