Download drivers for Toshiba Satellite C660


Download drivers for Toshiba Satellite C660

Toshiba Satellite C660 laptop is a simple domestic device, but even drivers are required for it. To find and install them correctly, there are several methods. Each of them should be described in detail.

Install TOSHIBA Satellite C660 drivers

Before installing installation, you should understand how to find the desired software. It is done quite simple.

Method 1: manufacturer site

First of all, it should be considered the simplest andatic option. It is in visiting the official resource of the manufacturer of the laptop and the further search for the necessary software.

  1. Go to the official website.
  2. In the upper section, select "Consumer Goods" and in the menu that opens, click "Service and Support".
  3. Section Service and Support on the official website Toshiba

  4. Then select "Support Computer Engineering", among whose sections it is necessary to open the first - "loading drivers".
  5. Support for computer equipment on the site TOSHIBA

  6. The opening page contains a special filling form in which you want to specify the following:
  • Product, Accessory OR Service Type * - portables;
  • Family. - Satellite;
  • Series. - Satellite C Series;
  • Model - Satellite C660;
  • Short Part Number - Write down the short number of the device if it is known. You can find on the label located on the rear panel;
  • Operating System. - select the installed OS;
  • DRIVER TYPE - If a specific driver is required, set the required value. Otherwise, you can leave the value "All";
  • Country. - specify your country (not necessarily, but will help to exclude unnecessary results);
  • Language. - Select the desired language.

An example of a laptop data on the TOSHIBA website

  • Then click "Search".
  • Select the desired item and click "Download".
  • Download drivers on the Toshiba official website

  • Unzip the downloaded archive and run the file available in the folder. As a rule, it is only one there, but if more, you need to run the one with the * EXE format, which has the name of the driver itself or just SETUP.
  • Running driver installer for Toshiba

  • The installer is easy enough, and if you wish, you can only select another folder to install, independently writing the path to it. Then you can click "Start".
  • Start installing a driver for a laptop TOSHIBA

    Method 2: Official Program

    Also, there is an option with the installation of software from the manufacturer. However, in the case of Toshiba Satellite C660, this method is suitable only for laptops with installed Windows 8. If your system is different, you need to go to the next method.

    1. To download and install the program, go to the technical support page.
    2. Fill in the basic data on the laptop and in the DRIVER TYPE section, find the option "Toshiba Upgrade Assistant". Then click "Search".
    3. DownloadToShiba Upgrade Assistant on Toshiba website

    4. Download and unpack the resulting archive.
    5. Loading the program to update TOSHIBA drivers

    6. Among the available files require to run "Toshiba Upgrade Assistant".
    7. Starting Installer Program for Laptop Toshiba

    8. Follow the instructions of the installer. When you select the installation method, select "MODIFY" and click "Next".
    9. Selecting a method for installing a program on Toshiba laptop

    10. Then you need to select a folder for installation and wait for the end of the process. After run the program and check the device for finding the drivers you need.

    Method 3: Specialized

    The most simple and efficient option will be the use of special software. In contrast to the methods listed above, the user will not need to search independently, which driver will need to download, as the program will do everything. This option is well suited to the owners of Toshiba Satellite C660, since the official program does not support all operating systems. Special software with it does not have special limitations and is quite easy to use, and therefore is preferred.

    Read more: Programs options for installation of drivers

    DRIVERPACK Solution icon

    One of the optimal solutions can be DriverPack Solution. Among other programs, it has a lot of popularity and easy enough to use. The functionality includes not only the ability to update and install the driver, but also the creation of recovery points in case of problems, as well as the ability to manage the already installed programs (install or delete them). After the first launch, the program will automatically check the device and report that you need to install. The user is enough to click the "Install automatically" button and wait for the end of the program.

    Lesson: How to install Drivers using DriverPack Solution

    Method 4: Equipment ID

    Sometimes you need to find the drivers for individual components of the device. In such cases, the user himself understands what is required to find, in connection with which it is possible to significantly facilitate the search procedure, without entering the official website, but using the equipment ID. This method is distinguished by the fact that it will be necessary to search for everything.

    Devid search field

    To do this, run the "Task Manager" and open the "Properties" of the component for which the driver is required. Then browse its identifier and go to a special resource that will delete all available software options for the device.

    Lesson: How to Use Equipment Identifier for Drivers Installing

    Method 5: System Program

    If an option with downloading third-party software is not suitable, you can always use the capabilities of the system. Windows has a special software called "Device Manager", which contains information about all components of the system.

    The process of installing the driver found

    Also with it, you can try to update the drivers. To do this, run the program, select the device and in the context menu, click "Update Drivers".

    Read more: System software for installation of drivers

    All of the above methods are suitable for installing drivers on the Toshiba Satellite C660 laptop. Which one will be most effective, depends on the user itself and the reasons for which this procedure is required.

    Read more