How to open CDW format


CDW format

The CDW graphical format files are designed primarily for storing the drawings and, accordingly, working with them, but they can also be used under images of other types. Let's see which programs are able to open this format.

CDW applications

Unfortunately, CDW format files can open a rather limited list of applications. In addition, the file created in one application or in another version of the same program may not open if you try to run it in a similar program of another developer or even in another version of the same software product. Let's learn what exactly for the applications.

Method 1: CeledyDRAW

First of all, find out how to open CDW using a special software product for viewing and creating cards and CeledyDraw's business cards, which is considered one of the most popular in its sector.

Download CeledyDraw.

  1. Make the CeledyDRAW program. Click on the folder form on the toolbar.

    Go to the window opening window through the icon on the toolbar in the CeledyDRAW program

    In addition, you can use Ctrl + O or go to "File", and then select "Open ..." in the list.

  2. Go to the window opening window through the top horizontal menu in the CeledYDRAW program

  3. Appears "Open". It should move to the location of the CDW, mark the named item and click "Open".
  4. File opening window in the CeledyDRAW program

  5. The contents of the CDW are displayed in the CeledyDRAW application window.

The CDW file is open in the CeledyDRAW program.

If CeledyDRAW is installed as the default software for manipulation with CDW, then to view this type of file in the specified program, it will be enough to click on it twice with the left and button in the "Explorer".

Opening the CDW file in the CeledyDRAW program in Windows Explorer

But even if another default application is configured in the system for operating with CDW, it still does the ability to start the named object via CeledyDRAW in the "Explorer". Press it right mouse button on it. Select "Open with ...". In the list of programs that opens, choose CeledyDRAW. The object is open in this program.

Opening the CDW file in the CeledyDRAW program in Windows Explorer through the context menu

The specified options for opening in the "Explorer" exactly on the same algorithm work for other applications that will be described below. Therefore, in addition to these options, we will not stop more.

The main disadvantage of the method using the CeledyDRAW program is that this application is not Russified. Although if you only need to view the contents of the object, and not to produce changes in it, the interface for most domestic users will be intuitive and in English.

Method 2: Compass 3D

The next program that can work with CDW is a compass-3D from ASCON.

  1. Run a compass 3D. Click File and then click "Open" or use Ctrl + O.

    Go to the CDW file opening window through the top horizontal menu in the Compass 3D program

    The alternative method suggests clicking on the pictogram representing the folder on the toolbar.

  2. Go to the window opening window through the icon on the toolbar in the Compass-3D program

  3. The opening window appears. Move where the desired drawing is located in electronic form, mark it and click Open.
  4. File opening window in Compass-3D program

  5. The CDW drawing will open in the compass-3D application.

CDW drawing is open in the program compass-3d

The disadvantage of this method of discovery is that the program is a compass-3D paid, and the period of trial use is limited.

Method 3: Compass-3D Viewer

But Ascon has developed both an absolutely free tool for viewing CDW objects Compass-3D Viewer, which, however, can only open drawings, but not to create them, unlike the previous application.

Download Compass-3D Viewer

  1. Activate Compass-3D Viewer. To start the opening window, click "Open ..." or use Ctrl + O.

    Go to window opening a file in the program Compass-3D Viewer

    If the user is used to performing manipulations through the menu, then you need to go through it "File" and "Open ...".

  2. Go to the CDW file open window through the top horizontal menu in the Compass 3D Viewer program

  3. The opening window appears. Move where the CDW is located and select it. Click "Open."
  4. File opening window in Compass-3D Viewer

  5. The CDW drawing will open in a compass-3D viewer.

CDW drawing is open in the COMPASS-3D Viewer program

As you can see, there is a fairly limited set of programs that are capable of working with CDW objects. Moreover, it is not at all the fact that the file created in CeledyDRAW will be able to open applications from the company "ASCON" and vice versa. This is due to the fact that CeledyDRAW is designed to create cards, business cards, logos and other vector objects, and the compass-3D and compass-3D Viewer are used according to creating and viewing electronic drawings.

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