How to see the cache browser Yandex


How to see the cache browser Yandex

Under the expression "View Kesha", users imply two options: one needed to see the cached site page through, and the other - the files of the kesh itself stored on the computer. The article will consider both methods, and you can immediately go to read only the decisive task.

Option 1: View cached pages

To view the saved versions of pages via Yandex.Browser, you can use any convenient search engine.

  1. Open Yandex or Google and enter the title of the article to search string, which you want to see. Rapid from the site name in the link, select the result and click on the arrow button. From the drop-down list, use the "Saved Copy" item.
  2. The transition process to the cached version of the page through Yandex in Yandex.Browser

  3. A copy of the page will open in the new tab, and the date on the right will be the date of its preservation in the cache. It is important to know that periodically the search engine makes new pictures until the site works. If it does not function anymore, you will see the latest saved version.
  4. The result of viewing the cached page through Yandex in Yandex.Browser

  5. For more convenience, when searching, add at the end of the Site operator's row:, where is the address of the site. After that, the issuance of results will occur only on this site. An example of similar with you see in the screenshot below.
  6. Search at the address of the site to view the cached page through Yandex in Yandex.Browser

  7. All the same can be done in Google.
  8. The process of transition to the cached version of the page through Google in Yandex.Browser

  9. The process of viewing the cached page is identical.
  10. The result of viewing the cached page through Google in Yandex.Browser

  11. If you only have a link to the page, insert it into the search field (not in the address bar of the browser, but in the field inside the search engine). As a rule, the first result displays the desired page.
  12. View the cached version of the page through the search for the link in the search engine in Yandex.Browser

Alas, but the date of choice, for which you want to view the page, search engines do not provide. If you need an older version of the page, you can use independent service.

Go to the site

  1. Open the site and insert the link or keywords there (first, of course, preferably). Immediately the search will occur in the database, which will take some time. If the site was covered (what happens always), a tape is displayed with a list of years - select the desired and see below on the calendar.
  2. Search site in the database via Yandex.Browser for viewing Kesha

  3. Circles marked the dates in which pages pictures were made. Click on your interest and go on the link as the exact time.
  4. Calendar of creating pictures of a page through in Yandex.Browser

  5. So you can see what the Internet page looked like in different years of its existence. Through the top panel from you can also quickly switch between periods.
  6. The result of viewing the cached page at a specific date through in Yandex.Browser

Option 2: View cache files

The browser retains all its cache on the hard disk. This can use to view files for definite purposes, but only with additional software. We will use the free ChromecacheView app.

Download chromecacheview from the official site

  1. After hitting the program page, you can familiarize yourself with the main information regarding it. Link to download is located at the bottom of the page and is called "Download ChromecacheView".
  2. ChromecacheView program download button from the official site

  3. It starts right from the compressed folder, unpacking and installing is not required.
  4. Opening of the ChromecacheView program from the archive

  5. Initially, if a Google Chrome is installed on the computer, its cache opens. Change the folder to the one that uses Yandex. To do this, click on the button as a folder with the document.
  6. Change folder with cashem in chromecacheview

  7. Click on "Yandex Cache Folder", if you are confident that the cache is located there. Those who endured it, for example, to another disk, should press the button with three dots and specify the path independently.
  8. Selecting a folder with Cashem Yandex.Bauser in ChromecacheView

  9. After the folder has changed to the desired, click "OK".
  10. Selected Folder Kesha Yandex.Bauser in ChromecacheView

  11. You will see a list of all cached objects. They are presented in the form of links, but not all of them work. Additional application columns, as well as reference domains, help them.
  12. List of cached Yandex.Browser files in ChromecacheView

  13. Twice clicking on a specific result, you will open its properties. Perhaps there is the information you need.
  14. Parameters of the cached record of Yandex.Bauser in ChromecacheView

  15. Often, users are looking for some media system, such as video or pictures. Arrange the display of entries by clicking on the "Content Type" column, find the desired format and view the results.
  16. Ordered Kesh Yandex.Baurizer in content type in ChromecacheView

  17. The links to them are usually clickable - highlight the line and click on the button with the globe. The link will open in the new default browser tab.
  18. Go to the link from the cached Yandex.Browser file in ChromecacheView

  19. If you need other actions with Cashem, learn more about the features of the program for their implementation. This will also help the program of the program, where various kinds of instructions and explanations are presented.

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