Applications for learning English on android


Applications for learning English on android

Quite a lot of attention, and for a very long time, all over the world is given to the English language. This is an international and generally accepted format of communication between people from different countries, which is studied everywhere to successfully visited abroad.

However, there is no money on an experienced teacher who would explain all the nuances, subtleties and "pitfalls" of the English language. What to do in such a situation? You can leave alone this desire, but you can take a smartphone and download a special application aimed at learning a language. Only the question: what to choose? This needs to be understood.


A fascinating game that is not just relaxing and fun, but also teaches a foreign language. This beginning will surely interest not only a child, but also an adult, a wealthy person. Yes, to become a polyglot no longer need to diligently flaw new words and rules, you can relax and receive from this advantage.


Lessons are what is practically in every similar program. But what do you say about the opportunity to deal with the materials of the native speakers? The user is available to texts, video, listening. Full translation, and sometimes subtitles, help to listen and immediately compare new words with a Russian analogue. Everything is simple and convenient!

Download Lingualeo.


English is not given in thick, tedious textbooks? Then it's time to draw attention to short lessons in which all methods of learning language are collected. Want to train your own speech? Easily! Need to listen to English text? Further! Short lessons from Duolingo is the way of learning that is so lacking newcomers. But that's not all. Do you like to follow progress? Then a special section where all the statistics of your learning are collected, already waiting for you. Icons of classes in turn do not allow you to forget that some of the one has not repeated for a long time, because even the easiest material needs to be fixed.


Download duolingo


Looking for an opportunity to engage in language even without access to the Internet? At the same time, interests the specific topic, from which soon there will be faced? Or maybe you need a dictionary that is always available and has several tens of thousands of necessary and useful words? Then Words is what you need. Here you can independently make up your training, limiting them in time or complexity, and you can trust it to make a specially developed algorithm that carefully analyzes your requests and passed classes, making an outcome about the level of knowledge and the need for certain topics.


Download Words.

Easy Ten.

Studying English is not always the lessons that you need to pass the day after day. This is also the replenishment of your lexicon with new words. What is the probability that in a day you can learn 10 new words, and for the year 3600? Zero? And here is not! Just download Easy Ten and all this becomes a reality. Lack of competitive element? Connect your friends or find new in order to constantly compare each other's successes in a special table.

Easy Ten.

Download Easy Ten.


What is the application may differ from the rest? For example, innovative Memrise technology, which focuses on modern neurolingvist teachings and creates individual lessons based on the features of the memory of each individual person. And all this is absolutely free. The study of new languages ​​has never been so advanced. Who knows, maybe this is such a technology - this is what you lacked all these years and it is now that you have the opportunity to fill your gaps in the knowledge of foreign?


Download Memrise.


There is such a wise saying: "All ingenious is simple." Apparently, this is exactly what the creators of the application under consideration were guided. There are no entertaining lessons, statistics and ranking tables. Only cards with English words that you need to translate. Do not know translation? Click on the word, and it will immediately appear in front of you. Also allowed and test your guesses. Here you can work on your own pronunciation by clicking on a special icon.


Download Anki.


It is enough to imagine how much English language training is if you choose its carrier as a teacher. Surely it is inbox money for many of those who really wonder to develop their vocabulary. But all this can get every completely free. HelloLK is a whole program where you can communicate with native speakers. And you do not need to be looped in one English, because there you can find representatives, for example, China.


Download Hellotalk.

English Grammar Test

The simplicity of some applications is sometimes striking. But do you need to somehow lure you if the level of knowledge has long been above the newcomer? The solution under consideration is ideal for those who can properly build a proposal, choose the forms of verb and distinguishes various prepositions. 60 tests where questions are collected on specific topics. It is necessary to pass at least 2 per week to fully comply with your level and only increase it.

English Grammar Test

Download English Grammar Test

Urban Dictionary

Translation and explanation of not quite typical words, real slang and examples using. This is not a typical application, because it will not teach anything. Here you can emphasize new definitions or phraseologisms for yourself. In other words, if you are not going to a scientific conference, but for rest among ordinary people, then this application will help replenish the vocabulary and make you a more informed person.

Urban Dictionary

Download Urban Dictionary

As a result, we looked at a sufficient number of different applications to make a choice and start doing right now.

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