How to enter coordinates in Yandex maps


How to enter coordinates in Yandex maps

Yandex.Maps are one of the popular services from the domestic developer, which allows you to view the location of objects on the world map. There are many information about various geographical locations, buildings and other components of the card. For users, the search function was created so that you can quickly find a specific place on the specified name. A specially designated string also allows you to search by coordinates, which will be discussed within the framework of today's article.

We are looking for coordinates in Yandex.Maps

Among all possible search options, the introduction of coordinates is not popular, because not everyone has similar information. However, sometimes some users still have to take advantage of such information about the object to find out its location. When entering data in the search string on Yandex.Maps, the following points should be taken into account:

  • One of the standard input types looks so 79 ° 30 'p. NS. 76 ° 54 'V.D. - What means degrees, minutes of northern latitude and east longitude. At the same time, it is necessary to indicate the designations of degrees and minutes.
  • If there is no possibility to create a request in such a format, this type should be used: 55.777044,37.555554, where the default is also used northern latitude and eastern longitude. Conversion of the coordinate designation is available free of charge on one of the many online services, only be sure to consider the cards in question only to seven digits after the comma.
  • If you want to change the request, the designations N or C - North, S or Yu - South, E or V - East, W or W - West are used, and the coordinates look like this: S55.777044, W37.555554 or 55.777044S, 37.555554W .

Now that we have dealt with input rules, you can move directly to the search, which is as follows:

  1. Being on the main page of the Yandex search engine, go to the "Maps" section by clicking on the appropriate inscription.
  2. Transition to the search service for coordinates in Yandex.Maps

  3. Top on the left in the appropriate line, enter a request.
  4. Enter the coordinates in the search string through Yandex.Maps

  5. Then the appropriate result will come up. Click on it to go.
  6. Display search results by coordinates in Yandex.Maps

  7. The location found marked with the marker on the map, and the level of coordinates appears on the left in another format.
  8. View search results by coordinates in Yandex.Maps

  9. The search on another input format is also perfect well what you are watching the following screenshot.
  10. Enter coordinates in another format in Yandex.Maps

  11. If you need to make a route, both points (A and B) can be designated with coordinates.
  12. Routing route using coordinates in Yandex.Maps

See also: How to pave the route to Yandex maps

As you can see, nothing complicated in the introduction of coordinates on Yandex.Maps is not. You only need to get the right point and enter it into the string, while observing the rules of the set, which we told at the beginning of the material.

See also: How to measure the distance on Yandex Maps

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