How to download a game on a computer


Game Download

Ten years ago, digital distribution of computer games was a spectacular novelty, whereas today it is a basic way to obtain game products. In this article, we want to consider the methods of downloading games through the most popular store applications.

Download games to computer

For a long time on the market for distribution of games via the Internet dominated the Steam Development Service of Valve Software, but gradually many large publishers released their own solutions: Origin from Electronic Arts, GOG from CD Project Red, Uplay from Ubisoft, from Activision Blizzard, as well as promising newcomer from Epic Games. Consider methods of downloading games from these services.

Note! At each of these sites, you can download either bought, or initially free games - there are no free download methods from these stores!


The steam service is the oldest and largest store from now operating, and is distinguished by the most simple interface, in many respects reminiscent browser, as well as frequent discounts even at AAA-games.

  1. Open Steam and log in to your account if you have not done this before.
  2. Login to Steam Client to download games

  3. Go to the "Library" tab to access the list of your games.
  4. Open Steam Library to download games

  5. Select the desired product in the library and click on the Set button.
  6. Select the game setting in Steam to download the product

  7. Wait for the end of the download. After downloading, a label will be added to the "desktop" by which the game can be started.

    Loading games in Steam is nothing complicated.


    The Galaxy Of Gamers service, better known as GOG, did not get a separate client so long ago, known as Gog Galaxy. It is not more difficult for them than the solution from Valve, but is largely much easier.

    Download Gog Galaxy from the official site

    1. As in the case of a versa, download and install the GOG client. Open it and log in to your account.
    2. Enter the account in GOG GALAXY to download the game

    3. Use the "Library" item in which you select "Windows" (or that OS, running your PC).
    4. Library in Gog Galaxy to download the game

    5. Select the product purchased earlier and click on the Install button.
    6. Get to install in GOG GALAXY to download the game

    7. A separate window must start, in which you can select some parameters of the downloadable game (language, disk and folder for installation). To go to the next step, click "Continue".

      Get up to download the game in Gog Galaxy

      The loading progress can be monitored by a filling scale located in the lower left corner of the client.

    Gog Galaxy Download Progresions

    As we see, there is also nothing complicated.


    The attitude to the company EA is controversial, however, without a client designed by the Origin service, it is not necessary if you want to play the games of the Mass Effect series, Dragon Age, Battlefield and many others.

    1. Run the client and log in to your account.
    2. Log in ORIGIN GAMES account for downloading game

    3. Use the side menu to go to the game library.
    4. Open Origin Games Library for Downloading Game

    5. To download the game, Mouse over your icon and right-click, then select the appropriate context menu item.
    6. Choose a product in ORIGIN GAMES to download the game

    7. Wait until the game is downloaded, after which it can be launched either from the client or from a shortcut on the "desktop".

    Origin is sadly known for unstable work, so sometimes the action will be required to repeat if the download was not successful.


    The French developer and the publisher Ubisoft have already released its own service on the market, through which its products extends.

    1. Open the application and log in if you did not make it earlier.
    2. Switch to the "Game" tab at the top of the program window.
    3. Open the category of games in the UPLAY client

    4. Click on the name of the acquired game to call the details on it.
    5. Details about the game in the UPLAY client to download the game

    6. To start downloading, click on the Upload button.
    7. Select download game in client UPLAY to download

    8. After downloading, the "Play" button will be available.

    Waiting for download game in client Uplay

    For a long time, Uplay was considered not the best solution, but the developers led the application in order, and it is now much more convenient to use it than just a few years ago.

    Blizzard products, such as Heroes of the Storm and Starcraft II, are available exclusively through the company's company's company.

    Download client from the official website

    1. Run the client Battl. No and log in to your account.
    2. Enter the account in Battle-Net to download the game

    3. Go to the category "Games".
    4. Open the category of games in Battle-Net to download the game

    5. Find the game in the list you want to download, and click on the "Set" button.
    6. Start installing in Battle-Net to download the game

    7. Choose a game resource location and preferred language, then press "Set" to start loading.

    Product Parameters in Battle-Net to download the game service works fairly stable, but sometimes the system server does not cope. If you encounter problems when loading, check the official website of the service, there usually report on the presence of problems.

    Epic Games Launcher.

    Newbie on the digital distribution market, the store from Epic Games managed to attract attention to the attractive pricing policy and the purchase of rights to the exclusive sale of certain products.

    Download Epic Games Launcher from the official website

    1. Open the client and log in to your account.
    2. Log in to the Epic Games client to download games

    3. Use the main menu of the program to open the "Library" section.
    4. Open the Epic Games library to download games

    5. Find the game you want to download, and click on the "Install" button below its icon.
    6. Start downloading games through the Epic Games application

    7. The loading of the selected product will begin. After the game is booted, you can run it from a shortcut on the "desktop".

    Microsoft Store.

    In the latest Windows, Microsoft introduced its own application store, which sells including games, and many of them are available at all for free.

    1. Open the application - you can do it through the "Start".
    2. Click the "Games" tab.
    3. Open tab with games in Microsoft Store to download the game

    4. Choose the game you want to download (or first find it through the search), then just click on its icon.
    5. Select a product in Microsoft Store to download the game

    6. To download the game, click on the "Get" button.
    7. Start loading the product in Microsoft Store to download the game

    8. The boot process can be traced from the game page.

    Downloading games in Microsoft Store


    We looked at the main and, most importantly, legal, methods that can be downloaded to a computer game. As you can see, everything is quite simple.

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