Articles #734

How to install Ubuntu on VirtualBox virtual machine

How to install Ubuntu on VirtualBox virtual machine
In this article, we will consider in detail how to install Linux Ubuntu on VirtualBox - a program to create a virtual machine on a computer.Installing...

Batch photo processing in Lightroom

Batch photo processing in Lightroom
Batch processing photo in Adobe Lightroom is very convenient, because the user can configure one effect and apply it to the rest. This trick is perfectly...

How to delete avatar in windows 10

How to delete avatar in windows 10
Under avatar, it is customary to mean a specific image that is associated with some user when entering the system. This is a kind of way to make PC...

Adblock Plus Extension for Yandex Browser

Adblock Plus Extension for Yandex Browser
One of the most popular types of extensions for any browser is an advertising blocker. If you are a user of Yandex.Braira, then you will certainly be...

Weather Gadget for Windows 7

Weather Gadget for Windows 7
One of the most popular gadgets that are used by users in Windows 7 is weather informant. His demand is related to the fact that, unlike most such applications,...

System Stability Test with AIDA64

System Stability Test with AIDA64
AIDA64 is a multifunctional program to determine the characteristics of the computer, conducting various tests that can show how much the system is...

Allwinner A13 firmware

Allwinner A13 firmware
In the world of android devices over the years of the program platform, a huge number of a wide variety of representatives gathered. Among them are...

How to use Shareit.

How to use Shareit.
Shareit is a multifunctional application for transferring files between different devices. Moreover, the exchange of information is possible not only...

How to increase the volume on Yandex disk

How to increase the volume on Yandex disk
By default, each new user Yandex disk is provided for use of 10 GB of space. This volume will be available on an indefinite basis and will never decrease.But...

How to open an ODS extension

How to open an ODS extension
Files with ODS extension are free spreadsheets. Recently, they make up increasingly competitive to standard exesel formats - XLS and XLSX. More tables...

How to change the language of VKontakte

How to change the language of VKontakte
The social network VKontakte works regularly thanks to the active interaction of system protocols on the user side and system code site. However, in...

Watch Gadgets for Windows 7

Watch Gadgets for Windows 7
The Windows 7 operating system is different from most other OS licensses Microsoft in what has small programs that are called gadgets in its arsenal....