Articles #360

Voice set of text in Google Documents

Voice set of text in Google Documents
The Google Company provides us with free use of several of its cloud services available in Google Drive. Today we will talk about one of them - documents,...

How to update iphone

How to update iphone
The key to the functionality and security of any advanced device is the timely update of the operating system to the last available version. This statement...

How to split the flash drive to sections

How to split the flash drive to sections
Initially, the entire space on a USB flash drive is represented as a single partition, and when formatting or working in the disk management menu, there...

What to do if the folder does not delete the folder

What to do if the folder does not delete the folder
Winners of USB drives periodically need to remove any objects to free the place and put new files there. However, sometimes, when trying to get rid...

The virus hides the files on the flash drive

The virus hides the files on the flash drive
Now the viruses have gained quite widespread and infect your computer can almost every user, without even suspecting it. There are several types of...

Firmware router D-Link DIR-300 NRU B7

Firmware router D-Link DIR-300 NRU B7
The need for a router firmware occurs only in cases where it is required to restore its operation or the developers of the machine have been updated,...

How to scan on the Canon Printer: 4 Working Movements

How to scan on the Canon Printer: 4 Working Movements
Now many users actively acquire printers of different models. Among the leaders in sales of such equipment is Canon, which in addition to printers became...

Restoring a flash drive via the command line

Restoring a flash drive via the command line
The appearance of broken sectors or software failures of USB flash drives often lead to its improper operation. Because of this, the recording / reading...

How to write text in a circle in photoshop

How to write text in a circle in photoshop
The use of circular inscriptions in photoshop is quite wide - from creating seals to the design of various postcards or booklets.Circular text Make...

How to make photos drawing in photoshop

How to make photos drawing in photoshop
Stylization of the photo always occupies beginners (and not very) photocophers. Without long prefaces, let's say that in this lesson you will learn...

How to draw a straight line in photoshop

How to draw a straight line in photoshop
Straight lines in the work of the Photoshop wizard may be needed in different cases: from the design of the cutting lines to the need to paint the geometric...

How to change the background in photoshop

How to change the background in photoshop
To replace the background when working in the photoshop editor, it is very often resorted. Most studio photos are made on a monophonic background with...