Articles #825

How to remove expansion in the opera

How to remove expansion in the opera
Supplements in the Opera browser are designed to expand the functionality of this web browser, provide the user with additional features. But, sometimes,...

How to drive tracks in Virtual DJ

How to drive tracks in Virtual DJ
The Virtual DJ program for functionality completely replaces the DJ remote. With its help, you can connect musical compositions using various tools,...

How to disable Yandex browser update

How to disable Yandex browser update
Yandex.Bruezer continues to actively develop from the moment its first version is released. All new chips, the options and troubleshooting users get...

VKSaver for Yandex Browser

VKSaver for Yandex Browser
The social network VKontakte has a huge and unique database with music and video. However, the capabilities of the site download this content, alas,...

Steam Inventory Helper for Yandex Browser

Steam Inventory Helper for Yandex Browser
Steam has its own trading platform - a place where users buy / change / sell various objects for games and their profile. And frequent merchandise users...

How to change the download folder in Yandex browser

How to change the download folder in Yandex browser
We often download any files through the browser. These can be photos, audio recordings, videos, text documents and other types of files. All of them...

How to enable new Yandex browser interface

How to enable new Yandex browser interface
Yandex.Browser started his work in fact with a Google Chrome clone. The difference in browsers was minimal, but over time the company turned his product...

Magic Bullet Looks for Sony Vegas 13

Magic Bullet Looks for Sony Vegas 13
Magic Bullet Looks - Plugin Color-correction for Sony Vegas, allowing you to promptly stylize videos as you please: Press the picture of the old movie,...

How to go to the settings of the browser opera

How to go to the settings of the browser opera
Almost every user who constantly working with one browser had to be addressed to its settings. Using the setup tools, you can solve problems in the...

How to reinstall a browser opera

How to reinstall a browser opera
Sometimes it happens that you need to reinstall the browser. This may be caused by problems in its work, or the inability to update with standard methods....

How to make a corporate form in Word

How to make a corporate form in Word
Many companies and organizations spend considerable money to create branded paper with a unique design, without even guessing that it is possible to...

How to remove plugin from Mozilla Firefox

How to remove plugin from Mozilla Firefox
Plugins are a small software for the Mozilla Firefox browser, which adds an additional functionality browser. For example, the installed Adobe Flash...