How to transfer photos from the iPhone on Android


how to transfer photos from iPhone on android

Sharing photos between two mobile devices with different OS often causes difficulties to users. You can understand this problem in several ways.

Transferring photos from iOS on Android

The main difficulty in the transfer of files between the OS named is some features of the iOS functioning. Directly from the device to the device to transfer images is difficult, therefore, in the methods described below will have to be resorted to the help of third-party software.

Method 1: Move to iOS

A simple application created for the convenience of working with both OS, it is often used to transition from Android to iOS. To start the interaction, the user needs to be installed on Android, after which it is necessary to accomplish the following:

Download Move to iOS for Android

  1. Connect the devices to one Wi-Fi network.
  2. Open the settings on the iPhone, select "Programs and Data" and click "Move Data From Android".
  3. Transfer files with Move to iOS

  4. After that, open the program on Android and enter the code appeared on the iPhone.
  5. In a new window, select the files you want to transfer (for the photo is "Camera Roll"), then click "Next".
  6. Photo Transfer with Move to iOS

  7. Data copy starts. It requires a sufficiently free place for its successful.

Method 2: Google Photo

Many Android devices have a Google photo, which is one of the basic tools to work with graphic files. This is the most convenient option for transferring digital photos and video, since it is possible to automatically save information in the cloud storage. You can access it from any device, authorized in the same account. This requires the following:

Download Google Photo for Android

Download Google Photo for iOS

  1. Open the application and make swipe to the right. In the menu that appears, select "Settings".
  2. Google Settings Photo on Android

  3. The first item will be "autoload and synchronization", and it is required to open.
  4. Setting up startup and sync in Google photo on Android

  5. If you do not automatically configure synchronization when entering the account, click on the "Autode and Synchronization" item.
  6. Enabling startup and sync in Google Photo on Android

  7. Select the account in which all created materials will be stored. After that, the download of information will begin.
  8. Collecting an account for sync in Google Photo on Android

Method 3: Cloud Services

This option implies a large number of programs that can be used: Yandex.Disk, Dropbox, cloud and many others. To successfully carry out the operation, install mobile versions of services on both devices and log in under the same account. After that, any added element will be available on another device. We will tell you more about this on the example of the Mail.Ru clouds:

Download Cloud for Android

Download cloud for iOS

  1. Open the application on one of the devices (the example is used android) and click on the "+" icon at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Button Adding a file to the Cloud application for Android

  3. In the menu that appears, select "Add a photo or video".
  4. Add Photo and Video Button in Application Cloud for Android

  5. From the gallery with media files, select the necessary, after which the download will start directly in the service.
  6. After that, open the application on another device. After synchronization, the necessary files will be available for operation.

Method 4: PC

In this option, you will need to resort to the help of a computer. To begin with, you will need to transfer files from iPhone to a PC (since copying photo from android does not often cause problems). You can do it with iTunes or other specialized programs. More This process is described in our separate article:

Lesson: How to transfer photos from iOS to PC

After that, it will remain to connect an android smartphone to a computer and transfer the obtained media files into the device's memory. To carry out this procedure, you only need to provide permission by clicking the "OK" button in the window that appears on the screen.

Activate file transfer to Android

To complete photos from mobile devices on different operating systems, you can use several ways. The simplest is the use of programs and services, while direct copying from the device on the device through a PC can cause difficulties mainly due to iOS.

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