How to get a certificate in windows 10


How to get a certificate in windows 10

Users are accustomed to the standard placement of reference in Windows, but Windows 10 has their own nuances. Now information can also be received on the official website.

Query search in Windows 10

There are several ways to obtain information about Windows 10.

Method 1: Search in Windows

This option is quite simple.

  1. Click on the Magnifier icon on the taskbar.
  2. Search for reference windows 10

  3. In the search field, enter "Help".
  4. Help found in windows 10

  5. Click on the first request. You will transfer to the system parameters where you can configure the display of tips for working with the operating system, as well as configure a number of other functions.
  6. Enable Tips for WINDOVS 10

Method 2: Help call in "Explorer"

One of the simple variants that is slightly similar to the variants of previous versions of Windows.

  1. Go to the "Explorer" and find a round question mark icon.
  2. Transition to Help Windows 10

  3. You will take you to "Tips". In order for them to use you must be connected to the Internet. Here already have a couple of instructions on offline mode. If you are interested in a specific question, then use the search string.
  4. Search in prompts in Windows 10

So you can get the information about the operation of the OS.

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