How to put a song in the status VKontakte


how to set the song status VKontakte

You can listen to music VKontakte has long since become an integral part of all of the social networks. It so happens that the user is probably the most important feature of the service. Thanks to her, often even possible to understand a person's mood. And that is not the status of the user profile would better reflect his mood? So why not use instead of boring quotations recorded music?

How to make a song of personal status page

Perhaps it is because the administration thought VKontakte, adding the ability to set the audio recording status in the user's social network profile. Fortunately, it is very simple.

  1. We turn to the tab "Music"
  2. entrance to the record VKontakte

  3. In the line of the current track leads to the icon 'Broadcast audio' and
  • click on the broadcast icon
  • or put a check next to "my page"

Setting a song through record status Profile VKontakte

Or do it from your profile page:

  1. Under the user name click on the link "Change status"
  2. change VKontakte profile status

  3. Tick ​​the "Broadcast music in status" and click "Save."

Setting a song status through VKontakte profile

There you can put the audio recording status of the communities whose administrator or creator you are. These items are under the option of broadcasting your personal page.

Setting a song status VKontakte community

In this simple way you can set the status of a song of your page or community.

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