How to restore remote video from the phone


How to restore remote video from the phone

If you mistakenly delete a video from your phone, do not rush to despair - in most cases it can still be restored, especially if it is time to take it time. Then we will discuss what is required to do this on mobile devices running the two most popular operating systems.

We restore the video on the iPhone and Android

Despite the fact that the internal (and external) drives of smartphones with android and ayos on board have different, different from the desktop file systems, the same rule is fair for them as for hard drives - so far is formatted, the data can be restored. In addition, mobile devices are insured and on the other hand, through cloud synchronization, which is enabled by default. It is thanks to these features, remote video can be restored.

See also: How to restore remote photos on Android and iPhone


On most smartphones with android there is a pre-installed Google application photo, which is an advanced gallery endowed with a number of additional features. Among those and sending all photos and videos, removed and recorded on the camera's camera, in the Google cloud. So, if the data has already been synchronized with the repository, their removal from the drive will not lead to negative consequences - the files will continue to be available for viewing and playback. If the video recordings were not discharged into the cloud or were removed from there, specialized applications or appeal to the "basket" will help restore them, respectively. The article presented on the link below will help you deal with how to solve the problem today.

Restoring remote video on your phone with Android

Read more: How to restore remote video on Android


On "Apple" smartphones, there is also a cloudy storage - this is an icloud, with which all photos and videos are synchronized. The principle of operation of the Apple cloud is the same as Google photo - if data has been loaded, you can safely remove them from your mobile device without worrying about safety. In the same rare cases where the content was sent to Aiklaud or was deleted by mistake, including from there, the first thing to look into the "Recently deleted" folder of the standard photo application - this is an analog of the basket on a PC, but with the only difference that The data in it is stored no more than 30 days. More detailed about the procedure for recovering video recordings on the iPhone is described in the next manual.

Restore remote video on the iPhone

Read more: How to restore remote video on the iPhone


In order to avoid possible loss of important videos stored in your phone's memory, be sure to take care of their synchronization with cloud storage, as well as at least time from time to time, create backup copies.

READ ALSO: How to throw photos from the phone to a computer

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