Programs for compiling work schedule


Programs for compiling work schedule

It is important to correctly plan the schedule of each employee, appoint a weekend, workers and vacation days. The main thing is not to get confused later in this all. So that such a certain thing happened, we recommend using a special software that is perfect for such purposes. In this article, we will consider in detail several representatives, let's talk about their shortcomings and advantages.


Graphic is suitable for compiling individual work schedule or for organizations where the state is only a few people, since its functionality is not designed for a large number of employees. First, employees are added, the designation is selected by their color. After that, the program itself will create a cyclical schedule for any time.

Main window Graphic

Available to create multiple schedules, all of them will then be displayed in the designated table through which they can be quickly discovered. In addition, it is worth noting that at least the program performs its functions, but the updates do not go out for a long time, and the interface is outdated.

AFM: Scheduler 1/11

This representative is already aimed exclusively for the compilation of the organization's schedules with a large number of employees. For this purpose, several tables are assigned here, where the schedule is drawn up, the staff of employees is filled, shifts and weekends are established. Then everything is automatically systematized and distributed, and the administrator will always get quick access to the tables.

Creating a graph of AFM Scheduler 1 11

To test or familiarize yourself with the program functionality, there is a chart creation wizard, with which the user can quickly make a simple routine, simply choosing the necessary items and following the instructions. Note that this feature is only suitable for familiarizing, it is better to fill in manually, especially if there are many data.

This article describes only two representatives, because there are not many programs for such purposes, and their main mass is buggy or do not fulfill the declared functions. The presented software perfectly copes with its task and is suitable for the preparation of various graphs.

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