How to open "Explorer" in Windows 7


How to open a conductor in windows 7

"Explorer" is a built-in Windows file manager. It consists of the "Start" menu, desktop and taskbar, and is designed to work with folders and files in Windows.

Call "Explorer" in Windows 7

"Explorer" we use every time we work at the computer. That's how it looks like:

Explorer in windows 7

Consider the different opportunities to start working with this section of the system.

Method 1: Taskbel

The "Explorer" icon is in the taskbar. Click on it and the list of your libraries opens.

Calling the conductor from the taskbar in Windows 7

Method 2: "Computer"

Open the "Computer" in the "Start" menu.

Calling the conductor through the computer in Windows 7

Method 3: Standard Programs

In the Start menu, open "All Programs", then "Standard" and select "Explorer".

Calling the conductor through standard applications in Windows 7

Method 4: Start menu

Press the right mouse button on the Start icon. In the menu that appears, select "Open Explorer".

Calling the conductor through the Start menu in Windows 7

Method 5: "Perform"

On the keyboard, press "Win + R", the "Run" window opens. Enter it


and click "OK" or "ENTER".

Calling the conductor through run in Windows 7

Method 6: Through "Search"

In the search window, write "Explorer".

Calling the conductor through the search in Windows 7

Also in English. You need to look for "Explorer". So that the search did not give out an unnecessary Internet Explorer, the file extension should be added: "Explorer.exe".

Calling the conductor through the search (in English) in Windows 7

Method 7: Hot Keys

Pressing special (hot) keys will also drive the "Explorer" launch. For Windows it is "Win + E". It is convenient to open the folder "Computer", not the library.

Method 8: Command Line

In the command line you need to register:


Calling the conductor through the command line in Windows 7


Starting a file manager in Windows 7 can be carried out in different ways. Some of them are very simple and comfortable, others are more difficult. However, such a variety of methods will help open the "conductor" in a completely any situation.

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