How to enable the display of battery life in Windows 10


How to enable display time from the battery in Windows 10
Previous versions of Windows showed how long the work remained from the battery, in Windows 10, by default, only the remaining charge percentage is displayed on the charge indicator. Nevertheless, the ability to enable the display of the expected battery life remains.

In this manual, how to independently make it so that when you connect the mouse pointer to the battery icon in the Windows 10 notification area, you can see the expected battery life from the battery. It can also be useful: what to do if the battery indicator disappears in Windows 10, how to get a laptop battery report in Windows 10.

Note: Before you perform the following changes, check if your laptop already shows the remaining time (sometimes the necessary settings make the manufacturer utilities) - Disconnect the laptop from the network, work for several minutes (data on battery life does not appear immediately), and then move the pointer The mice to the battery charge indicator and delay until a hint appears with information about the charge remains.

Enabling the display of the remaining battery time using the registry editor

Laptop Battery Charge In Windows 10

In order to enable the display of not only the remaining battery charge percentage, but also the expected laptop operation time, follow these steps:

  1. Press Win + R keys, enter the regedit and press ENTER.
  2. In the registry key that opens, go to the sectionHKey_Local_machine \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Power
  3. In the right-hand side of the registry editor window, see whether values ​​are present with the names of EnergyestimationDisabled and UserBatteryDischargeestimator. If there are any, click on it right mouse button and select "Delete".
    Delete EnergyESTIMATIONDISABLED parameter in the registry
  4. Check if there is an ENERGYESTIMATIONENABED parameter in the same registry key. If not, create it: Pressing the right mouse button in an empty place of the right part of the editor - Create - the DWORD parameter (32 bits), even for 64-bit Windows 10.
  5. Double-click on the ENERGYESTIMATIONEnabled parameter and set the value 1 for it. By the way, it was possible initially to act differently: just rename the ENERGYESTIMATIONDISABLED parameter in ENERGYESTIMATIONENABLED on the 3rd step instead of removing it.
    Enable ENERGYESTIMATIONENABLED Parameter in Windows 10

On this all: you can close the registry editor, usually changes come into force without rebooting the computer. But information about the remaining time is displayed only when the power supply is turned off and not immediately, but only after a while, after collecting statistics.

Showing the remaining time of work from the battery on a laptop

I also recommend to take into account that the information is not very accurate and largely depends on what exactly you are doing on your laptop.

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