How to install drivers on windows 10


How to install drivers on windows 10

The performance of any computer or laptop running Windows is provided by proper interaction of hardware (iron) components with software, which is impossible without availability in the system compatible drivers. It is about how to find them and install them on the "top ten" will be discussed in our current article.

Search and install drivers in windows 10

The search procedure and installation of drivers in Windows 10 is not much different from the implementation of such in previous versions of the Microsoft system. And yet there is one important nuance, or rather, the dignity - the "dozen" can independently download and install most of the software components necessary for the operation of the PC hardware component. "Working with your hands" in it is much less likely than in previous editors, but sometimes there is such a need, and therefore we will tell about all possible solutions to the problem voiced in the title of the article. You recommend that we adopted the most suitable.

Method 1: Official website

The easiest, secure and guaranteed efficient method of searching and installing drivers is to visit the official website of the manufacturer of the equipment. Stationary computers, first of all, it is necessary to download software for the motherboard, since all the hardware components are focused on it. All that will be required - to know its model, use the search in the browser and visit the appropriate support page, where all drivers will be presented. With laptops, things are in a similar way, only instead of the "motherboard" you need to know the model of a particular device. In general terms, the search algorithm looks like this:

Note: In the example below, it will be shown how to find drivers for the Gigabyte motherboards, so it is worth considering that the names of some tabs and pages on the official website, as well as its interface, will be different if you have the equipment of another manufacturer.

  1. Learn the model of the motherboard of your computer or the full name of the laptop, depending on the software for which device is planning to search. Getting information about the "motherboard" will help the "Command Line" and the instruction below, and the laptop information is indicated on its box and / or sticker on the housing.

    Sticker with the name of the model on the ASUS laptop housing

    On the PC in the "Command Line" you need to enter the following command:

    WMic Baseboard Get Manufacturer, Product, Version

    How to find out the motherboard model via the command line in Windows 10

    Read more: How to find out the motherboard model in Windows 10

  2. Open the search (Google or Yandex, not so important) in the browser), and enter the request to it on the following template:

    Motherboard or laptop model + official website

    Search drivers for motherboard on Google on windows 10

    Note: If the laptop or fees have several revisions (or models in the line), you must specify the full and accurate name.

  3. Check out the search results and go to that link in the address of which the name of the desired brand is indicated.
  4. Go to the official site for downloading drivers in Windows 10

  5. Go to the "Support" tab (may be called "Drivers" or "Software", etc., so just search for a section on the site, the name of which is associated with drivers and / or device support).
  6. Go to the Support tab to download drivers in the motherboard in Windows 10

  7. Once on the download page, specify the version and the discharge of the operating system, which is installed on your computer or laptop, after which it can be proceeding directly to download.

    Specifying the operating system for downloading drivers in Windows 10

    As in our example, most often on the support pages drivers are represented by certain categories named in accordance with the equipment for which they are intended. In addition, in each such list several software components (both different versions and intended for different regions) can be presented, so choose the most "fresh" and oriented to Europe or Russia.

    Search and download a separate driver for motherboard in Windows 10

    To start the download, click on the link (instead there may be a more obvious download button) and specify the path to save the file.

    Save driver file to install it in Windows 10

    Similarly, download drivers from all other subsections (categories) on the support page, that is, for all computer equipment, or only those that you really need.

    Download all installation driver files on a computer with Windows 10

    See also: How to find out which drivers are needed on a computer

  8. Go to the folder in which you saved the software. Most likely, they will be packed in the ZIP archives, open which is capable of the standard "Explorer" for windows.

    Folder with downloaded drivers for motherboard on Windows 10

    In this case, find the EXE file in the archive (the application that is most often called Setup. ), Run it, click on the "Extract All" button and confirm or change the unpacking path (by default it is a folder with archive).

    Extract the contents of the downloaded archive with drivers in Windows 10

    Directory with extracted content will be open automatically, so just re-run the executable file and install it on your computer. It is not harder than with any other program.

    Installation downloaded from the official driver site on a computer with Windows 10

    See also:

    How to open zip format archives

    How to open "Explorer" in Windows 10

    How to enable display file extensions in windows 10

  9. Installing the first of the downloaded drivers, go to the next, and so until install each of them.

    Continued driver installation on a computer with Windows 10

    Proposals for rebooting the system in these stages can be ignored, the main thing is not to forget to do it upon completion of the installation of all software components.

  10. Completing the successful driver installation for a computer on Windows 10

    This is just a general instruction on finding equipment drivers on the official website of its manufacturer and, as we marked above, for different stationary and laptop computers, some steps and actions may differ, but not critical.

    Method 2: Site LUMPICS.RU

    On our site there are quite a few detailed articles on finding and installing software for various computer equipment. All of them are highlighted in a separate category, and it is quite large part of it devoted to laptops, and a slightly smaller - motherboards. You can find a step-by-step instruction that is suitable for specifically your device, you can use the search on the main page - just enter the following request to the following:

    Search drivers on

    Download Drivers + Laptop Model


    Download drivers + motherboard model

    Download drivers for a laptop on Windows 10 from

    Please note that even if you do not find a material dedicated to your device, one should not despair. Just read the article on the laptop or the "motherboard" of the same brand - the actions algorithm described in it will be suitable for other producer products of a similar segment.

    Search for motherboard drivers with Windows 10 on the site

    Method 3: Branded Applications

    Manufacturers of most laptops and some PC motherboards (especially in premium segment) are developing their own software that provides the ability to customize and maintain the device, as well as installing and updating drivers. Such software works in automatic mode, scanning both iron and system component of the computer, and then loads and installs missing software components and updates outdated. In the future, this regularly reminds the user about the received updates (if any) and the need for their installation.

    Check availability in the HP Support Assistant program for HP G62 laptop

    Branded applications are pre-installed, at least, if we talk about laptops (and some PCs) with the Windows licensed OS. In addition, they are available for download from official sites (on the same pages where drivers are presented, which was considered in the first way of this article). The advantage of their use is obvious - instead of the tedious selection of software components and their independent download, it is enough to download only one program, install it and run. Speaking directly about downloading, or rather, about the implementation of this process - this will make it help both already mentioned first method and individual articles on our website dedicated to laptops and motherboards mentioned in the second.

    Check for driver updates in ASUS Live Update Utilit for ASUS X550C Laptop

    Method 4: third-party programs

    In addition to specialized (branded) software solutions, there are quite a lot of similar to them, but universal and more functionally rich products from third-party developers. These are programs that scan the operating system and all the iron installed on the computer or laptop, independently find the missing and outdated drivers, and then offer them to install. On our site there is both the reviews of most of the representatives of this segment of software and detailed guidelines regarding the use of the most popular of them, with which we offer to familiarize yourself.

    Installation using a third-party driver program for ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro video card

    Read more:

    Programs for automatic installation of drivers

    Installation of drivers using DriverPack Solution

    Using Drivermax to search and install drivers

    Method 5: Equipment ID

    In the first way, we first were looking for, and then downloaded one drivers for a computer motherboard or laptop, after having learned the exact name of this "Iron Fundament" and the address of the official website of the manufacturer. But what to do if you do not know the device model, it is not possible to find the page of its support or there are no certain software components on it (for example, due to equipment obsolescence)? The optimal solution in this case will be the use of equipment identifier and specialized online service providing the ability to search on it drivers. The method is quite simple and highly efficient, but requiring certain time costs. You can learn more about the algorithm for its implementation from a separate material on our website.

    Search ID for ID for ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro video card

    Read more: Search for drivers for equipment identifier in Windows

    Method 6: Standard OS

    In Windows 10, which is dedicated to this article, there is also a means of searching and installing drivers - "Device Manager". He was also in previous versions of the operating system, but it was in the "top ten" it began to work almost without complaints. Moreover, immediately after installation, the first setting of the OS and its connection to the Internet, the necessary software components (or most of them) will already be installed in the system, at least for integrated computer equipment. Additionally, it may be necessary to unless the branded software for maintenance and configuration of discrete devices, which are video cards, sound and network cards, as well as peripheral equipment (printers, scanners, etc.) Although it is not always (and not for everyone) .

    Search and update driver with standard tools Windows 10

    And yet, sometimes accessing the "device dispatcher" for the purpose of searching and installing the drivers is mandatory. To learn how to work with this component of Windows Windows 10, you can from a separate article on our website, the reference to it is presented below. The key advantage of its use is the lack of need to visit any web sites, downloading individual programs, their installation and development.

    Select automatic driver search type

    Read more: Search and install drivers with standard Windows tools

    Optional: Drivers for discrete devices and peripheral equipment

    Iron software developers sometimes produce not only drivers, but also additional software for maintenance and configuration, and at the same time to update the software component. This is done NVIDIA, AMD and Intel (video cards), Realtek, ASUS, TP-Link and D-link (network adapters, routers), as well as many other companies.

    Check availability of updates for the NVIDIA video card driver in Windows 10

    On our site there are quite a few step-by-step instructions on the use of a particular brand program to install and update drivers, and below we present links to the most necessary of them on the common and most important equipment:

    Video cards:

    Installing the driver for the NVIDIA video card

    Using AMD Radeon Software to install drivers

    Search and install drivers using AMD Catalyst Control Center

    AMD CATALYST CONTROL CENTER Item Information - Update

    Note: You can also use the search on our website by specifying as a query the exact name of the graphics adapter from AMD or NVIDIA - for sure we have step-by-step guide and for the device specifically.

    AMD Radeon Software Crimson Checking availability

    Sound cards:

    Search and installation of driver Realtek HD Audio

    Repeated greeting window after system loading


    How to install a monitor driver

    Search and install drivers for BenQ monitors

    Download and install drivers for Acer monitors

    Search and install drivers for monitor in Windows 10

    Network hardware:

    Loading and installing a driver for a network card

    Search driver for network adapter TP-LINK

    Download drivers for D-Link network adapter

    Installation of the driver for the ASUS network adapter

    How to install a Bluetooth driver in Windows

    Starting the installation utility for driver search for wireless adapter TP LINK TL-WN727N

    In addition to the above, we have a lot of articles on finding, downloading and installing drivers for routers, modems and routers of most well-known (and not very) manufacturers. And in this case, we suggest you to do exactly the same actions as with laptops and motherboards described in the second method. That is, simply use the search on the main page and enter the request of the following type there:

    Download drivers + type designation (router / modem / router) and device model

    Search drivers for router in Windows 10 on the site

    It is similar to the scanners and printers - we also have quite a lot of materials about them, and therefore with a lot of probability it can be said that you will find detailed instructions for your equipment or a representative of the representative of the line. In the search specify the request of the following type:

    Download drivers + device type (printer, scanner, MFP) and its model

    Drivers for printers and scanners in Windows 10 on the site


    There are quite a few ways to search for drivers in Windows 10, but most often the operating system copes with this task independently, and the user can only equip it with additional software.

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