How to change avatar vkontakte


How to change avatar vkontakte

VKontakte's social network, as well as a completely different similar site, provides its users with only to upload and share any pictures and photos, but also to install them as a capital image of a personal profile. At the same time, VK in this regard does not limit users in any way, allowing you to install completely any pictures and drawings as a capital photo.

Installing avatar VKontakte

To date, VK allows you to set the profile photo in two ways, depending on the presence or absence of a previously loaded image.

The VK administration establishes for its users extremely low levels of restrictions, as a result of which the profile photo can be installed literally any pictures. But even considering this, do not forget about the general rules of this social network.

Loading new avatar

First, please note that the site can be downloaded and installed as the main photo profile image in the most popular formats. The following file extensions are included in the list:

  • Jpg;
  • PNG;
  • GIF.

Each mentioned aspect concerns completely any graphic files on the website

In addition, it is worth mentioning that you at any time convenient for you can change the existing scaling and positioning of thumbnails. For these purposes, use a special setting point to "change the thumbnail", which appears when you hover the mouse cursor on a predetermined profile photo.

Re-changing the thumbnails of the new loaded photo profile on VKontakte website

You can always easily apply some graphic effects provided by the basic editor of the site without any problems. Open the main window of this editor is possible when you hover the mouse cursor to the Account Avatar and selecting "Add Effects".

Ability to add additional effects to a new loaded photo profile on VKontakte website

This ends all possible nuances regarding changes in profile photos by downloading a new picture.

Using a pre-downloaded image

As an initial image when installing a new user profile avatar, a completely any other picture can perform, once downloaded to the website of the social network VKontakte. Pay attention to this aspect as the ability to use as an avatar exclusively of those images that are also in the photo albums on your page. At the same time, it can be both images from the wall and the usual saved pictures.

After installing a new Ava from any album, the picture will be automatically duplicated into a special folder "Photos from my page".

  1. Find and save a picture to yourself into one of the photo albums that you need to set as a profile photo.
  2. The example will be represented by installing a new ava from a private folder. "Saved photos".

    Installing a new profile photo using pre-loaded pictures on VKontakte website

  3. Open the selected image in full-screen viewing mode and hover the mouse over the "More" section on the bottom toolbar.
  4. Disclosure of the item still in full-screen viewing mode Photos VKontakte

  5. Among the displayed list of the use of this graphic file, select "Make a photo profile" item.
  6. Go to the installation of a new profile photo using a predetermined image on VKontakte website

  7. After the manipulations done, you need to go through the previously described scaling and positioning procedure of the picture and thumbnails so that the new Ava was installed on the page as the main photo.
  8. Setting up a new profile photos using a pre-downloaded picture on VKontakte website

  9. As soon as you save a new avatar, it will be established as a profile pattern with all side aspects and capabilities described in the previous section of this article.
  10. Successfully installed new profile photo using a pre-downloaded clip art on VKontakte website

As you can see, this type of installing New Ava is the most simplistic.

Instant photo profile

As a supplement, it is worth noting another fairly important opportunity of the site, thanks to which you can install new avatars using, directly, your webcam. Of course, this method is most suitable for those people who actively use the mobile version of VC, however, they use it enough in this social network.

Getting to the image capture interface from the webcam is extremely easy - for these purposes, use the first section of this article and, in particular, items from the first one third.

  1. From the text presented in the pop-up window, find the link "Make an instant photo" and click on it.
  2. Go to the interface for creating an instant photo profile on VKontakte website

  3. At the initial start of this feature, allow the browser to use your camera.
  4. Browse resolution Use Web Camera on VKontakte website

    In the case of mobile devices, pre-permission is not required.

  5. After that, your camera will be activated and the corresponding dynamic image is presented.
  6. Ability to create a snapshot to install a new profile photo on VKontakte website

  7. Having finished with the choice of a shooting object, use the "take a snapshot" function to go to the image setup procedure before installing the photo as a capital avatar.
  8. Successfully made snapshot for installing new profile photos on VKontakte website

Please note that if your device is missing or faulty than a webcam, instead of the desired window with capturing the image will be presented a special notice with the ability to return one step back, directly to the choice of the picture.

Notification of the absence of a webcam connection when creating a snapshot on VKontakte website

At this stage, all possible parts regarding the installation, downloads and simply changes in the profile photography do not require large clarifications. We wish you a bigger quality photos!

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