Download drivers for the printer Canon MG2440


Download drivers for the printer Canon MG2440

To start working with a new printer, after connecting it to a PC to the latter, you must install the driver. You can do this in several ways.

Install Drivers for Canon MG2440

There is a large number of effective options to help download and install the necessary drivers. The most popular and simple are shown below.

Method 1: device manufacturer site

If you have the need to search for drivers, first of all, you should contact official sources. For the printer, this is the manufacturer's site.

  1. Go to Canon's official page.
  2. At the top of the window, find the section "Support" and hover over it. In the menu that appears, find the "Download and Help" item in which you want to open "Drivers".
  3. Driver section on Canon

  4. In the search field on the new page, enter the name of the Canon MG2440 device. After click on the search result.
  5. Search for devices on the Canon website

  6. When the entered information is correct, the device page will open, containing all the necessary materials and files. Scroll down to the "Driver" section. To load the selected software, press the corresponding button.
  7. Download CANON Printer Driver

  8. A window will open with the text of the User Agreement. To continue, select "Accept and download".
  9. Take Terms and Download Driver

  10. After the download is complete, open the file and in the installer that appears, click "Next".
  11. Driver Installer for Canon MF4550D

  12. Take the terms of the agreement shown by clicking yes. Before that it will not prevent familiar with them.
  13. CANON MF4550D License Agreement

  14. Decide whether to connect the printer to the PC and check the box opposite the appropriate option.
  15. CANON MF4550D Printer Connection Type

  16. Wait until the installation is completed, after which you can start using the device.
  17. Installing Canon MF4550D Driver

Method 2: Specialized

One of the most common ways of installing drivers is to use third-party software. In contrast to the previous method, the available functionality will not be limited to work with the driver for certain equipment from a specific manufacturer. Using such a program, the user gets the opportunity to correct problems with all available devices. A detailed description of widespread programs of this type is available in a separate article:

Read more: Select the program to install the drivers

DRIVERPACK Solution icon

In the list of your list, you can select Driverpack Solution. This program is distinguished by simple control and interface, understandable for inexperienced users. In the list of functions, except for the installation of drivers, it is possible to create recovery points. They are especially useful when updating drivers, because it allows you to return the device to the original state when problems appear.

Read more: How to use DriverPack Solution

Method 3: Printer ID

Another option with which you can find the necessary drivers is to use the identifier of the device itself. The user does not need to be addressed to third-party help, since the ID can be obtained from the Task Manager. Then enter the information received in the search box on one of the sites that perform a similar search. This method can be useful if you find drivers on the official site. In the case of Canon MG2440, these values ​​should be used:

USBPRINT \ canonmg2400_seriesd44d.

Devid search field

Read more: How to search for drivers with ID

Method 4: System Programs

As the last option, you can specify system programs. Unlike previous options, all the necessary software for work is already on the PC, and it will not have to look for third-party sites. To take advantage of them, do the following:

  1. Go to the Start menu, in which you will need to find the "Taskbar".
  2. Control panel in the Start menu

  3. Go to the "Equipment and Sound" section. You need to click on the "View Devices and Printers" button.
  4. View devices and printers taskbar

  5. To add a printer to the number of new devices, click the appropriate "Adding Printer" button.
  6. Adding a new printer

  7. The system will be scanned to detect new equipment. When the printer is detected, click on it and select "Set". If the search did not find anything, press the button at the bottom of the "The required printer is missing" window.
  8. item The required printer is lacking in the list

  9. In the window that appears, a few available options will be given. To go to the installation, click on the bottom - "Add Local Printer".
  10. Adding a local or network printer

  11. Then decide on the connection port. If necessary, change the automatically set value, then go to the next section by pressing the "Next" button.
  12. Using an existing port for installation

  13. Using the lists provided, install the device manufacturer - Canon. Then - its name, Canon MG2440.
  14. Selection of the manufacturer and device model

  15. Optionally, type a new name for the printer or leave this information unchanged.
  16. Enter the name of the new printer

  17. The last installation point will be setting up shared access. If necessary, you can provide it, after which the transition to the installation will occur, just click "Next".
  18. Setting up shared printer

The process of installation of drivers for the printer, as well as for any other equipment, does not take away a lot of time from the user. However, you should first consider all possible options to select the optimal one.

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