How to configure limit connections in Windows 10


How to configure a limit connection in Windows 10

Despite the fact that many users have long selected unlimited tariff plans for accessing the Internet, the network connection with megabytes remains common. If you are easy to control their spending on smartphones, then in Windows this process is significantly more difficult, since in addition to the browser in the background, permanent updates of the OS and standard applications occur. Block all this and reduce traffic consumption helps the "Limit Connections" feature.

Setting up limit connections in Windows 10

Using a limit connection allows you to save the share of traffic without spending it on system and some other updates. That is, it is postponed to download updates of the operating system itself, certain Windows components, which is convenient when using the illuminarian connection (relevant for budget tariff plans of Ukrainian providers, 3G modems and the use of mobile access points - when the smartphone / tablet distributes the mobile Internet like a router).

Regardless of whether Wi-Fi is used or wired connection, the setting of this parameter is equally.

  1. Go to "Parameters" by clicking on "Start" with the right mouse button.
  2. Menu Parameters in an alternative start in Windows 10

  3. Select the section "Network and Internet".
  4. Go to Network and Internet section in Windows 10 settings

  5. On the left panel switch to "Using Data".
  6. Section Using Data in Windows 10 parameters

  7. By default, the limit setting occurs for the type of connection to the network that is currently used. If you also need to configure another option, in the "Show Settings for" block, select the desired connection from the drop-down list. Thus, you can configure not only Wi-Fi connection, but also LAN (Ethernet item).
  8. Select the type of connection to configure a limit connection in Windows 10 settings

  9. In the main part of the window, we see the "Install Limit" button. Click on it.
  10. Go to the limit installation in Windows 10 settings

  11. Here it is proposed to configure the limit parameters. Select the duration with which the restriction will follow:
    • "Monthly" - a certain number of traffic will be allocated for one month, and when it is consumed, a system notification will appear.
    • Available settings:

      "Date of reference" means the day of the current month, starting from which the limit will come into force.

      "Traffic Limit" and "Unit. Measurements "Set the volume free to use megabytes (MB) or gigabyte (GB).

      Monthly type of limit connection in Windows 10 parameters

    • "ONO" - within the same session there will be a certain amount of traffic, and when it is exhausted, Windows alert will appear (most convenient for mobile connection).
    • Available settings:

      "Data duration in days" - indicates the number of days when traffic can be consumed.

      "Traffic Limit" and "Unit. Measurements "- the same as in the" monthly "type.

      One-time type of limit connection in Windows 10 parameters

    • "Without restrictions" - notification of the exhausted limit will not appear until the established traffic will end.
    • Available settings:

      "Date of reference" - the day of the current month, from which the restriction will begin to act.

      Unlimited limit type in Windows 10 parameters

  12. After applying the settings, the information in the "Parameters" window will change slightly: you will see the percentage of the amount used from the number specified. Even below, other information is displayed, depending on the selected type of limit. For example, with the "monthly" volume of the used traffic and the remaining MB, as well as the limit reset date and two buttons offered to change the created template or delete it.
  13. Advanced information about Used Limit in Windows 10 parameters

  14. When you reach the installed limit, the operating system will notify you about this with the corresponding window, where the instruction manual will also be kept:

    Notification of the achievement of the limit in Windows 10

    There will be no access to the network in this case, but, as already mentioned earlier, various system updates will be postponed. However, updates of programs (for example, browsers) can continue to work, and here the user needs to manually disable automatic check and download new versions if tight traffic savings are required.

    It is immediately important to notice that applications installed from the Microsoft Store recognize limit connections and limit the data transmission. Therefore, in some cases it will be more correct to make a choice in favor of the application from the store, and not a full version downloaded from the developer's official website.

Be careful, the limit installation function is primarily intended for information purposes, it does not affect the connection to the network and does not turn off the Internet after achieving the restriction. The limit applies only to some modern programs, system updates and its defined components of the Microsoft Store type, but, for example, the same Onedrive will still be synchronized in normal mode.

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