How to write to Aliexpress Support


How to complain about the seller on Aliexpress

Despite the large number of reference information both on the site and on the Internet, many buyers on Aliexpress still have a number of questions that cannot be solved in this way. To obtain a consultation or assistance in solving a question, many wish to write in technical support and get an answer from the company's representative. That's just a button for communication with the operator finds no way. Nevertheless, it is possible to contact support.

Appeal to Technical Support Aliexpress

A few years ago, when Aliexpress became very popular in Russia, he began to actively adapt to the work of this country. An online chat appeared here, where it was quite easy to get to contact the operator. However, due to the surgent flow of buyers, asking the same questions, the caliper was simply unable to serve everyone by changing the service strategy. This section was hidden slightly deeper, and to chat with a living employee, it became more difficult to get to the chat, because at first he advises a robotic assistant.

First list the list of questions you have the right to apply to technical support:

  • Fat harness with payment. Most often, a number of stories fall here, in which the order cannot be paid and do not go to the site.
  • The unsatisfactory decision of the arbitration on the dispute. It happens that the decision that Aliexpress supports is supported, the buyer remains dissatisfied, and after several times its deviations, the dispute is automatically closed with one of the previously proposed decisions. If the buyer still disagrees and believes that the site employee made a mistake, undeservedly ranked the Seller's side, while having evidence, it can contact support on this issue separately.
  • Complaint of goods. When identifying poor quality, illegal goods, you can leave a complaint against it in a special section offering 4 options for compiling a claim. Nevertheless, in extraordinary situations, with the requirement of removing goods from the site, you can contact and directly to a specialist.

    Chat with Tmall

    Similarly, things are concluded with the Russian division of Aliexpress called Tmall. As you understand, the questions are solved here on orders made through this online store, as employees are aware of many nuances regarding the support of orders sent within the country.

    1. Here on the main page of the site there is the "Online Chat" button.
    2. |

    3. However, when moving to chat you again meets the robot.
    4. TMALL chat communication for communication with technical support operator on |

    5. The principle of calling a live operator is similar to what we have already written above. We did this happened by selecting the question "when will I get a refund?", Deviations of ordering from the list on the right and the subsequent selection of the option "Other". In fact, it will help you all the same EVA operator adapted to Tmall. An appropriate link will be proposed to call a specialist in the chat.
    6. Link to communicate with TMall technical support operator and on

    Option 3: Mobile application

    For those who have a mobile application in priority, it is not necessary to use a computer in solving your questions. There is a completely similar shape of the chat with the same features of the challenge of technical support officer, which was described in version 2.

    1. Expand the application and go to the "My Profile" section.
    2. Transition to My Profile in Mobile Application Aliexpress

    3. From the list of functions, select "Support Service".
    4. Mobile Application Support Section Aliexpress

    5. Scroll down the page down and click the "Online Service" button.
    6. Transition to online service for communication with technical support operator in mobile application Aliexpress

    7. Follow the recommendations discussed above.
    8. Open Chat for Call Operator Technical Supports in Mobile Application Aliexpress

    In conclusion, you should answer that some are offered to use email to communicate, sending a letter to one of the three addresses of the form * We cannot recommend this, because they are not official and even the workers: letters do not go there. There is no site and phone numbers for which you can call the usual user who has any question or difficulty. Do not call the numbers found on the Internet, allegedly intended for communication with Aliexpress, most likely, it is just an irrelevant information copied from somewhere else or fraud with a paid expensive challenge. Adhere to the Soviets provided in the article, and the need to search for this data simply will disappear.

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