Download msvbvm50.dll for free


download msvbvm50 dll for free

Method 1: Download MSVBVM50.dll

You can correct the error by simply downloading the library independently and placing it in the desired system folder. Click on the right mouse button on the downloaded DLL and in the context menu that appears, select the "Copy" string.

Copy MSVBVM50.DLL file through the context menu

Open the system folder (C: \ Windows \ System32 in 32-bit OS or C: \ Windows \ SYSWOW64 in 64-bit OS) and by pressing PCM, select "Paste" from the menu.

Inserting the MSVBVM50.DLL file in the system folder

As soon as you do it, the error should disappear. If this did not happen, it seems, the library needs to be registered. To learn how to do this, you can have on our site by reading the appropriate article. By the way, depending on the version and discharge of the OS, the location of the final folder to which the library needs to be placed may differ. To find out to accurately, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the relevant article on our site.

Method 2: Special reinstalling application

Most often, the problem with the file lies precisely in the program installer, which then requires it, or with failures during installation. What can help:

  • Re-loading the installation file is required with a stable Internet connection.
  • Finding another installer - If you download a pirated, ported or in any way modified game, there is a chance that the build author missed / damaged msvbvm50.dll or allowed errors in the code, because of which the program refuses to see this DLL. If possible, replace the application to another, preferably licensed.
  • If there is an active antivirus and / or firewall on the computer (the built-in in the system is also counted) to check their quarantine. Perhaps something from them by mistake blocked this file. If msvbvm50.dll managed to detect there, we recommend to check it out for malicious content to other protective software or online service (we have a separate article on such sites below). If the harmless file, it remains to be moved to one of the system folders (see method 1 of this material). Do not forget to add a file to exception so that in the future the antivirus software does not work on it when scanning the entire system.

    Read more:

    Online checking system, files and links to viruses

    How to add an object to exclude antivirus / firewall

  • Reinstalling the program with disabled antivirus and firewall. First remove it completely, then turn off the antivirus, which may be mistakenly triggered to the library and does not allow it to be installed on the installation stage of the application itself. Try running the reheattered program, and if it opens, find the msvbvm50.dll (it will be in one of the folders specified in the previous method, it can be detected less often in the folder with the program itself) and add it to an antivirus or firewall exception.

    Read more:

    Disable antivirus

    Disable firewall in Windows 10 / Windows 8 / Windows 7

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