Low download speed in the browser


Low download speed in the browser

Method 1: Change the hidden browser setting

Almost all modern browsers work on the chromium engine and derived from it. They are combined with the possibility of fine tuning by switching to the menu with experimental and hidden from most conventional user settings. The parameter that is invited to change in order to increase the boot speed is responsible for parallel download. By setting a larger number of threads than the default web browser is supported, you can increase the download speed.

  1. Enter the Chrome: // Flags address string if you work in Google Chrome, or Browser: // Flags, if you use another browser on this engine (Opera, Yandex.Browser, etc.). Press ENTER.
  2. After switching to the window with experimental settings in the search box, start typing the parameter "Parallel Downloading". When the result is displayed, change its value to "Enabled".
  3. Search for experimental ParlelLel Downloading function in the hidden browser settings

  4. Restart the program and check the effectiveness of the method, re-starting something to download.
  5. Restarting the browser after turning on the experimental function Parallel Downloading

In the Mozilla Firefox web browser and it should be switched out somewhat differently.

  1. First, set the addon MultithReaded Download Manager - download manager that supports multi-threaded download.

    Download MultithReaded Download Manager from Firefox Add-Ons

  2. Installing the MultithReaded Download Manager extension via Firefox Add-Ons to speed up file download

  3. It is usually enough to start using them, but the extension supports up to 6 threads. If you want to install more streams, go to the experimental settings section by entering into the address line about: config by pressing ENTER and agree with the warning.
  4. Switching to advanced Mozilla Firefox settings to change the number of download streams

  5. Through the search, find the Network.http.max-Persistent-Connections-Per-Server parameter and with a pencil button, enter another number. More than 16 install it is not recommended.
  6. Check and modify the value of the Network.http.max-Persistent-Connections-Per-Server parameter via extended Mozilla Firefox settings

  7. Additional Check the Network.http.max-PersisTent-Connections-Per-Proxy parameter. In the new version, its value is already 32, but if you have less it, increase by several units.
  8. Check the value of the Network.http.max-Persistent-Connections-Per-Proxy parameter via extended Mozilla Firefox settings

Method 2: Window AUTO-TUNING

In some versions of Windows, it may affect the auto-tuning feature of the Preparing window (Window Auto-Tuning). It is designed to improve the program TCP functioning on the network protocol, but sometimes it can adversely affect the rates of downloading files. Check if it is possible, it is possible very simple:

  1. Run the "Command Line" or "Windows PowerShell" with administrator rights. Faster it is to do this by clicking on "Start" with the right mouse button.
  2. Running the command line or PowerShell with administrator rights through an alternative menu in Windows 10

  3. Enter the Netsh Interface TCP Show Global command and press ENTER. Among the results, find the Row "The level of the auto-tuning window of the receipt" and see what the status of this parameter. If "disabled", then skip this method and go to others. Those who appeared "Normal", you can try to disable the functioning of the parameter.
  4. Check the status of auto-tuning function window receiving via Windows PowerShell

  5. To do this, enter the Netsh int TCP SET Global AutoTuningLel = Disabled command. The evidence that everything was done correctly will be the output of the message "OK".
  6. Turns off the auto-tuning feature command receiving via Windows PowerShell

  7. Check again, whether the changes already familiar with the Netsh Interface TCP Show Global command.
  8. Re-checking the status of auto-tuning function Window over Windows PowerShell

  9. It is recommended to restart the computer, start the browser and start downloading the file. If the problem has been eliminated, leave the window auto-tuning disabled, and in the absence of positive speakers, return the previous value to the parameter: Open the console again and write there Netsh int TCP Set Global AutoTuningLel = Normal.
  10. Enabling auto-tuning feature windows over Windows PowerShell

Method 3: Check Quality Connection

It is impossible not to mention both hardware difficulties. It is likely that the browser downloads slowly at all due to problems with the operating system. First of all, it is worth checking the quality of the router if the connection in your apartment is carried out through it. Disconnect the LAN cable, which is from the entrance or street and connected to the router, and connect it directly to the computer or laptop. Measure download speed.

Connecting a LAN cable directly to a laptop bypassing the router

If it turned out that a router became the weak link of the connection chain, look for a problem in it. You may have recently changed the settings in its web interface - return them to the original. In extreme cases, try reset them to standard, just consider that after that it may be necessary to manually configure the main parameters. The list of the provider issues, as a rule, when concluding the contract. If this paper is lost, please contact the representative of the Internet service provider and ask how to set up a router for work. On our site there is an article about how to reset the router settings, however, before directly reset, read the information below.

Read more: Reset routers of different manufacturers to factory settings

In some cases, the LAN-cable itself turns all the fault.

  • When connecting the PC to the network through the wire, it makes sense to replace it with another to know exactly what the problem is in the router or the cable itself.
  • When the connection goes directly, not through the router, it may be necessary to replace the cable stretching from the panel from the entrance, and best of all this procedure is to entrust the departure specialist from the provider. Similar - rarity, and in such an operation it makes sense only after checking the quality of the Internet on multiple devices connected to the cable directly and communicating with technical support of the provider.
  • The new cable, like the old, is not deprived of the problem of bad crimping or physical damage. In any case, inspect it for cuts, ended places, chances, ask the familiar to change cables for a while or at least connect your wire to their router.

Another reminder: If possible, use another computer (most often this is a laptop) to check the LAN connection. Never exclude a Windows problem that cannot be detected, and a PC network component (network card problems, broken port). On modern ultrabooks, it is often no such port and a network card, so it is better to ask for a suitable laptop from friends or relatives.

However, it is worth considering that with any problems described as part of this method, the speed will have to fall everywhere: if you use torrent clients, game clients, check how downloading there. Low speed only in browsers, most likely implies other reasons, and resort to the inspection of the equipment follows last.

Method 4: Checking the operating system for viruses

Despite the inappropriate popularity of this Council in case of any problems with the computer, this time it is really relevant. Often viruses, infecting computer, reduce the speed of the Internet artificially. If you do not know how to deal with them and what program to choose to search for malicious software, we recommend you to familiarize yourself with our material on this topic.

Read more: Fighting computer viruses

Anti-virus utility for the treatment of Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool

When detecting and removing malware, whose action is directly connected with a violation of computer performance, in most cases, downloading from browsers is renewed until the previous level. When this did not happen, the system rollback can be helped to one of the recovery points. Make it is very simple for one of the following instructions.

Read more: Rollback to recovery point in Windows 10 / Windows 7

The beginning of the Windows 10 operating system recovery procedure

Method 5: Change DNS

As a result of user actions or viral activity on the DNS computer sometimes changes to non-standard. Now the need to select a custom DNS practically no sense with the exception of special cases, so it is best to use the one that provides the provider. Check which DNS is installed on your PC, as follows:

  1. Right-click and go to "Open" Network Settings and Internet "."
  2. Switch to the network and Internet settings section to change DNS

  3. Through a window with the parameters, go to "Setting the Adapter Settings".
  4. Switch to the properties of the network adapter through parameters to change DNS

  5. A list of all connections is displayed, among which you select Ethernet - usually this connection is called - and go to its "Properties" by calling the context menu with the right mouse button.
  6. Transition to the properties of a network adapter to change DNS

  7. Highlight the "IP version 4 (TCP / IPv4) string" and click the "Properties" button. When using the IPv6 connection, select the appropriate string.
  8. Transition to TCP IPv4 properties to change DNS

  9. Check that the "Get the DNS server address automatically" item is selected in the DNS section.
  10. Disable the user DNS through the properties of the network adapter

  11. If you use third-party DNS fundamentally, pick up another, better. For example, the replacement of DNS from Google can become DNS from Yandex, better functioning within the country.
  12. Change DNS to another through the properties of the network adapter

  13. Save the changes to "OK" and check how quickly downloads.

Method 6: Disable anti-virus software

If you recently installed any antivirus software, be it antivirus, firewall or firewall, it may well be that this software caused the problem with downloading. Turn off any protective programs and try to download something again.

See also: Disable Anti-Virus

Disable antivirus to check the download speed through the browser

Method 7: Upgrading the network card driver

In rare cases, the culprit is the program component: errors in the driver work after updating its version, the operating system or as a result of other manipulation users depending on the user can lead to failures in the stability of the Internet. When nothing of the above helps, you can try to set another version of its version or simply reinstall. This process dedicated to a separate our leadership.

Read more: Search and installation driver for network card

Startup archive with network adapter drivers from the official site


Previous solutions to the problem are far from all, in some cases we also follow the following information.

Enabled VPN or turbo mode

More and more people begins to use VPN applications running in the form of a PC program or an extension in the browser, partitions of system "parameters" in Windows 10. It is likely that you also installed such an addition or application, so you need to know: free VPN always reduce speed download files and download page. If everything is not so unambiguous with the last item, because it can sometimes not be noticed, then when downloading with the included VNN, the speed is very shattered. Check if such a program works, whether the extension on the site is running from which Windows is being set in "Parameters" Windows 10. If you have an Opera browser, look if the VPN built into it works.

Activated turbo mode, which also has in some browsers and working on the principle of VPN, also affects the final speed. It can run automatically (for example, in Yandex.Browser), and may be accidentally included with you. Find in your web browser such a function through internal settings and make sure that it is turned off and is not in the "Auto" mode.

Problems on the side of the site

You can never eliminate the fact that not your computer is to blame: quite often downloading slow due to the fact that on the server from which the download is based on, the recovery limit is set. This very often happens from American and some European sites, where the creators have to set restrictions on downloading files. If on the site from which the download occurs is "mirrors" (alternative sources from which content download is available), try using them. Often it solves the problem, since the load on the PC occurs from the server of another country, and sometimes it is really much faster than if you enjoy the main direct link to the file.

In addition, we advise you to verify the assumption, after having downloaded, for example, songs from the site located in the domain zone of your country (Russia - .ru, Ukraine - .ua, etc.). Normal download rates from all sites except a few will make it clear that, most likely, the reason lies in exactly the sources of file distribution sources.

Failures from the provider

With unsuccessful attempts to establish downloading through the browser, you can contact the provider, since sometimes the culprit of the situation may be. It makes sense to call a specialist to the house only after all recommended actions are made to correct the problem.

Usage Manager Zarakchek

As a tool for a temporary solution, you can use download managers. They are an improved alternative to embedded managers to web browsers, which is especially noticeable when saving volume files such as the system image type. The most famous representative of this category of software is download master. Read an overview for this program by clicking on the button below.


It is not difficult for them, but for beginners we have an article on competent work with the application.

Read more: Using download manager Download master

If the program does not like, look for analogue, for example, UGET.

Read more