Programs for downloading games on a computer



"Our whole life is a game". This famous phrase of Shakespeare is not one hundred years. However, this assertion of the classics is not completely outdated to date. In childhood, we play a sandbox, growing up to computers and consoles. Moreover, if 10 years ago we all ran shopping in search of the desired disk, now everything is much simpler, because there is a considerable number of programs to download games on the PC via the Internet.

On our site there were several reviews of programs designed to download games. Some - specialized on games, others can be downloaded to other file types. Let's collect them all together and identify the best.

See also:


Streaming programs on YouTube game center game center

Gaming service from the domestic IT giant was pleased to surprise. The program has a pretty large selection of games of various genres. It cannot but rejoice the fact that they are all free, or distributed via the Free2Play system. Undoubtedly, it attracts a rather extensive public.

In addition, in the advantages of the game center, you can record integration with the social network "My World", which made it possible to organize "musical accompaniment" and convenient chat. Also, it is impossible not to mention the built-in news aggregator and the game community. Finally, the program has such a unique opportunity like a having gameplay on popular services, like Twitch and YouTube. A significant drawback is perhaps only one - the impossibility of playing serious tartal from the famous world studios.



This program for buying and jumping applications and games is a real global giant. 125 million users, 6500 thousand positions! Is it worth saying that you will find almost all that your heart. Racing, simulators, shooters, strategies and much more. Seasonal discounts and unexpected shares, during which you can buy games at even more attractive prices.

The undoubted plus of the service is just a huge game community that is ready not only to communicate, but also to share screenshots, video, secrets, and even additional files for the game created by itself. What to say, even some products are created here by one and only person.

In fact, listed all the advantages can still be very long and very long. To take at least the game devices sold immediately, such as unique gamepads. Isn't it impressive? Do stimulation have serious disadvantages? Perhaps yes - you will lower all the money on the sale ...



If you are a fan of games from Electronic Arts and their partners, then origin you just need. This necessity explains very simple - anywhere you will no longer find the official versions of their products. Some obvious advantages of the program, unfortunately, no. Yes, of course, the sales and promotions are also held here. Yes, there is in-game chat. But all this does not cause wild delight - it is just there. But the deficiency of ORIGIN is perhaps only one - the need to set additional files for the game on the network (in some cases).



The same is only from Ubisoft. That is so briefly you can characterize this service. All games produced by Ubisoft can only be found here. It is worth noting a couple of features of the program. The first is the availability of free offers immediately in your library, which eliminates the stage of their search. The second is the automatic creation of screenshots during the receipt of the game achievement. Features not key, but their presence sometimes facilitates the life of the gamer.



So we got to non-specialized programs. Zona is at its essence torrent client with a convenient catalog. Here you can find all the same thing that on torrent trackers: games, movies, TV shows, music. It would be possible to praise the possibility of streaming movies and other chips, but we gathered here for games, right? With their search, you can specify the genre, year of release, as well as the rating. You can download the favorite product by simply by clicking on the large button, and you can choose the desired torrent itself.

Lesson: how to download the game to the computer



Perhaps this is the program that is associated with torrents. In the past, simple as the boots, now uTorrent got new chips, such as remote loading management from the smartphone. A built-in player also appeared, with which you can not wait for the full download of the film. Cons are due to the very idea of ​​this software - you need to add torrents manually. Of course, before that they need to find that it completely falls on your shoulders, and the convenience depends on the torrent tracker you chose.

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Analog Zona. There is a convenient directory to search for various media files. Unfortunately, convenience ends when going to the game section. Sorting is possible only by genre or alphabet, which complicates a little complicated. But the download is organized very simple - I pressed the button and ready. No choice of the best torrent - the program will all decide for you. True, it can be considered a disadvantage.



This program is quite interesting at least with its technology - P2P. These are not torrents, and not downloading from a single server - all files are stored on computers from exactly the same users as you. Shareman has excellent categorization. It is worth praise and sort specifically in the game section. There is an alphabetic pointer, as well as a search by genres. Plus, there are special sections with games for smartphones, additions and a variety of utilities. In general, here Gamer will find everything he needs.


So we reviewed the main programs with which you can download games to your PC. In fact, the adoption of a specific solution is pretty simple:

  • Want a huge variety of high-quality proposals from various developers and are ready to pay? - Steam;
  • Something simpler, but necessarily for free? - game center;
  • Fan products from Electronic Arts? - Origin;
  • Do you like the "sandbox" Ubisoft? - Uplay;
  • In principle do not want to pay anything? - any of the last 4 programs.

    But remember that piracy not only spoils your karma, but also makes the game developers to use increasingly sophisticated ways to protect, which in the end, directly affects the cost of the game for honest gamers.

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