Setting the Bat!


Setting the Mail Client The Bat!

The mail client from Ritlabs is one of the best programs of its kind. The Bat! Not only is included in the ranks of the most protected mailings, but also differs in a fairly volumetric set of functions, as well as flexibility of work.

The use of such a software solution may seem unnecessarily difficult. However, master the Bat! You can very simple and quickly. The main thing is to get used to several "overloaded" mail client interface and set it up for yourself.

Add email boxes to the program

Start online correspondence in The Bat! (Yes, and in general, it is possible to work with the program), only adding the mailbox to the client. Moreover, several mail accounts can be used in the mail at the same time.


Integration of the box of the Russian service of emails in The Bat! Maximum simple. In this case, the user does not need to produce absolutely no changes in the web client settings. Mail.Ru allows you to simultaneously work as with the already outdated POP protocol and more new - IMAP.

Configuring incoming mail in the client The Bat!

Lesson: Setting up Mail in The Bat!

Mail Gmail.

Add a Gmail box to Maleler from Ritlabs will also not be difficult. The thing is that the program already knows which settings must be installed for full access to the postal server. In addition, the service from Google offers virtually similar functionality for the client, both when using the POP and IMAP protocol.

Indicate postal data in Ze BET!

Lesson: Setting up Gmail Mail to The Bat!

Yandex Mail

Setting up the Inemeca from Yandex in The Bat! must begin with defining parameters on the service side. Then, on the basis of this, you can add a mail account to the client.

Go to the settings of the postal protocol in Yandex.We

Lesson: Setting up Yandex.Wefings in The Bat!

Antispam for The Bat!

Despite the fact that the mail client from RitLabs is one of the most protected solutions of this kind, filtering unwanted letters is not the strongest side of the program. Therefore, in order not to allow spam to your email box, it is worth using third-party expansion modules developed specifically for such purposes.

Best of all at the moment with its duties for protection against unwanted emails, the AntisPamsniper plugin is coping. About what is this plugin, how to install, customize and work with it in The Bat! Read in the appropriate article on our website.

Filtering statistics in AntisPamsniper for The Bat!

Lesson: How to use Antispamsniper for The Bat!

Setting up the program

Maximum flexibility and the ability to configure almost all aspects of mailing - Some of the main advantages of The Bat! Before other meelera. Next, we consider the basic parameters of the program and the features of their use.


The appearance of the postal client is absolutely nothing and stylish to call it certainly impossible. But in terms of organization of personal workspace The Bat! May give odds to many of their counterparts.

Actually, almost all elements of the program interface are scalable and can be moved by simple tongue from one place to another. For example, the main toolbar, grasping for the left edge, can be dragged in general to any area of ​​the visual view of the mail client.

Dragging toolbar in The Bat!

Another way to add new items and their reorganization is the Works Area menu panel. Using this drop-down list, you can clearly define the place and format of displaying each component of the program interface.

Go to the menu item to change the location of the elements in the working area The Bat!

The first group of these parameters allows you to enable or disable the display of the windows of the autosight of letters, addresses and notes. At the same time, for each such action there is a separate key combination, also displayed in the list.

Next, follow the settings for the general layout of the elements in the window. Making just a couple of clicks here you can completely change the location of the component interface, as well as add new components.

Special attention is worthy of the "Toolbar" item. It allows not only to hide, display, and also change the configuration of available panels, but also to create newly new personalized tool sets.

Go to setting up tool panels in The Bat!

The latter is possible using subparagraph to "configure". Here, in the "Panel Setup" window, from dozens of functions in the "Actions" list you can collect your own panel, the name of which will be displayed in the Container list.

The panel settings window in The Bat!

In the same window, in the "Hot Keys" tab, each action can be "attached" a unique key combination.

To configure the view of the list of letters and directly by the emails themselves, we need to go to the View menu panel.

We go to the mail type settings in The Bat!

In the first group consisting of two parameters, we can choose which letters to show in the list of electronic correspondence, as well as, in what criterion to sort them.

The "View Chains" item allows us to group letters united by a common feature in the message chains. Often this can greatly facilitate work with large amounts of correspondence.

The "letter header" is the parameter in which we are given the opportunity to determine which information about the letter and its sender should be contained on the headlines panel of The Bat! Well, in the "Speakers of the List of Letters ..." we select the speakers displayed when viewing email messages in the folder.

The further parameters of the "View" list are directly directly to the display format of the contents of the letters. For example, here you can change the encoding of the received messages, turn on the display of headers directly in the body of the letter or determine the use of a normal text viewer for all incoming correspondence.

Fundamental parameters

To go to a more detailed list of program settings, you should open the "Setup The Bat!" Window, located along the path "Properties" - "Setup ...".

Go to the full list of the settings of The Bat!

So, the Group "Basic" contains in itself the settings of the mail client, display the icons of The Bat! In the Windows and behavior system panel when reducing / closing the program. In addition, there are some settings of the interface "bat", as well as an item to activate warnings about the birth days of members of your address book.

Section of the main settings in The Bat!

In the System section, you can change the location of the mail directory in the Windows file tree. In this folder The Bat! Stores all its general settings and mailbox parameters.

Mail Client System Settings The Bat!

Here are also available backup settings of letters and user data, as well as the advanced parameters of the mouse buttons and sound alerts.

The category "Programs" is used to install specific Associations The Bat! with supported protocols and file types.

Settings File Associations in The Bat!

A very useful feature is "Address History". It allows you to fully track your correspondence and add new addressees to the address book.

  1. Just choose where you want to collect addresses to create message history - from the incoming or outgoing mail. Mark the mailboxes for these purposes and click the "Scan Folders" button.

    Track offset in the mail client The Bat!

  2. Select specific folders for scanning and click "Next".

    Select folders to scan the message history in The Bat!

  3. Then select the period, the correspondence history for which you want to save, and click "complete".

    We choose the period for tracking correspondence in The Bat!
    Either remove the mark from the only checkbox in the window and also complete the operation. In this case, corresponding will be tracked for all time using the drawer.

The "List of Letters" section contains the parameters of displaying electronic messages and working with them directly in the list of letters The Bat! All these settings are presented as a subsection.

Main category settings list letters in The Bat!

In the root category, you can change the format of the headers of letters, some of the appearance parameters and the list functionality.

The Date and Time tab, as it is easy to guess, is used to configure the display of the current date and time in the list of letters The Bat!, Or rather in the "received" columns and "created".

Settings Display Date and Time in The Bat!

Next, there are two very specific categories of settings - "Color groups" and "view modes". With the first user, the user can assign unique colors in the list for mailboxes, folders and individual letters.

The category "tabs" is designed to create their own tabs with letters selected by certain criteria.

Creating tabs in the BAT settings!

The most interesting subparagraph in the "List of Letters" is Mail Ticker. This feature is a small running line, placed on top of all windows of the system. It displays data on unread messages in the mailbox.

Mail Ticker traveling string settings in The Bat!

In the "Show MailTicker (TM) drop-down list, you can select the display modes in the program. The same tab allows you to specify letters with what priority, from which folders and with what date will be displayed in the running line Mail Ticker. Here the appearance of this element of the interface is fully configured.

Tab "Tags of letters" is designed to add, change and remove distinctive marks to letters.

Tag Parameters in The Bat!

In addition, the appearance of these talls is fully configured here.

Another and very considerable parameter group is "editor and view letters." Here you contain the settings of the message editor and the module of writing letters.

Editor settings and score reviews in The Bat!

We will not delve into each item in this category of parameters. We only note that on the View and Letters Editor tab, you can configure the appearance of each element in the editor and the contents of incoming letters.

Customize elements of letters in The Bat!

Just install the cursor to the object we need and change its parameters using the tools below.

Next, the settings section followed by which every user The Bat is "Extension Modules". The main tab of this category contains a list of plug-ins integrated into the postal client.

The main page of the settings of the extension modules in the mail client The Bat!

To add a new module to the list, you need to click on the "Add" button and find the appropriate TBP file in the opened window that opens. To remove the plug-in from the list, simply select it on this tab and click "Delete". Well, the "Set up" button will allow you to go directly to the list of parameters of the selected module.

It is possible to configure the work of plugins as a whole using subparagraphs of the main category "Protection against Viruses" and "Spam Protection". The first of them contains all the same form of adding new modules to the program, and also allows you to determine which letters and files need to be checked for viruses.

The parameters of antivirus modules in The Bat!

Here actions are established when threats are found. For example, finding a virus, the plugin can cure contaminated parts, delete them, delete the letter entirely or exit it into the quarantine folder.

The "Spam Protection" tab will be useful to you when using multiple expansion modules to remove unwanted letters from your mailbox.

Tab Settings Antispam Modules in The Bat!

In addition to the form for adding new plug-ins in the program, this category of settings contains parameters of working with letters, depending on the rating assigned to them. The rating itself is a number whose value varies within 100.

In this way, you can provide the most productive operation of several expansion modules to protect against spam.

The following section - "Security Settings of Attached Files" - allows you to determine which attachments are forbidden to open automatically, and which can be viewed without warning.

Safety Settings In The Bat!

In addition, the warning parameters may be changed when you open files with the expansion you defined.

And the last category, "Other Options", contains a number of subcategories for the specific setting of the Email Client The Bat.


So, on the main tab of the category, you can configure the display of a quick response panel in some program functional windows.

Other tabs are used for managing the transcoding tables used when reading letters, confirmation settings for various actions, add requests for requests and create new key combinations.

Here there is a section "SmartBat" in which you can configure the built-in in The Bat! text editor.

Setting up SmartBat text editor in The Bat!

Well, the final list of the Incoming Letters Analyzer tab allows you to configure the incoming correspondence analyzer in detail.

Settings for incoming letters in the client The Bat!

This email client component grows on folders and sort large messages from specific addressees. Directly in the settings are governed by the timetable options for the start of the analyzer and the cataloging of the separated letters.

In general, despite the abundance of a wide variety of parameters in The Bat!, Absolutely in all of them you are unlikely to have. It is enough just to know where you can configure this or that function of the program.

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