VKontakte messages do not open


VKontakte messages do not open

VKontakte's social network, as any other similar resource, is not a perfect project, as a result of which users sometimes have different kinds of difficulties. As part of this article, we will consider solving problems, because of which some VC messages do not open.

Do not open messages

To date, most problems of the site VKontakte, whether difficulties on the side of the VK servers or local, you can enable using access to technical support. At the same time, to achieve a positive result, you should approach the description of the problem with special care, providing additional material.

Read more: How to write in technical support

Technical support is an extreme option, since often the time for waiting for a response from specialists can reach several days.

Further, if you for any reason do not have the desire to contact the specialists, we will talk about the most pressing issues and possible solutions. It is immediately important to note that not all of the proposed recommendations may come in your case, since the problem with the opening of messages is quite complicated for the search for solutions.

Cause 1: Site Faults

In the overwhelming majority of cases, the problem with opening messages is not from the local malfunctions, and due to the difficulties on the server side. In this case, the only possible solution for you will simply wait a certain amount of time and try to re-open the desired dialogue.

Read more: why the site does not work

The process of viewing the schedule of real-time failures on the site

The general faults of the site VK are best to check when you can accurately observe other problems associated with any other functionality. It comes from the fact that messages are one of the most important parts of the resource and cannot stop working separately from other elements of the site.

In addition to the above, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the article on the fault site VKontakte, in which we considered quite detail the special service that allows real-time to observe the problems of VK in real time. In the same place, with the help of discussions, you can figure out what problems most users faced and, if there is nothing related to reports, proceed to further recommendations from this article.

Cause 2: Browser Faults

One of the most complex, but already local problems is that with long-term work of the web browser or after damage to files, the browser may provoke different errors in the VK site interface and not only. At the same time, it is initially possible to do the most humane manner, by repeating input to the account.

  1. Being on the social network site, expand the main resource menu by clicking on the profile photo in the upper right corner.
  2. The process of disclosing the main menu of the site on VKontakte website

  3. From the list of items presented, select the button "Exit".
  4. The process of using the output button through the main menu on VKontakte website

  5. On the next page in the left corner, find the form for authorization.
  6. Form search process for authorization on the start page on VKontakte website

  7. Fill in the presented fields according to the account data from the account and click the "Login" button.
  8. The authentication process through the start page on VKontakte website

  9. Once the login is executed, go to the "Messages" section and recheck the functionality.
  10. The process of transition to the message section through the main menu on VKontakte website

If the dialogues are still not open or displayed incorrectly, then you should do exactly the same thing that has been described, replacing the Internet browser used to any other. In this case, you can make sure that the problem comes from a web browser faults, and not VKontakte servers.

The authorization process on VKontakte via the Internet Observer Yandex Browser

You can also try logging from another computer or use mode "Incognita" in which the browser does not use the database with previously saved data.

Next, provided that the problem is local, you can stop using the browser or reinstall it, following the special instructions on our site. In general, this choice completely depends on your personal preferences in terms of the usability of the Internet browser.

The process of removing the Internet browser through the program dispatcher in Windows WINTOVS

Read more: How to reinstall Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Yandex.Browser

As a supplement to other recommendations, you need to clean the history of the web browser, guided by the prescriptions.

The process of cleaning history in the Internet browser Google Chrome

Read more: How to Clean the story in Google Chrome, Opera, Mazila Firefox, Yandex.Browser

In addition, it is not superfluous to get rid of the once saved cache files that in most cases helps to resolve literally all the problems with the browser.

Process Deleting cookies and cache files in the Internet browser Google Chrome

Read more: How to remove cache in Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Yandex.Browser

After executing the above recommendations, the message on the VKontakte website will have to work correctly. At the same time, if the problem under consideration is preserved, you can try a few more possible, albeit less priority, solutions.

Cause 3: infection with viruses

Many users of personal computers from ignorance often accused of all possible problems with viruses. And although this is possible in an extremely small number of cases, it is still not worth the presence of malicious programs in your system.

Before proceeding, be sure to check out the section of this article regarding the browser faults. This is due to the fact that there are viruses that can block any functionality of the VC, usually harm the Internet observer.

First of all, you should eliminate the most common problem in which the HOSTS system file is subjected to infection.

The process of viewing a clean Hosts file in Notepad in Windows WINTOVS

Read more: How to edit Hosts file

Please note that the essence of the lock using the Hosts file we were affected in the relevant article on our website.

The process of blocking the site VKontakte through the Hosts file in Notepad in Windows WINTOVS

Before performing further recommendations, it is desirable to check the performance of the partition with dialogs from another device.

If problems with the opening of dialogs are preserved, you can also clean the application from various garbage. At the same time, remember that after executing the recommendations from the History of the Supplement, literally all data will be deleted.

  1. Go to "Settings" on the Android device used and locate the device "device".
  2. Finding a block device in the Settings section in the Android device system menu

  3. In the specified block with sections, select Applications.
  4. The process of transition to the application section through the menu in the Settings section in the Android system

  5. On the page that has opened with all installed applications on your device, select the VKontakte Supplement.
  6. Transition process to VKontakte application parameters in the Settings section in the Android system

    If you have a large number of applications, you can simplify the search process using the tab "Third Party".

  7. Once on the page with VKontakte application options, find the "Memory" block and click on the "Erase Data" button.
  8. Using the button erase the data in the memory parameters unit in the Settings section in the Android system

  9. Do a similar procedure with the cache of the application using the block with the parameters and the "Clear Cash" button.
  10. The Clear Cache button in the Cache settings block in the Android Settings section.

After executing the recommendations, try again to start the application and check the section "Messages" For faults.

If for any reason, the recommendations did not bring a positive result, you need to reinstall the supplement under consideration. At the same time, before moving to deletion, you should follow previous instructions regarding the deletion of application data.

  1. Once the add-on data has been deleted, while in the same section of the VKontakte application settings, you need to use the "Stop" button.
  2. VKontakte application stop process in the Android Settings section

  3. In mandatory, confirm your actions through the dialogs window.
  4. VKontakte application stop confirmation in the Android settings section

    Due to the forced stopping of work in the already installed application, malfunctions may occur.

  5. Now click on the next button "Delete".
  6. VKontakte application deletion process in the Android settings section

  7. Confirm your intentions to delete by clicking the "OK" button in the corresponding pop-up window.
  8. Confirmation of the removal of the VKontakte application in the Settings section in the Android system

  9. Wait until the end of the VKontakte mobile application is completed.
  10. The process of waiting for the removal of the VKontakte application in the Settings section in the Android system

After the VC supplement will be uninstalled, it is necessary to set it again.

Before re-installing the application, we recommend restarting the device.

Go to the Google Play Store

  1. Open the Google Play shopping page.
  2. The process of switching to the home page of the Google Play store on your mobile device

  3. Click on the "Google Play" bar and enter the name of the VKontakte application.
  4. Go to the VKontakte Application page in the Google Play Store on your mobile device

  5. Having found and opening the main page of the desired supplement, click on the Set button.
  6. Installation process VKontakte application in the Google Play Store on Mobile

  7. Confirm the provision of access rights to your device using the "Accept" button.
  8. The process of providing access to VKontakte application in the Google Play store on your mobile device

  9. Wait for the download process and installing the supplement.
  10. Download process and install VKontakte application at Google Play Store on Mobile

  11. After the VKontakte is downloaded, use the Open button to start the application.
  12. The opening process of the installed VKontakte application in the Google Play store on your mobile device

Next, follow the first part of this method, making authorization and checking the performance of the "Messages" section.

We hope that after reading this article, you were able to solve problems with non-discontinuished dialogues of VKontakte. All the best!

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