Allwinner A13 firmware


Allwinner A13 firmware

In the world of android devices over the years of the program platform, a huge number of a wide variety of representatives gathered. Among them are products that attract the consumer, primarily their low cost, but at the same time the ability to perform basic tasks. AllWinner is one of the most popular hardware platforms of such devices. Consider the possibilities of firmware of tablet PCs built on the basis of Allwinner A13.

Devices on Allwinner A13, in terms of the possibility of conducting operations with the program part inherent in several features affecting the success of the firmware, that is, the work of all the hardware and software components is properly due to its result. In many ways, the positive effect of reinstalling software depends on the proper preparation of tools and the necessary files.

Manipulations carried out by users with the tablet in the instructions below can lead to negative consequences or the absence of the expected result. All the actions of the owner of the device are at their own risk. The resource administration does not bear any responsibility for possible damage to the device!


In most cases, the possibility of flashing tablet on Allwinner A13, the user thinks at the time of the loss of the device of working capacity. In other words, the device does not turn on, stops loading, hanging on the screensaver, etc.

Allwiner A13 hangs on the screensaver

The situation is quite common and may arise as a result of various user actions, as well as software failures that are manifested due to the unscrupiance of firmware developers for these products. The trouble is most often corrected, it is important only to clearly fulfill the instructions for recovery.

Step 1: Finding out the model

This, it would seem, a simple step may be difficult due to the presence of a huge number of devices "Noname", as well as a large number of fakes under well-known brands.

Well, if the tablet on Allwinner A13 is released a fairly popular manufacturer and the latter took care of the proper level of technical support. In such cases, find out the model, and also find the desired firmware and the tool for its installation is usually not difficult. It is enough to see the name on the housing or packaging and go with these data to the official website of the company that has released the device.

Allwiner A13 Determine the manufacturer and model

How to be if the manufacturer of the tablet, not to mention the model, is unknown either before us a fake, not feeding signs of life?

Allwiner A13 Nonayam how to find firmware

Remove the back cover of the tablet. Usually it does not cause special difficulties, it is enough to care enough to pry it with, for example, the mediator and then remove.

Allwiner a13 pry the back cover

It may be needed to pre-unscrew several small screws that fix the cover on the housing.

Allwiner A13 Remove the back cover

After disassembly, we look at the printed circuit board for the presence of various inscriptions. We are interested in marking a motherboard. It must be rewritten to further search for software.

Allwinner A13 Marking Mat. Payment and Display

In addition to the motherboard model, it is advisable to fix the marking of the display used, as well as all other information found. Their presence can help find the desired files in the future.

Step 2: Search and load firmware

After the model of the tablet motherboard is known, go to the search for a file-image containing the necessary software. If for devices, the manufacturer of which has the official website, usually everything is simple - just enter the name of the model in the search field and download the desired solution, then for noname-devices from China, the search for the necessary files may be difficult, and the search for downloaded solutions that do not function properly after Installations in the tablet, take a long time.

Allwiner a13 firmware does not fit

  1. To search should use the resources of the global network. We enter the model of the tablet motherboard in the search engine query field and carefully examine the results for the availability of links for downloading the necessary files. In addition to the card marking, you can also add the word "firmware", "Firmware", "Rom", "Flash" to the search query, "Rom", "Flash", etc.
  2. Allwiner A13 Search for firmware on the Internet

  3. It will not be superfluous to appeal to thematic resources on Chinese apparatus and forums. For example, a good selection of various firmware for allwinner contains the resource
  4. Allwiner A13 download firmware.

  5. If the device is purchased via the Internet, for example, on Ali Extress, you can refer to the seller asking or even the requirement to provide a file-image file for the device.
  6. It should be noted that in the case of the presence of an inoperable device on Allwinner A13, moreover, the nameless, there is no other exit, except to flash all the more or less suitable images in turn before receiving a positive result.

    Fortunately, the platform is practically "not killed by" a record in memory of the wrong software. In the worst case, the process of transferring files to the device is simply not started either after manipulations, the tablet PC will be able to start, but its certain components will not work - the camera, touchscreen, bluetooth, etc. will not work. Therefore, experiment.

    Step 3: Install Driver

    The firmware of the devices based on the Allwinner A13 hardware platform is carried out using PC and specialized Windows-utilities. Of course, drivers will be required to pair the device and computer.

    The most rational method for receiving drivers for tablets is the download and installation of Android SDK from Android Studio.

    Download Android SDK from the official website

    Allwiner a13 download android sdk

    Almost in all cases, after installing the software package described above, you only need to connect the tablet to the PC to install the drivers. Then the whole process will be automatically implemented.

    If you have any problems with drivers, we try to use components from the packages downloaded by reference:

    Download drivers for allwinner A13 firmware


    So, the preparatory procedures are completed. We proceed to record data in the tablet's memory.

    As a recommendation, we note the following.

    If the tablet is operational, loaded into android and is relatively worn, it is necessary to think well before performing the firmware. Improve performance or expand functionality as a result of the application of the instructions below, will most likely not be released, and the chance to aggravate the problems is quite large. We perform steps of one of the firmware methods if necessary to restore the device.

    The process can be carried out in three ways. Methods are located on the priority of efficiency and ease of use - from the least efficient and simple to more complex. In the general case, we use the instructions in turn before receiving a positive result.

    Method 1: Restoration by MicroSD

    The simplest way to install the firmware to the device on Allwinner A13 is the use of hardware-laid capabilities of the software recovery platform. If the tablet when starting "sees" on a microSD card, special files recorded in a certain way, the recovery process starts automatically before downloading Android.

    Allwiner A13 We try to flash from the memory card

    Create a memory card for such manipulations will help the PhoenixCard utility. You can download the archive with the program by reference:

    Download PhoenixCard for allwinner firmware

    For manipulations, a microSD is needed with a volume of 4 GB or higher. The data contained on the map during the operation of the utility will be destroyed, so you need to take care of their copying to another place in advance. And also need a card reader for connecting MicroSD to PC.

    Allwiner A13 Memory Card and Cardrider

    1. Unpack the Package with PHOENIXCARD into a separate folder whose name does not contain spaces.

      Allwiner a13 phoenixcard launch

      Run the utility - Double click on the file PhoenixCard.exe..

    2. Install the memory card into the card reader and determine the letter of the removable drive by selecting from the "Disk" list located at the top of the program window.
    3. Allwiner A13 PhoenixCard Select Memory Card

    4. Add an image. Click the "IMG File" button and specify the file in the conductor window that appears. Press the "Open" button.
    5. Allwiner A13 PhoenixCard Select Firmware Image

    6. We are convinced that the switch in the "Write Mode" field is set to the "Product" position and press the "BURN" button.
    7. Allwiner A13 PhoenixCard image loaded

    8. Confirm the correctness of the choice of the drive by clicking the "Yes" button in the query window.
    9. Allwiner A13 PhoenixCard confirmation of the correctness of the flash drive

    10. Formatting will begin,

      Allwiner A13 PhoenixCard Card Formatting

      And then recording a file image. The procedure is accompanied by filling the indicator and the appearance of entries in the Log field.

    11. Allwiner A13 PhoenixCard Work Process

    12. After displaying the Burn End ... lettering procedures in the Log field, the MICROSD creation process for the Allwinner firmware is considered completed. Remove the card from the cardrider.
    13. Allwiner A13 PHOENIXCARD Creating a Card for Firmware Completed

    14. Phoenixcard can not be closed, the utility will need to restore the performance of the memory card after use in the tablet.
    15. Insert MicroSD into the device and turn it on with a long pressing of the "Power" hardware key. The procedure for transferring the firmware in the device will start automatically. Evidence of manipulation is a fill indicator field.
    16. Allwinner A13 Firmware from Memory Card Progress

    17. Upon completion of the procedure, the inscription "Card OK" and the tablet will be turned off for a short time.

      Remove the card and only after that we run the device with a long pressing of the "Power" key. The first load after the procedure described above may take more than 10 minutes.

    18. Allwinner A13 Firmware from the Card Completed

    19. We restore the memory card for further use. To do this, you need to install it in the card reader and click on the PhoenixCard "Format to Normal" button.


      Upon completion of the format, a window will appear confirming the success of the procedure.

    Allwiner A13 PhoenixCard Card Recovery Completed

    Method 2: LiveSuit

    The LiveSuit application is the most commonly used tool for firmware / restore devices based on AllWinner A13. You can get an archive with the application by clicking on the link:

    Download LiveSuit Program for Allwinner A13 firmware

    1. Unpack the archive into a separate folder whose name does not contain spaces.

      Allwiner A13 LiveSuit Run

      Run the application - Double click on the file LiveSuit.exe..

    2. Add file-image from software. This uses the "SELECT IMG" button.
    3. Allwiner A13 LiveSuite Main window Adding an image. (2)

    4. In the conductor window that appears, specify the file and confirm the addition by clicking Open.
    5. Allwiner A13 LiveSuit Loading Firmware Image

    6. On the disabled tablet, press "Volume +". Hold down the key, plug the USB cable to the device.
    7. Allwiner A13 Cable Connection

    8. After detection of the LiveSuit device, displays a request for the need to format internal memory.

      Allwiner A13 LiveSuite Formatting Confirmation

      In general, it is recommended to initially carry out the following manipulations without cleaning sections. When manifesting errors as a result of work, we repeat the procedure with preliminary formatting.

    9. After pressing one of the buttons in the window in the previous step, the device firmware is automatically started, accompanied by filling out a special progress bar.
    10. Allwiner A13 LiveSuit Firmware Progress

    11. Upon completion of the process, a window will appear confirming its success - "Upgrade succeeds".
    12. Allwiner A13 LiveSuit Firmware Completed

    13. Turn off the tablet from the USB cable and start the device by pressing the "Power" key for 10 seconds.

    Allwiner a13 launch android


    Another tool that allows manipulation with the internal memory of android tablets based on the Allwinner A13 platform is the Phoenix application. Loading the solution is available on the link:

    Download PhoenixusbPro program for allwinner A13 firmware

    1. Install the application by running the installer Phoenixpack.exe..
    2. Allwiner A13 PHOENIXUSBPRO Installer in Explorer

    3. We launch PhoenixusBPRO.
    4. Allwiner a13 phoenixusbpro main

    5. Add the firmware file to the program using the "Image" button and select the desired package in the Explorer window.
    6. Allwiner A13 PHOENIXUSBPRO Add Firmware

    7. Add the key to the program. File * .Key. Located in the folder obtained as a result of the unpacking of the package loaded on the link above. To open it, press the button "Key File" and specify the application path to the desired file.
    8. Allwiner A13 PhoenixusbPro Download Key

    9. Without connecting a device to a PC, press the "Start" button. As a result of this action icon with a crust pattern on a red background will change its image on a tick with a green background.
    10. Allwiner A13 Phoenix USB Start Button

      Climbing the "Volume +" key on the device, connect it with a USB cable, after which the short pressing of 10-15 times we affect the "Power" key.

      Allwiner A13 Phoneix USB Pro Cable Connection

    11. PhoenixusbPro does not have any indication of the conjugation of the device with the program. In order to make sure that the device is determined correctly, you can first open the Device Manager. As a result of the correct conjugation, the tablet should be displayed in the dispatcher as follows:
    12. Allwiner A13 PHOENIXUSBPRO Tablet in Device Manager

    13. Next, you need to wait for the message that confirms the success of the firmware procedure - the "FINISH" inscription on a green background in the "Result" field.
    14. Allwiner a13 phoenixusbpro firmware completed

    15. Disconnect the device from the USB port and turn it off by holding the "Power" key for 5-10 seconds. Then launch the usual way and wait for Android downloads. The first launch, as a rule, takes about 10 minutes.

    Allwiner a13 android boot

    As we can see the restoration of the working capacity of the tablet built on the basis of the Allwinner A13 hardware platform when the firmware file is properly selected, as well as the necessary software tool - exercised by each, even a novice user of the procedure. It is important to do everything neatly and not despair in the absence of success from the first attempt. If it is not possible to achieve the result, repeat the process by applying other firmware images or another method of recording information in the device memory sections.

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