"The client does not have the required rights" in Windows 10


Sometimes an attempt to copy or move a file to a particular location in Windows 10 causes the appearance of an error window with the text "The client does not have the required rights." Let's deal with what causes this problem and how to eliminate it.

Attention! The following actions can be performed only from the administrator account!

Lesson: How to get admin rights in Windows 10

Method 1: Safety Policy Setup

How it becomes clear from the text of the error, its reason is the failures of the account control system. Therefore, it is possible to fix the problem by changing the parameters of one of the local security policies.

Option 1: "Local security policy"

Windows WINDOVS 10 editions corporate and professional will use the special utility to use the special utility.

  1. You can open the necessary tool in several ways, the simplest - via the "Run" means. Press Win + R, enter the SECPOL.MSC request window and click OK.

    Open the Local Safety Policy utility to solve the client's problem without access rights in Windows 10

    Option 2: "Registry Editor"

    The owners of the "dozens" versions of home for solving the problem will need to make edits to the system registry.

    1. Call the "Run" window again, but this time you write a REGEDIT query.
    2. Call the registry editor to solve the client's problem without access rights in Windows 10

    3. Open the following registry branch:

      HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Currentversion \ Policies \ System

      Find the "EnableLua" record in the last directory and click on it with LKM.

    4. Open registry entry to solve the client's problem without access rights in Windows 10

    5. Set the value of the 0 parameter, then click "OK" and close the registry editor.
    6. Edit registry entry to solve the client's problem without access rights in Windows 10

      The method with the configuration of the local security policy is quite reliable, however, the disconnection of the administrator's powers is a vulnerability, so it is to take care of the installation of a reliable antivirus.

      Read more: Antiviruses for Windows

    Method 2: "Command Line"

    The second way to eliminate the failure under consideration is to configure the access rights using the "command line".

    1. To begin with, run the console with administrator rights, which can be done via "Search" - Open it, start writing the command command, then select the desired result and use the item from the right side menu.

      Run a command line to solve the client's problem without access rights in Windows 10

      Read more: Run "Command Line" on behalf of the administrator in Windows 10

    2. Enter the following section to the window:

      TAKEOWN / F "* Path to folder *" / R / D Y

      Instead of *folder path* Write a full path to a problem file or directory from the address string.

    3. Entering the first command to the command line to solve the client's problem without access rights in Windows 10

    4. Next, enter the following command:

      ICACLS "C: \" / GRANT * Username *: F / T / C / L / Q

      Instead of *Username* Specify the name of your account.

    5. Write a second command to the command line to solve the client's problem without access rights in Windows 10

    6. Restart the computer and check whether the error disappeared. If it is still observed, start the "command line" with the powers of the admin and enter the following:

      ICAcls * Disc *: / SetIntegrityLevel M

      Instead of *disk* Enter the letter of the disc on which the system is installed, the default is C:.

    7. The third command to the command line to solve the client's problem without access rights in Windows 10

      Restart the computer again, this time the error should be the abyss.

    Thus, we looked at why the error occurs "The client does not have the required rights" and how it can get rid of it.

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