Lock advertising in the browser Mozilla Firefox


Lock advertising in the browser Mozilla Firefox

On the Internet, in addition to interesting content, contains a huge amount of advertising that prevents the normal study of web pages. You do not need to browse all advertising, because at any time you can install an advertisement blocker and disable it forever to show it in Mozile.

Advertising blocker for Mozilla Firefox is a special addition that allows you to fully clear the browser from any type of advertising: obsessive advertising blocks, pop-up windows, advertising, interrupting video view, etc. Consider the most popular and effective means of blocking to date.


Popular effective addition to the Mozilla Firefox browser, which allows you to fight any types of advertising. Using it together with the software of the same name, you not only provide a web surfing without intrusive advertising, but also additionally protect your computer from all kinds of threats that the World Wide Web.

Lock advertising in the browser Mozilla Firefox

Adblock Plus.

Famous advertising blocker for Firefox, which is a small browser addition. It is distinguished by a simple interface with the ability to include an advertisement display in your selected sites - this procedure may be required if access to the web resource is limited due to active advertising blocker.

Lock advertising in the browser Mozilla Firefox


Adfender is a program that allows you to block advertising both in the Mozilla Firefox browser and in other programs installed on the computer, such as Skype, UTorrent, etc. Additional tools, such as cleaning up the history and cookies allow the browser always maintain clean, thereby maintaining its high performance.

Lock advertising in the browser Mozilla Firefox

AD Muncher.

Another universal blocker program for both Mazis and other browsers and applications installed on the computer. It has a fairly large set of tool, but at the same time it has a serious drawback - this is the absence of Russian.

Lock advertising in the browser Mozilla Firefox

And a small conclusion. Locking advertising is an effective way to significantly improve the quality of web surfing. Thanks to this article, you can choose the most optimal solution for blocking advertising in the Mozilla Firefox browser, which will delight you day by day.

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