How to open Excel in different windows: 8 work options


Two windows in Microsoft Excel

When working in Microsoft Excel, it is necessary to open several documents or the same file in multiple windows. In older versions and versions, starting with Excel 2013, do not make any particular problems. Just open the files with the standard way, and each of them will start in a new window. But in the versions of the 2007 application 2007 - 2010, the new document opens by default in the parent window. Such an approach saves computer system resources, but at the same time creates a number of inconveniences. For example, if the user wants to compare two documents, placing the window on the screen next, then it will not work for standard settings. Consider how this can be made by all available ways.

Opening a few windows

If in versions of Excel 2007-2010 you already have a document, but you will try to run another file, then it will open in the same parent window, simply replacing the contents of the initial document on data from the new one. There will always be able to switch to the first running file. To do this, visit the cursor to the Excel icon on the taskbar. Small windows will appear for the preview of all running files. Skip to a specific document you can simply click on such a window. But it will be a switching, and not a full opening of several windows, since simultaneously to display them on the screen in this way the user will not be able to.

Preview in Microsoft Excel

But there are several tricks with which you can display multiple documents in Excel 2007 - 2010 on the screen at the same time.

One of the fastest options once and permanently solve the problem with the opening of several windows in Excel is the installation of a Patch MicrosOFTEASYFIX50801.MSI. But, unfortunately, Microsoft has ceased to support all Easy Fix solutions, including the above product. Therefore, it is impossible to download it on the official website. If you wish, you can download and install a patch from other web resources at your own fear, but it should be remembered that you can subjected to your actions in danger.

Method 1: Taskbel

One of the easiest options for opening several windows is to perform this operation through the context menu of the icon on the taskbar.

  1. After one document Excel is already running, bring the cursor to the program icon posted on the taskbar. Click on it right mouse button. The context menu is launched. In it, select Depending on the program version of the program "Microsoft Excel 2007" or "Microsoft Excel 2010".

    Context menu in Microsoft Excel

    You can instead to click on the Excel icon on the taskbar with the left mouse button when the SHIFT key is pressed. Another option is to just hover the cursor on the icon, then click the mouse with a wheel. In all cases, the effect will be the same, but you will not need to activate the context menu.

  2. A clean sheet of Excel in a separate window opens. In order to open a specific document, go to the "File" tab of the new window and click on the "Open" item.
  3. Go to the opening of the file in Microsoft Excel

  4. In the starting file opening window, go to the directory where the desired document is located, select it and click on the "Open" button.

Opening a new file in Microsoft Excel

After that, you can work with documents immediately in two windows. In the same way, if necessary, you can launch more.

Simultaneous opening of two windows in Microsoft Excel

Method 2: "Run" window

The second way implies actions through the "Run" window.

  1. We recruit the Win + R keys combination on the keyboard.
  2. The "Run" window is activated. Tell the "Excel" command in its field.

Run the window in Microsoft Excel

After that, the new window will start, and in order to open the desired file in it, perform the same actions as in the previous method.

Method 3: Start Menu

The following method is suitable for Windows 7 users or earlier versions of the operating system.

  1. Click on the button "Start" OS Windows. Go through the item "All Programs".
  2. Transition to all programs in Microsoft Excel

  3. In the list of programs that opens, go to the Microsoft Office folder. Next click the left mouse button on the Microsoft Excel label.

Microsoft Excel Program Selection

After these actions, the new program window will start, in which the file can be opened in the standard way.

Method 4: Label on the desktop

To run the Excel program in a new window, you need to click on the application shortcut on the desktop. If it is not, then in this case the label needs to be created.

Running a program through a shortcut in Microsoft Excel

  1. Open Windows Explorer and if you have installed Excel 2010, then go to the address:

    C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft Office \ Office14

    If Excel is installed 2007, then in this case the address will be like this:

    C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft Office \ Office12

  2. Transition to the Microsoft Excel program directory

  3. Finding into the program directory, we find a file called "excel.exe". If you are not enabled in the operating system, the expansion shows, it will be called simply "Excel". Click on this element right mouse button. In the activated context menu, select the "Create Label" item.
  4. Microsoft Excel context menu

  5. A dialog box appears in which it is said that it is impossible to create a shortcut in this folder, but you can put on your desktop. We agree by clicking the "Yes" button.

Premise a shortcut on the desktop in Microsoft Excel

Now you can start the new window through the application label on the desktop.

Method 5: Opening through the context menu

All methods that were described above are suggesting first launching a new Excel window, and only then through the "File" tab, the opening of a new document, which is a rather uncomfortable procedure. But it is possible to significantly facilitate the opening of documents by using the context menu.

  1. Create an Excel label on the desktop according to the algorithm, which is described above.
  2. Click on the label right mouse button. In the context menu, stop the selection on the "Copy" or "Cut" item depending on whether the user wishes so that the label is then placed on the desktop or not.
  3. Copy Microsoft Excel Label

  4. Next, you should open the conductor, after which make the transition to the following address:

    C: \ Users \ user_name \ APPDATA \ Roaming \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Sendto

    Instead of the "username" value, it is necessary to substitute the name of your Windows account, that is, the user directory.

    The problem also consists in the fact that by default this directory is in a hidden folder. Therefore, it will be necessary to turn on the display of hidden directories.

  5. Go to directory

  6. In the folder, click on any empty location with the right mouse button. In the menu running menu, stop the selection at the "Insert" item. Immediately after this, the label will be added to this directory.
  7. Insert Microsoft Excel Label

  8. Then open the folder where the file you want to run is located. Click on it right mouse button. In the context menu, we sequentially go through the "Send" and "Excel" items.

Sending a file in Microsoft Excel

The document will start in a new window.

Having done the operation with the addition of a shortcut to the "Sendto" folder, we got the ability to constantly open Excel files in a new window through the context menu.

Method 6: Changes in the system registry

But you can make the opening of Excel files in multiple windows even easier. After the procedure, which will be described below, in a similar way all documents opened in the usual way will be launched, that is, double-clicking. True, this procedure implies manipulation with the system registry. This means that you need to be confident before you take for it, since any wrong step can fatally harm the system as a whole. In order for the situation in case of problems, the situation can be corrected, take the system recovery point before starting manipulations.

  1. To start the "Run" window, press the Win + R keys combination. In the field that opens, enter the "regedit.exe" command and click on the "OK" button.
  2. Sending a file in Microsoft Excel

  3. The registry editor is launched. In it, go to the following address:

    HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ Excel.Sheet.8 \ Shell \ Open \ COMMAND

    On the right side of the window click on the default element.

  4. Switch to the Registry section

  5. The editing window opens. In the "value" line change "/ DDE" to "/ E"% 1 ". Leave the rest of the line as it is. Click on the "OK" button.
  6. Changing a string parameter

  7. Being in the same section, clicking the right mouse button on the "Command" element. In the context menu that opens, go through the "Rename" item. Arbitrarily rename this element.
  8. Rename registry element

  9. Right-click on the name "DDeExec" section. In the context menu, select the item "Rename" and also arbitrarily rename this object.

    Renamation in the registry

    Thus, we made it possible to open with the standard way in a new file window with the XLS extension.

  10. In order to execute this procedure for files with the XLSX extension, in the registry editor, go to the address:

    HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ Excel.Sheet.12 \ Shell \ Open \ COMMAND

    We proceed a similar procedure and with elements of this branch. That is, we change the parameters of the default element, we rename the "Command" element and the DDeExec branch.

Editing the second registry branch

After performing this procedure, the XLSX format files will also be opened in a new window.

Method 7: Excel Settings

Opening multiple files in new windows can also be configured through Excel parameters.

  1. While staying in the "File" tab, perform a click on the "Parameters" mouse.
  2. Switch to parameters in Microsoft Excel

  3. The parameter window is launched. Go to section "Optional". On the right side of the window is looking for a group of "General" tools. Install a tick opposite the "ignore DDE requests from other applications" item. Click on the "OK" button.

Microsoft Excel Settings

After that, new running files will be opened in separate windows. At the same time, before completing the work in Excel, it is recommended to remove the checkbox from the "Ignore DDE requests from other applications" item, since in the opposite case, when you next start the program, there are problems with opening files.

Therefore, in some way, this method is less convenient than the previous one.

Method 8: Opening a single file several times

As you know, usually the Excel program does not give open the same file in two windows. Nevertheless, it can also be done.

  1. Run the file. Go to the "View" tab. In the "Window" tool block on the tape we click on the "New Window" button.
  2. Opening a new window in Microsoft Excel

  3. After these actions, this file will open another time. In Excel 2013 and 2016, it will start immediately in a new window. In order to operate the document in a separate file in the 2007 and 2010 versions, and not in new tabs, you need to make a manipulation with the registry, which was discussed above.

As you can see, although by default in Excel 2007 and 2010, when you start multiple files, you will open in the same mother window, there are many ways to run them in different windows. The user can choose a more convenient one that matches its needs option.

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