Why incentive can not add a friend


Why incentive can not add a friend

Until 2015, Steam game playground users could freely create new accounts and add a certain number of friends to them. Subsequently, this opportunity has undergone some changes and now it is not available for a specific category of users. In this article we will analyze why some players cannot add other people friends and how to get out of this situation.

Causes for which you can not add a friend in Steam

There are only two reasons why you can not add the user to the Franmlist. One of them will be obvious, and we will say a little later about it, and now we will analyze the main one - a limited account. If you are the owner of such a profile, sending applications to friends will be impossible, moreover, you will have a number of restrictions on other actions and operations within the service.

So, Valve made amendments to the work of accounts, whose owners did not make purchases of games by blocking access to some functions. This was done for security purposes, since one time massively registered many fake profiles to send spam, theft and fraud. Such people freely added others to friends and fraudulently received expensive inventory items from them or sent links to Steam, but after entering the login and password, these data are squeezed. In order to limit the flow of such actions, all accounts where there were no games worth $ 5 or more, received the status of "limited". In this case, the registration date does not matter here. If your profile came to this innovation, the outputs of it are not so much.

Option 1: Replenishment Wallet or Purchase of Games

This method is designed to siturate when, instead of attempting to add a person a friend, you see the inscription: "Your account does not meet the necessary requirements for using this feature."

Locking adding friends with a limited account steam

He denotes that you have not made purchases on $ 5 or a large amount or did not make these money on your Steam wallet. Conclusion is simple - make a purchase or replenish the internal account for this amount. Look at the dollar rate towards your currency at the moment and, following the instructions on the links below, spend this money in one way.

Read more:

Purchase game in Steam

How to put money on a steam wallet

Pay attention, buying one or more games, it is not necessary to do it for yourself. You can always buy them as a gift, and if the total cost is from $ 5, the profile will cease to be limited. In this case, the calculation occurs with the current price - if the product is sold at a discount, it will be considered to be purchased at a reduced price, and not initial.

If you have a wallet code (electronic gift card) worth $ 5 or more, you can also activate it and relieve restrictions, including adding to friends.

If this purse code is not an acquisition, but a gift for you, its activation will not remove restrictions.

Important Rules for Removing Restrictions from Account

Many Steam users have certain questions regarding the withdrawal of restrictions related to the deposit on the account. Here are the answers to the most relevant, related to payments:

  • Any game received as a gift from another user will not be counted, and the restrictions will not be removed;
  • Upon returning money on a map or electronic payment system, all the referenced funds sent back from the cost of purchases on the account (provided that their amount falls below $ 5) and the restriction will appear again;
  • Activation of key games purchased outside the Steam platform, adding third-party library does not remove restrictions;
  • For the installation of demoigr, games on stocks (let's say, distribution on the weekend) you do not reduce the threshold, do not remove the restrictions;
  • After selling items on the playground, the money reversed will not go into account $ 5, which are necessary for removing the limits.

Option 2: Adopting an incoming request for addict

If you can not add a person a friend and are not going to spend money on the purchase of Steam games, pleased with the free products, ask people to send applications to you, and not send them yourself. Despite the fact that the possibilities of sending outgoing applications are blocked, to confirm or reject the incoming still possible.

Adoption of an incoming application in Steam

So add a person with whom you are familiar from Steam, contacting him personally and asking him to send a request. With an unfamiliar man, you can talk in the in-game chat and ask him to add you as a friend yourself. Of course, if the second person has the same limited account, you both will not work out, while someone one does not fulfill recommendations from Option 1. It is worth understanding that the acceptance of the request for adding to friends does not removes from your account of limits.

Added on friend on a limited account Steam

Option 3: Blacklist

When, instead of adding a friend, you see a message "An error occurred when adding a friend. Communication between you and this user is blocked, it can only mean one thing: a particular person has blocked you, that is, introduced into the blacklist.

Locking adding friends when adding blacklist in Steam

It will not work around this blocking until it deletes you from the emergency, however, the add button to friends formally remains active. The only thing that can be done here is to try to contact him outside the style and ask to unlock.

Here are such ways to use a friend in Steam. This is necessary not only for convenient communication, but also to invite them to the server during the game or in the overall gaming lobby.

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