Articles #320

How to change password in steam

How to change password in steam
Password change to Steam users, like any other service, is usually required to improve the security of their account or if it is impossible to perform...

How to restore remote video from the phone

How to restore remote video from the phone
If you mistakenly delete a video from your phone, do not rush to despair - in most cases it can still be restored, especially if it is time to take...

How to throw a photo from the phone to the computer

How to throw a photo from the phone to the computer
The photo taken on the smartphone camera or downloaded to it from the Internet, sooner or later it may be necessary to throw onto the computer, for...

How to add blacklist in phone

How to add blacklist in phone
If an unknown number (or numbers) distorts you with calls and / or messages with suggestions that you are not interested in and / or unpleasant, you...

How to reset the administrator password in Windows 7

How to reset the administrator password in Windows 7
In Windows 7, there is an "administrator" built-in user, which has exceptional rights to perform various operations in the system. In some cases, you...

How to remove awh completely from a computer

How to remove awh completely from a computer
Many users delete AVG antivirus through the standard Windows snap-in, however, after applying this method, some objects and program settings remain...

How to create a group in the style

How to create a group in the style
Any Steam's active user can create an own group where diverse content will be placed: create news and events on a certain topic, it is convenient to...

How to write a telephone conversation

How to write a telephone conversation
In some cases, for example, with important negotiations or discussion, which will be used as evidence or confirming anything, the need to record a telephone...

How to make a chamfer in autocada

How to make a chamfer in autocada
The tool called "Fame" is actively used by AutoCAD owners if it is necessary to cut corners of certain objects in advance placed on the drawing. There...

How to delete a twitter page from the phone

How to delete a twitter page from the phone
The popular Twitter social network is available both in the PC browser and on mobile devices, where it is presented as a separate application. Lastly,...

How to rename the block in the autocada

How to rename the block in the autocada
Almost every user while working on the drawing in AutoCAD actively uses blocks, since this is the main type of objects, a significantly simplifying...

How to install fonts in autocadus

How to install fonts in autocadus
AUTOCAD Active users regularly face the need to add text for their drawings and other similar projects. However, not always installed by default fonts...