Testograf service overview


Testograf service overview

The Testograf service is an online constructor that provides ample opportunities for creating surveys and forms, surveying and testing, marketing research, reviews and more than any other. It is primarily focused on a business segment and professionals for which such activities is an important part of the work.

Start page of online service to create testograf surveys

The testograph is a personal data processing operator and fully complies with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Working with legal entities is carried out under the service agreement, an Act on the provision of services is also available. The system has an operational support service operating by email and telephone, thanks to which you can get answers to any questions and solve the tasks.

Go to Testograf website

The main features of the online service to create testograf surveys

Creating surveys

This is the main purpose of the online service under consideration. It provides the necessary and more than sufficient tools to create surveys of various subjects (commercial and non-commercial), orientation (customers, employees), fields of activity (Internet business, marketing, education, healthcare, etc.) and the possibility of their fine Settings in accordance with the needs of the company. The questions themselves and their variations are the following type:

Creating your survey on the website of the online service Testograf

  • 1 from the list;
  • Several from the list;
  • Images (choice of one or more);
  • Drop-down list;
  • Scale;
  • Star rating;
  • Smile rating;
  • Distribution scale;
  • NPS;
  • Ranging;
  • Matrix (table);
  • Semantic differential;
  • Free answer;
  • Download file;
  • Location;
  • Contact details;
  • Information between the answers;
  • Texts.
  • Options for survey online on the site of the Testograf service

    Note: As you can see in the image above, many of these categories contain additional subcategories. All this can be used when drawing up not only polls, but also tests, questionnaires and the forms that we will be considered in the following parts of the article.

Visual example of surveys and questionnaires available on the website of the Testograf online service

License owners, depending on its type, receive 2 or 10 GB of disk space and can create surveys with an unlimited number of questions and answers, the possibility of their branching and design settings, as well as with the right of ownership of the result. Since the data is stored in the company's cloud server and synchronized, they will be available on all devices at any time.

An example of a survey created using the Testograf online service

Polls created using testograph are automatically saved, if necessary, they can be copied, as well as directly. Also available to the additional content, for example, you can add multimedia files and your own branding (more details will be discussed below), the registered URL, greeting and prompts.

Another example of a survey created using the Testograf online service

To ensure security and / or define the target audience, you can set the password, limit on the IP address and / or device, set the timer to pass. Also available is the possibility of numbering and sorting questions, fine-tuning logic (branching), including options for choosing, disqualifying parameters, completion pages, redirects to the site or the next question and much more, which will be discussed further.

View Created Poll Online On the Testograf service website

Among other things, on the designer's website there are exhaustive reference materials on the creation and conduct of surveys of various types.

Detailed reference information on working with surveys on the Testograf service

Creating tests

With the help of Testograf, you can create tests of the type "correctly / incorrectly", with a baller assessment system, receiving deployed results after their passage and consolidated statistics. The ability to customize and customization, as well as additional options (for example, the type of test type) are the same as in the case of polls - this is working with questions, design, branding, configuration of restrictions, assessment of results, etc.

An example of creating a test using the Testograf online service

Creating an account

Another sector of the designer is a testograph - the creation of various questionnaires oriented to customers and / or employees, both acting and potential. The same features of design and settings are available as in the cases discussed above.

An example of an application created using the Testograf online service

Creating Forms

The service provides the ability to create and edit forms. There are various options for ordering goods and / or services, various lid (design application, callback, recording for reception, etc.), feedback and requests, invitations for events, sales of goods / services, applications, registration.

Example of form created using the Testograf online service

Opportunities for creating, viewing, editing, settings and publishing forms the same as for surveys, questionnaires and tests.

Another example of a form created using the Testograf online service

Also for each of the designated categories on the Testograf website there is detailed background information.

Detailed background information on the Testograf service


One of the many useful features provided by TestoF is to branding created by the content service, which can be performed in recognizable corporate stylistics or in accordance with any requirements.

Survey branding options online on the site of the Testograf service

So, for a survey, form, profiles and tests, you can configure the background by changing its color or adding your own image, configure the font, grouping objects (distance between questions), add and configure the header, logo. Additionally, you can change the view (name and color) of controls - buttons, which by default are called "Reply", "Send", "Back", "Next". Also available to rename alerts.

Changing the type of buttons in a survey online on the site of the Testograf service

Distribution of the survey

Testograf offers various options for distributing polls, tests and questionnaires created with it. The simplest is e-mail e-mail or in the form of SMS with a short and, if required, additional reference (allow you to identify the respondent if the survey is not anonymous). Also available to create a widget for which you can configure the design, add an automatic invitation, if desired, installing a ban on re-passing. It is noteworthy that in one widget there can be several polls at once.

Options for distributing a survey created using the Testograf constructor

Another distribution method that can be implemented by the testograph toolkit is a pop-up window (POP-UP) for which additional parameters are also available. So, you can configure the design of the button and make the survey (immediately or after the specified period of time immediately or after the specified period). As in the case of widgets, it is possible to install a re-pass ban.

Other options for distributing a survey created using the Testograf constructor

Control of execution

Testograf provides detailed statistics, which allows you to monitor, and then analyze the progress of the respondents - this feature is available including for incomplete surveys and tests. Additionally, checking the correctness of execution and, if required, the requirement of correct passage in the form of alert is put forward. In addition, the service offers a special plug-in "Polls / questionnaire".

Processing results

Polls, questionnaires and tests created using a testograph are processed automatically, it contains detailed statistics of transitions, additional filters and alerts are also available. Results are available for viewing on a public link, in real time or upon completion.

Ability to view the results by a survey created using the Testograf constructor

Notifications of new answers and / or containing user responses are sent to e-mail, information for extra may be sent there. addresses. The answers themselves can be viewed one or filtering on an unlimited number of filters, the ability to save them and group.

Assessment of the results of a survey created using the Testograf online service

Unloading results

You can study the results of polls and tests not only online - if necessary, they can be unloaded with the selected filters. Exports are available in the form of summary tables (CSV, XLS, XLSX formats), individual responses in DOC documents, DOCX and ZIP archives, diagrams in PDF, also possible to send replies and a survey pattern to XML. The presence of such files allows you to analyze the information received at any convenient time and anywhere, in offline mode, on a computer or in printed form. The data itself will certainly find their use also in building a business strategy for the future.

Ability to download the results of a survey created using the Testograf online service

Polls and questionnaments

In addition to independently developing a survey or questionnaire, Testograf provides the possibility of using ready-made examples and professional templates created by the company's specialists. Each of them can be edited in accordance with the needs of the client. Available solutions can be divided into several categories.

Example of surveys and questionnaires available on the website of the online service Testograf

  • Customer polls;
  • Marketing research;
  • Questionnaires for employees;
  • Questionnaires for education;
  • Non-commercial polls;
  • Health polls;
  • Interviews for Internet business.

Other examples of surveys and questionnaires available on the website of the Testograf online service

Inside each of the blocks designated above, contains many template layouts, each of which will find their application in solving a task. For example, various buyer profiles will help to get contact details, evaluate the quality of the services provided, find out attitudes towards the company, etc., and the employment profiles are to understand whether a potential candidate is suitable for fulfilling the work or position.

More examples of surveys and questionnaires of the questionnaires available on the website of the online service Testograf

Form templates

The testograph also offers its customers a fairly large set of template forms, which, as the above surveys and questionnaires, can be edited. The following categories are available:

Examples of forms available on the website of the online service Testograf

  • Online order forms;
  • Lid-forms;
  • Feedback form;
  • Invitation form;
  • Registration forms;
  • Form estimates;
  • Other forms.

Other examples of forms available on the website of the online service Testograf

Using these templates, you can quickly create an order form of any product or service, an invitation to the event,

Creating a feedback form using a survey designer with Testograf forms

The form of feedback, registration, valuation of goods or services, rating and many others.

An example of a media accreditation form available on the website of the online service Testograf

The site service has useful materials on working with ready-made surveys, questionnaires and forms.

Useful materials available on the website of the online service Testograf


The Testograf service team serves online studies of various formats, the main of which are the following:

  • Turnkey research. Poll preparation, collection of answers, the preparation of the report on the results is carried out by experts.
  • Collection of answers for survey. The client independently prepares the survey and processes the results, and the service team collects respondents to the designated targeting.
  • Sociological examination of intellectual property objects. Sociological survey that allows you to find out the opinion of real consumers. Its results will become an excellent additional argument when applying for Rospatent, FAS or Arbitration Court.

The ability to order a study on the website of the online service Testograf

Calculate the approximate cost of research and order its holding on the company's website.

Details on the request of the study on the website of the online service Testograf

Additional services

In addition to the above capabilities and tools, a testograph offers its customers a number of additional services. Among these are the search for respondents, setting up and developing surveys, embeding them to the site, a report on the results of execution, employee training. The latter will surely be especially interested in companies in which this kind of activity is an important component of the business and there is an urgent need for experienced personnel and its development.

The ability to collect responses to survey on the website of online service Testograf


As already indicated at the beginning of the article, the Testograf service provides its customers with operational support, which is available by email (in normal mode and priority) and by phone. This is an excellent opportunity to quickly communicate with the company's specialists for all cases when you need to get an answer to any question, certificate or assistance in solving a task.

Creating an appeal to the online service support service to create testograf surveys


In order to protect customers and users, the testograph is used exclusively licensed software, and the site itself and the pages created on its database are protected by the SSL certificate, which prevents possible theft, substitution or interception of confidential information. Also in the service is implemented by protection against DDoS-attacks and daily redundancy works, which eliminates the likelihood of losing important data.

Compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation

Testograf is an officially registered Roskomnadzor operator of personal data and has servers on the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with the requirement of current legislation. This is an important advantage of the service that will certainly make its use preferably for most Russian companies engaged in a survey of customers and receiving feedback, survey and research, as well as other activities that have a direct or indirect attitude towards the collection and processing of information.


  • The presence of a free trial provided by request for 2-3 days, which is sufficient for the basic evaluation of the services offered;
  • An impressive set of features and tools for creating surveys, questionnaires and forms of any subject and focus;
  • A large library of survey patterns, questionnaires and forms that can be edited;
  • The ability to branding created content;
  • Control of implementation and processing of real-time results and offline;
  • Research order and additional services;
  • Operational user support;
  • Official registration of Roskomnadzor as a personal data processing operator, full compliance with the Law of the Russian Federation and placement of servers in the country.


  • Not found.

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