3D online modeling: 2 work options


3D modeling online

There are quite a lot of programs for three-dimensional modeling, as it is actively used in many areas. In addition, to create 3D models can be resorted to special online services that provide no less useful tools.

3D modeling online

On the open spaces you can find quite a few sites that allow you to create 3D models online with subsequent downloading of the finished project. As part of this article, we will talk about the most convenient services in the use of services.

Method 1: TinkerCAD

This online service, unlike most analogues, has the most simplified interface, during the development of which you can hardly have any questions. Moreover, you can go directly on the site completely free training basics of work in the 3D-editor.

Go to the official TinkerCAD site


  1. To use the editor's capabilities, you need to register on the site. At the same time, if you already have an AUTODESK account, you can use it.
  2. The authorization process on TinkerCAD through Autodesk

  3. After authorization on the main service page, click the "Create New Project" button.
  4. Transition to the creation of a new project on the TinkerCAD website

  5. The main zone of the editor accommodates the working plane and directly the 3D models.
  6. View the main workspace on TinkerCAD website

  7. Using the tools on the left part of the editor, you can scale and rotate the camera.

    Note: Pulling the right mouse button, the camera can be moved freely.

  8. Use of rotation and scaling on the TinkerCAD website

  9. One of the most useful tools is the "line".

    Using the line tool on the TinkerCAD website

    To place the line, you must select a place on the workspace and click the left mouse button. At the same time climbing the LKM, this object can be moved.

  10. Moving the line on the TinkerCAD website

  11. All items will automatically stick to the grid, the size and view of which can be configured on a special panel in the bottom area of ​​the editor.
  12. Mesh Setup Process on TinkerCad website

Creating objects

  1. To create any 3D-shapes, use the panel placed on the right side of the page.
  2. The choice of 3D models for accommodation on the TinkerCad website

  3. After selecting the desired object, click in the work plane suitable for placement.
  4. Successfully placed figure on TinkerCAD website

  5. When the model appears in the main editor window, it will appear with additional tools using which the figure can be moved or modified.

    Work process with 3D model on the TinkerCAD website

    In the "Form" block, you can set the main parameters of the model, as for its color gamut. It is allowed to handmade any color from the palette, but it is impossible to use textures.

    The color selection process for the model on the TinkerCAD website

    If you select the type of hole object, the model will be completely transparent.

  6. Select type hole on TinkerCAD website

  7. In addition to the originally represented figures, you can resort to the use of models with special forms. To do this, open the drop-down list on the toolbar and select the desired category.
  8. Select the category of models on the TinkerCAD website

  9. Now select and place the model depending on your requirements.

    Accommodation of an additional 3D model on the TinkerCAD website

    When using different shapes, you will be available to several different settings.

    Note: When using a large number of complex models, the service performance may fall.

  10. Special set of model parameters on the TinkerCAD website

View style

After completing the modeling process, you can change the scene view by switching to one of the tabs on the top toolbar. Apart from the main 3D editor, two types of submission are available to use:

  • Blocks;
  • Block view of the scene on the TinkerCAD website

  • Bricks.
  • Brick view of the scene on the TinkerCAD website

It is impossible to somehow affect 3D models in this form.

Coda Editor

If you have knowledge of scripting languages, switch to the Shape Generators tab.

Go to the tab with scripts on the TinkerCAD website

With the help of the features presented here, you can create your own figures using JavaScript.

Using the code editor on the TinkerCAD website

The created figures can subsequently be saved and published in the Autodesk library.


  1. On the "Design" tab, click the "Sharing" button.
  2. Select tab Sharing TinkerCAD website

  3. Click one of the presented options to save or publish a finished project snapshot.
  4. The possibility of publishing a project on the TinkerCAD website

  5. As part of the same panel, click the Export button to open the save window. You can download all or some items both in 3D and 2D.

    Selection of preservation format on the TinkerCAD website

    On the 3DPrint page you can resort to the help of one of the additional services to print the created project.

  6. Possibility of 3D printing on TinkerCAD website

  7. If necessary, the service allows not only to export, but also import various models, including those previously created in TinkerCAD.
  8. The ability to import 3D models on the TinkerCAD website

The service is perfect for the implementation of simple projects with the possibility of organizing subsequent 3D printing. If you have questions, contact the comments.

Method 2: Clara.io

The main purpose of this online service is to provide a practically full-featured editor in the Internet browser. And although this resource has no competitors, it is possible to take advantage of all the capabilities only when buying one of the tariff plans.

Go to the official site Clara.io


  1. To go to 3D modeling with this site, you must go through the registration or authorization procedure.

    The registration process on Clara.io

    During the creation of a new account, several tariff plans are provided, including free.

  2. View tariff plans on Clara.io website

  3. After the registration is completed, you will be redirected to your personal account, from where you can proceed to download the model from the computer or create a new scene.
  4. View Personal Cabinet on Clara.io website

    Models can only be open in a limited amount of formats.

    Ability to download 3D models on Clara.io website

  5. On the next page you can use one of the works of other users.
  6. Ability to use a gallery of models on Clara.io

  7. To create an empty project, click "CREATE EMPTY SCENE".
  8. Ability to create an empty 3D scene on Clara.io website

  9. Configure rendering and access, give your project the name and click on the "Create" button.
  10. The process of creating a new scene on the site CLARA.IO

Creating models

You can start working with the editor by creating one of the primitive figures on the top of the toolbar.

Creating a primitive figure on Clara.io website

You can see a complete list of 3D models created by opening the section "Create" and selecting one of the items.

View the list of objects on the Clara.io website

Inside the editor area, you can rotate, move and scale the model.

Moving the model in the editor on the site CLARA.IO

To configure objects, use the parameters placed on the right side of the window.

Changing the parameters of the figure on the site CLARA.IO

In the left area of ​​the editor, switch to the "Tools" tab to open additional tools.

View additional tools on Clara.io website

It is possible to work at once with several models by allocation.


  1. To change the texture of the created 3D models, open the "Render" list and select "Material Browser".
  2. Transition to browser materials on Clara.io website

  3. Materials are posted on two tabs depending on the complexity of the texture.
  4. The process of choosing materials on the site CLARA.IO

  5. In addition to materials from the specified list, you can choose one of the sources in the "Materials" section.

    View standard materials on Clara.io website

    The textures themselves can also be configured.

  6. The process of setting the material on the site CLARA.IO


  1. To achieve an acceptable type of scene, you need to add light sources. Open the "Create" tab and select the lighting type from the Light list.
  2. Selection of lighting style on Clara.io website

  3. Place and configure the light source using the appropriate panel.
  4. The process of placement and configuration of light on the site CLARA.IO


  1. To view the final scene, press the "3D Stream" button and select the appropriate rendering type.

    Transition to rendering scenes on Clara.io website

    Treatment time will depend on the complexity of the scene created.

    Note: During rendering, the camera is automatically added, but it can also be created manually.

  2. Rendering process scenes on Clara.io website

  3. The result of rendering can be saved as a graphic file.
  4. Successful rendering on Clara.io website


  1. On the right side of the editor, click the Share button to share the model.
  2. Transition to creating links on Clara.io website

  3. By providing another user link from the Link to Share line, you will allow him to view a model on a special page.

    View the finished scene on the site Clara.io

    During viewing the scene will be automatic rendering.

  4. Open the "File" menu and select one of the export options:
    • "Export All" - all scene objects will be included;
    • "EXPORT SELECT" - only selected models will be saved.
  5. Selecting an export type on Clara.io website

  6. Now you need to decide on the format in which the scene will remain on the PC.

    Selection of preservation format on Clara.io website

    The processing requires a time that depends on the number of objects and the complexity of rendering.

  7. The process of saving the scene on Clara.io website

  8. Click the "Download" button to download the file with the model.
  9. The process of downloading the file on the site CLARA.IO

Thanks to the possibilities of this service, you can create models, little inferior to projects made in specialized programs.

Read also: programs for 3D modeling


All online services considered by us, even considering a large number of additional tools for the implementation of many projects, are somewhat inferior to the software created specifically for three-dimensional modeling. Especially if you compare with such a software as Autodesk 3DS Max or Blender.

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