Articles #278

Linux Terminal Emulators: 8 Popular Options

Linux Terminal Emulators: 8 Popular Options
Most tasks in Linux operating systems are carried out by users through the Terminal application. When installing a graphic shell, the user automatically...

How to see the story in YouTube

How to see the story in YouTube
During the day, many are specially or accidentally open tens of video on YouTube. A large amount of information is not always easy to remember and over...

Session Manager for Firefox

Session Manager for Firefox
The standard Mozilla Firefox browser functionality allows users to make many useful actions that greatly simplify the interaction process with pages...

How to change thumbnail vkontakte

How to change thumbnail vkontakte
In the social network, VKontakte on the page of each user or community, in addition to the main photo and in the second case, there is a miniature displayed...

How to install a coffee for android

How to install a coffee for android
To date, the official client VKontakte for Android provides a huge amount of opportunities, but also contains some flaws. Because of this, many third-party...

Windows 10 screen resolution does not change

Windows 10 screen resolution does not change
You can change the screen resolution in Windows 10 by several mouse clicks, but sometimes this feature is blocked, and the default is the lowest display...

How to disable xbox DVR in Windows 10

How to disable xbox DVR in Windows 10
In all editions of the Windows 10 operating system, the DVR function is present by default. It works in the background and regularly consumes computer...

How to change the country in vkontakte

How to change the country in vkontakte
VKontakte's social network is a Russian project, still can be used by humans from any other countries. In this regard, among the settings of the account...

How to download the entire playlist VKontakte: 3 workers service

How to download the entire playlist VKontakte: 3 workers service
To date, the social network of VKontakte for many users is not only a place to communicate and view the news, but also the source of music. And although...

How to call Vatsapa from smartphone

How to call Vatsapa from smartphone
To date, VoIP-telephony service is provided by all modern messengers and, of course, WhatsApp here has not been an exception. The service makes it possible...

WMI Provider Host Surgious processor in Windows 10

WMI Provider Host Surgious processor in Windows 10
During the operation of the Windows 10 operating system in the background, many processes are constantly functioning. Sometimes it happens that some...

Programs for creating tests on a computer

Programs for creating tests on a computer
Creating tests on a computer may be needed in different situations: for curriculous purposes, for personal use, when publishing entertainment content...