Articles #463

Error "0x8007042C - not working update" in Windows 10

Error "0x8007042C - not working update" in Windows 10
Updates for the Windows 10 operating system are available with frequent periodicity, but not always their installation occurs successfully. There is...

Why the sound is stuttered in windows 10

Why the sound is stuttered in windows 10
Many users of Windows 10 are facing various sounds in playing sound. The problem may be in system or hardware breakdowns, which should be found out....

How to disable Hyper-V in Windows 10

How to disable Hyper-V in Windows 10
Hyper-V is a Windows virtualization system that runs the default setting of system components. She is present in all versions of dozens except for Home,...

WSappX process loads disk on windows 10

WSappX process loads disk on windows 10
Quite often in Windows, there is an active consumption of computer resources by any processes. In most cases, they are quite substantiated, as they...

Setting up the router D-Link DSL-2500U

Setting up the router D-Link DSL-2500U
D-Link has been developing various network equipment. The list of models present a series using ADSL technology. It also includes a DSL-2500U router....

Restoring Windows 7 system through the "Command Line"

Restoring Windows 7 system through the "Command Line"
Many modern users underestimate the "Command Line" of Windows, considering it an unnecessary remnant of the past. In fact, it is a powerful tool with...

Failed to play Verified Windows 7

Failed to play Verified Windows 7
In some cases, during the initial configuration of the audio system of the computer under the control of Windows 7, you can encounter an error "Could...

Side panel for windows 7

Side panel for windows 7
One of the innovations that Windows Vista brought with him was a side panel with small visual gadgets of a variety of destination. In the following,...

How to assign a default printer in Windows 10

How to assign a default printer in Windows 10
Sometimes users have several printed devices in domestic use. Then, when preparing a document to a printout, you must specify an active printer. However,...

How to change the password on a Wi-Fi Beeline Router

How to change the password on a Wi-Fi Beeline Router
Wireless network users may encounter an Internet speed drop or high traffic flow. In most cases, this means that a third-party subscriber connected...

How to Clean Printer Print Queen in Windows 10

How to Clean Printer Print Queen in Windows 10
Now many users have a printer home. With it, you can print the necessary color or black and white documents without any difficulties. Running and configuring...

Skype does not start on the computer

Skype does not start on the computer
Skype By itself, a rather harmful program, and as soon as the minimum factor appears that affects his work, he immediately ceases to be launched. The...