WINDOVS 7 is loaded: the main causes and decision


Starting a computer with Windows 7 operating system

One of the biggest troubles that can happen to the computer is a problem with its launch. If any malfunction occurs in the running OS, then more or less advanced users try to solve it in one way or another, but if the PC does not start at all, many just fall into a stupor and do not know what to do. In fact, the specified problem is far from always so serious, as it may seem at first glance. Let us find out the reasons why Windows 7 does not run, and the main ways to eliminate them are launched.

Causes of problems and solutions

The reasons for the problem with downloading a computer can be divided into two large groups: hardware and software. The first of them is associated with the failure of any component PC: hard disk, motherboard, power supply, RAM, etc. But it is rather the problem of a PC itself, and not the operating system, so we will not consider these factors. Let's just say that if you do not have electrical repair skills, then when you detect such problems, you need to either call the wizard, or replace the damaged item to its serviceable analogue.

Another reason for this problem is the low network voltage. In this case, you can restore the launch by simply by purchasing a high-quality unit of uninterrupted power or connecting to the source of electricity, the voltage in which meets the standards.

In addition, the problem with the loading OS may occur when accumulating a large amount of dust inside the PC housing. In this case, you just need to clean the computer from dust. It is best to apply a brush. If you are using a vacuum cleaner, then turn it on to blow it out, and not by blowing, as it can suck the items.

Also, problems with inclusion may occur if the first device from which the OS boot is loaded into the BIOS is registered CD-drive or USB, but at the moment the disk or the disk is connected to the PC. The computer will try to boot with them, and taking into account the fact that there is no operating system on these carriers in reality, then all attempts will be expected to lead to failures. In this case, before starting to disconnect all USB drives and CD / DVDs from PC or specify in the BIOS, the first device for downloading the hard drive of the computer.

It is also possible to conflict the system with one of the devices connected to the computer. In this case, you need to turn off all the additional devices from the PC and try to start it. At successful download, this will mean that the problem lies precisely in the designated factor. Connect the device to the computer and after each connection, make a reboot. Thus, if at a certain stage the problem will return, you will know the specific source of its cause. This device always needs to be disconnected before starting the computer.

The main factors of software failures, which were not managed to load Windows, the following:

  • Damage to OS files;
  • Violations in the registry;
  • Incorrect installation of OS elements after updating;
  • Presence in the autorun of conflicting programs;
  • Viruses.

We just talk about the way to solve the above problems and on restoring the launch of the OS in this article.

Method 1: Activation of the last successful configuration

One of the easiest ways to solve a PC download problem is the activation of the last successful configuration.

  1. As a rule, if the computer has completed the work or the previous running it has ended in failure, the next time it turns on the OS load type selection window opens. If this window does not open, then there is a way to call it to be forcibly. To do this, after booting the BIOS immediately following how the beep sounds, you need to press a specific key or a combination on the keyboard. As a rule, this is the F8 key. But in rare cases there may be another option.
  2. Computer startup window

  3. After the startup type selection window opens, by navigating the list items using the Up and Down keys on the keyboard (in the form of arrows directed in the appropriate side), select the "Last Successful Configuration" option and press ENTER.
  4. Run the last successful system configuration when loading the system in Windows 7

  5. If after that windows will boot, you can assume that the problem is eliminated. If the download failed, then proceed to the following options described in the current article.

Method 2: "Safe Mode"

Another solution to the trial problem is carried out by entering Windows in "Safe Mode".

  1. Again, immediately at the start of the PC, you need to activate the window with a choice of download type, if it has not turned on independently. By pressing the "Up" and "Down" keys, select the "Safe Mode" option.
  2. Select the type of secure mode when loading the system in Windows 7

  3. If now the computer will boot, then this is already a good sign. Then, waiting for the full boot of Windows, restart the PC and, it is likely that the next time it will already be successfully started in the usual mode. But even if this does not happen, the fact that you went to "Safe Mode" is a good sign. For example, you can try to restore system files or check the computer for viruses. In the end, you can save the necessary data onto the carrier, if we worry about their integrity on the problematic PC.

Lesson: How to activate "Safe Mode" Windows 7

Method 3: "Run Recovery"

You can also eliminate the described problem using the system tool that is called - "Run Repair". It is especially effective if the registry is damaged.

  1. If Windows does not boot at the previous computer to start a computer, it is possible that when you repeatedly turn on the PC, the "Startup Restore" tool will automatically open. If it did not happen, it can be activated forcibly. After activating the BIOS and the audio signal, press F8. In the startup type selection window that appears, this time select "Troubleshooting Computer".
  2. Transition to a computer troubleshooting environment when loading the system in Windows 7

  3. If you have a password administrator account, you will need to enter it. The system recovery environment opens. This is a kind of resuscator OS. Select "Start Restoring".
  4. Go to restore startup in the system recovery parameters window in Windows 7

  5. After that, the tool will attempt to restore the launch, correcting the errors identified. During this procedure, dialog boxes may be opened. You need to follow the instructions that will be displayed in them. If the start-up procedure is successful, then after its completion, Windows will be launched.

This method is good because it is quite universal and is well suited for those cases when you do not know the cause of the problem.

Method 4: Checking the integrity of system files

One of the reasons why Windows cannot be launched is damage to system files. To eliminate this problem, it is necessary to make an appropriate check procedure with subsequent restoration.

  1. This procedure is performed through the "Command Line". If you can download Windows in "Safe Mode", then open the specified utility by the standard method through the "Start" menu by going to the name "All Programs", and then enroll in the "Standard" folder.

    Run a command line through the Start menu in Windows 7

    If you can not start Windows at all, then in this case, open the "Troubleshooting Computer" window. The activation procedure was described in the previous method. Then select the "Command Line" from the output list.

    Run a command line in the system recovery parameters in Windows 7

    If you do not even open the troubleshooting window, then you can try to reanimate Windows using LiveCD / USB or using the OS native boot disk. In the latter case, the "command line" can be called by activating the troubleshooting tool, as in the usual situation. The main difference will be to load you using a disk.

  2. In the command line interface that opens, enter the following command:


    If you activate the utility from the recovery environment, and not in the "secure mode", the command should look like this:

    SFC / SCANNOW / OFFBOOTDIR = C: \ / OFFWINDIR = C: \ Windows

    Instead of the symbol, "C" you need to specify another letter if your OS is located in the section under another name.

    After that use ENTER.

  3. Start checking for the objects of the system files in the command prompt in Windows 7

  4. A SFC utility will start, which will check Windows for damaged files. Behind the progress of this process can be observed through the "Command Line" interface. In case of detection of damaged objects, the renewings procedure will be produced.

Check for holeric system files on the command prompt in Windows 7


Activation of "Command Line" in Windows 7

Check system files for integrity in windows 7

Method 5: Disk scan for errors

One of the reasons for the impossibility of loading Windows can be physical damage to the hard disk or logical errors in it. Most often, this is manifested in the fact that the OS load does not start at all either ends in the same place, and without reaching the end. To identify this kind of problem and try to correct them, you need to check with the help of the Chkdsk utility.

  1. Activation of CHKDSK, as well as the previous utility, is made by entering the command in the "Command Line". You can call this tool in the same way as described in the previous method of action. In its interface, enter such a command:

    Chkdsk / F.

    Next press ENTER.

  2. Run a hard disk check for errors in the command line in Windows 7

  3. If you log in in "Safe Mode", you will have to restart the PC. The analysis will be executed at the next loading it automatically, but for this you will need to first enter the "command" letter "Y" in the "command line" window and press ENTER.

    Confirm the launch of the hard disk check for errors when the system is next restart on the command line in Windows 7

    If you work in troubleshooting mode, then the chkdsk utility will check the disk immediately. In case of detection of logical errors, an attempt to eliminate them will be made. If the hard drive has physical damage, you should either contact the wizard or replace it.

Lesson: Checking disk on errors in Windows 7

Method 6: Loading Configuration Restore

The following method that makes restoring the download configuration when the Windows startup is not possible, is also carried out by entering the command expression to the "Command Line" running in the system recovery environment.

  1. After activating the "Command Line", enter the expression:

    bootrec.exe / fixmbr.

    After that, press ENTER.

  2. Enter the FixMBr command on the command line in Windows 7

  3. Next, enter such an expression:

    BootRec.exe / FixBoot

    Apply ENTER again.

  4. Enter the FixBoot command on the command line in Windows 7

  5. After rebooting the PC it is likely that it will be able to start in standard mode.

Method 7: Removing viruses

A virus infection of the computer can also cause a problem with the launch of the system. If specified circumstances, you should find and delete malicious code. You can perform this with a special antivirus utility. One of the most well-proven tools of this class is Dr.Web Cureit.

Scanning system for viruses using Dr.Web Cureit anti-virus utility in Windows 7

But users may have a reasonable question, how to check if the system does not start? If you do turn on the PC in "Safe Mode", then you can scan by making this type of startup. But even in this case, we advise you to check, running the PC from the LiveCD / USB or from another computer.

If the virus utility is detected, follow the instructions that will be displayed in its interface. But even if the malicious code is eliminated, the problem with the launch may remain. This means that it is likely that the viral program damaged system files. Then it is necessary to make check in detail described with reference to Method 4 and carry out resuscitation if damage is found.

Lesson: Scan Computer for Viruses

Method 8: autorun cleaning

If you can boot in "Safe Mode", but when ordinary downloads arise problems, it is likely that the cause of the fault lies in a conflict program that is in autorun. In this case, it will be reasonable to clean the autoload.

  1. Run the computer in "Safe Mode." Type Win + R. Opens the "Run" window. Enter there:


    Next apply "OK".

  2. Running the system configuration window by entering the command to run in Windows 7

  3. The system tool entitled "System Configuration" is launched. Go to the "Auto-loading" tab.
  4. Go to the Tabup tab in the System Configuration window in Windows 7

  5. Click on the "Disable All" button.
  6. Disable autoloading all programs in the System Configuration window in Windows 7

  7. Ticks will be removed from all the list items. Next click "Apply" and "OK".
  8. Saving changes made in the System Configuration window in Windows 7

  9. The window will then appear, where the offer will be displayed to restart the computer. You need to press "Reboot".
  10. Run a system reboot in the system configuration dialog box in Windows 7

  11. If after restarting the PC starts in normal mode, this means that the reason was covered in a conflicting application with the application system. Next, if you wish, you can return the most necessary programs in the autorun. If, when adding some application, the problem with the launch will repeat, then you will already know the chain the problem. In this case, it is necessary to refuse to add such software to autoload.

Lesson: Disconnecting the autorun applications in Windows 7

Method 9: System Restore

If none of the specified methods have worked, you can restore the system. But the main condition for applying the specified method is the presence of a previously created recovery point.

  1. Go to the reanimation of Windows, being in "Safe Mode". In the "Start" menu section, you must open the "service" directory, which, in turn, is in the "Standard" folder. There will be an element "Restoring system". On it just needed and click.

    Running system recovery in the service folder through the Start menu in Windows 7

    If the PC does not start even in "safe mode", then open the troubleshooting tool when you boot or activate it from the installation disk. In the recovery environment, select the second position - "System Restore".

  2. Go to restore the system in the system recovery parameters window in Windows 7

  3. The media interface called "Restoring System" with generalizing information about this tool. Click "Next".
  4. Startup tool window Restore system in Windows 7

  5. In the next window you need to select a specific point to which the system will be restored. We recommend choosing the latest by the date of creation. In order to increase the space of choice, set the check in Checkbox "show others ...". After the desired option is selected, press "Next".
  6. Select recovery point in the Restore System window in Windows 7

  7. The window will then open, where you need to confirm your recovery actions. To do this, press "ready."
  8. Running the recovery procedure in the System Restore window in Windows 7

  9. The Windows Recovery Procedure will begin, as a result of which the computer will reboot. If the problem was only called software, and not hardware causes, then the start should be made in standard mode.

    Approximately the same algorithm is reanimated by Windows from the backup. Only for this in the recovery environment you need to select the "Recovery Image Recovery" position, and then in the opening window, specify the backup directory. But, again, this method can only be used if you previously created an OS image.

  10. Go to restore the system image in the system restore parameters in Windows 7

As we see, there are quite a few options for restoring the launch in Windows 7. Therefore, if you suddenly meet with the problem studied here, you do not need to immediately fall into panic, but simply use the tips that are given in this article. Then, if the cause of the problem was not a hardware, but a software factor, with a lot of probability it will be possible to restore performance. But for reliability, we strongly recommend applying preventive measures, namely, do not forget to periodically create recovery points or backup copies of Windows.

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